"Give birth to a son for me. That's the only way you can compensate for the damage you've caused." Francesca reluctantly agrees, but she says she won't get pregnant until they're married. This leads to a planned marriage, which will end when Francesca gives birth to a son and gets a lot of money. Francesca's life takes a surprising turn when people find out that she is married to a feared mob boss.
Chapter 1 - An audience on a stage
POV: "And if I finish my work, will it all be over?" she asked nervously. "Will all the facilities and support you provided just disappear?"
The next question was more important, and Francesca answered in a hoarse voice, "And... about the two of us, will I be free with what I've earned when it's all over?" There have been rumors that you are the son of the mob boss, and I don't want to get involved with something I don't understand.
Francesca Anderson was skillfully helping customers while the store's shelves were full of goods. Heavy footsteps came up behind the cash register where she was standing, and when she turned around, she saw a man who looked like he knew her.
That man was Alessio, a strange person from a different world. "Francesca," she whispered, and his voice was soft like a cool breeze at night. "You're still here."
"I still need this job, Alessio." For my grandma."
Francesca looked him as he nodded. "Francesca, you've always been so strong. But this is not where you belong."
"This place gives you more than you think," Francesca said with a sour smile. I need to take care of my mom.
Francesca felt her heart beat faster as the guy walked up to her. "Francesca, I can help you. Leave everything; don't just leave this.
The offer made she angry, but she shook her head. "No, Alessio, I can't." This gift is for my grandma.
Several days later, Francesca was cleaning up the shelves on a calm evening when she heard light footsteps behind her. Vincent, who is his cousin, walked up to her.
Vincent said, "Francesca," in a low voice. "What are you looking for here, in the middle of a dark world like this?"
Francesca looked at Vincent with doubt in her eyes. "I'm looking for a way to save my grandmother."
Vincent raised an eyebrow and looked at her with sparkling eyes. "Do you know there is a faster way, a way that can save your grandmother easily?"
Francesca's heart beat faster. "Explain yourself.
Vincent walked up to Francesca and grabbed her hand. "Francesca, come with me. That includes real love.
When Francesca heard the offer, it made her think. In the tricky game of love and crime, she knew this was an extensive choice and a significant risk she had to take.
Vincent's words hung in the air, and Francesca's heart felt like a stormy sea because she loved her grandma so much and was also drawn to Vincent's promises. She looked into Vincent's eyes, trying to find answers that were darting out of reach.
Vincent whispered softly, "Francesca," like a siren's call. "I can give you a wonderful life away from the dangers of this world." "You're worth more than this."
Francisca's fingers were still tied to Vincent's, so they were shaking. Her grandmother's pale, weak face flashed before her eyes, reminding her of her job and love. However, she thought that leaving their dangerous area was an impossible dream.
Francesca wasn't sure what to do when a familiar voice broke the silence. It was Alessio, standing at the front door of the convenience store. He stirred up the air like a strong wind. "Francesca, don't listen to him," he told her worriedly.
She was pulled between two places and routes; her feelings were everywhere. Her heart was open as she looked at him. "What should I do, Alessio?" I must help my grandma, but Vincent gives me a way out.
He moved closer, and Francesca felt chills down her spine as he looked deeply into her eyes. "Francesca, how you've chosen has made you stronger than you think. Your hard work for your grandmother shows how much you love and care for her. Take care to avoid getting lost with Vincent.
Vincent laughed and tightened his grip on Francesca's hand. "Alessio, do better for her in life." What she wants is mine.
It was hard for Francesca to choose, so she closed her eyes. The store's familiar lanes seemed to whisper to her about her past and her hopes for the future. Love and desire met at this critical point in history.
Francesca took her hand off Vincent's body with a determined sigh. Her eyes, which were now fierce, met Alessio's. "Thanks for the offer, Vincent, but I've already made up my mind." Because my grandma needs me, this is where I belong.
Vincent frowned and left the room behind a trail of dark halls. Alessio smiled at Francesca to reassure her. At that moment, Francesca knew she had made the right choice by putting love ahead of desire and refusing to give in to the underworld's allure.
During her work at the convenience shop, Francesca's heart stayed strong. Behind the quiet convenience shop, Francesca Anderson keeps working hard at her job. Even though love and tempting offers have come her way, she knows she made the right choice.
After a long day at the grocery store, she walked on a quiet, empty street. In the middle of the dark, winding road, she saw some teens bothering a beggar with jokes they thought were funny.
She bravely approached them and asked them to stop in a soft voice. On the other hand, the young guys were rude and were about to attack her. They yelled, which made things worse. However, fate had another idea. Suddenly, shadowy forms appeared behind Francesca, like ghosts in the dark. They stood tall and were sure of themselves. The terror in their faces made the young men feel a strange tremble in their souls.
Whatever was going on behind Francesca, she knew something had changed. After being happy at first, the young people suddenly felt panic and fear. After looking into the eyes of the dark forms, they decided not to fight.
The look of tiredness in her eyes made her face look palpable. She arrived home through a street known for having a lot of crime activity after working long hours at the grocery store. In the middle of the night, when the roads were empty and dark, she saw something that made her gasp.
A group of young people who were inebriated and confused were bothering a beggar with tired eyes. She felt sick to her stomach at this unfairness. Francesca wasn't a fighter, but she had a fiery heart.
His pace slowed as she got closer, and he asked her sharply, "Why are you doing this?" At first, they answered haughtily because they thought they were in charge of the streets.
But when the stress hit its highest point, a strange silence filled the air. It was weird for Francesca, like being in the crowd of a show with a lot of stress. Suddenly, a scary shape appeared behind her, like a ghost in the dark.
Those thugs felt a deep tremor of fear, and their arrogance went away immediately. They ran away like scared children, hiding behind that strange shadow.
Francesca turned toward the shadow and saw a black sun shining in the gloom. This made her understand that there was a power stronger than evil in the city's dark night. The shadow stood there briefly, as if to give her time to get home safely.
She whispered, "Thank you," to the shadow, even though she knew she couldn't say it out loud. It felt like someone was watching over her in the dark, dangerous night.
That person was Alessio, the enigmatic man who showed up behind her out of the blue. Francesca initially felt shocked, but she quickly became touched and thankful that he had shown up when she needed help.
Francesca was looking at him. "Francesca, don't worry. "I'm here," he said, his voice as low and soothing as morning dew.
Francesca could only smile with happiness. She felt safe in this complex world with Alessio by her side. "Thanks, Alessio." "Thank you, you always come through when we need you," she said.
Francesca thought that Alessio was a lifesaver. She went up to the blind beggar and took him away, thankful. But Alessio stood there and stared at Francesca with very sharp eyes.
She honestly asked him, "Would you like something to drink?" to say thanks for helping her. "I know a nice spot nearby."
He showed a slight smile on his mysterious face. "Okay, Francesca. I'll be there. His voice was soft and smooth, like a cool breeze at night. It drew Francesca into his dark world, where they could talk more.
Following the chaos of the streets, they went into a much more peaceful and strange area. Francesca picked a small café in a bad part of town that thieves mostly avoided. Following the violent events earlier, the softly lit lamp created a warm and pleasant environment.
He still had a strange air as they sat at the simple wooden table. "Thank you, Francesca, for helping me earlier," he said sincerely.
Looking at him with kind eyes, Francesca smiled. "That's fine, Alessio. Like a hero in this dark world, you're always there at the right time.
He didn't say much. He just nodded. There was something deeper in his quiet look that words could not describe.
They sat there in quiet comfort as if they knew each other well enough that they didn't need to say much. Even though they come from different places, the things they have dealt with together have brought them closer.
They sat quietly behind the walls that held all the dark secrets. The silence wasn't pleasant; it was more like a cloudy fog that covered their minds. He was keen to break the silence and started looking for a way to start a talk.
"How are your lectures going, Francesca?" It was soft, like water splashing in the middle of the night when no one else was around.
Chapter 1 An audience on a stage
Chapter 2 Going Beyond Limits
Chapter 3 Meet a new student
Chapter 4 Took the Challenge
Chapter 5 A treatment room in the residence
Chapter 6 The Issues That Follow
Chapter 7 A diligent
Chapter 8 The two idiots
Chapter 9 Drama and Struggle
Chapter 10 Â Legal issues that apply
Chapter 11 Lying backwards
Chapter 12 The Weak
Chapter 13 The Overflowing
Chapter 14 The Unpredictability
Chapter 15 Memories Blinking to Mind
Chapter 16 A Struggling One
Chapter 17 The Working Together
Chapter 18 The shopkeeper
Chapter 19 The Resolving Conflicts
Chapter 20 The semester had paid off
Chapter 21 The beach or abroad
Chapter 22 A Closer Friendship
Chapter 23 A Closer Friendship
Chapter 24 The sense of sadness
Chapter 25 Francesca discreetly
Chapter 26 The necessary information
Chapter 27 The fatigue
Chapter 28 Agreed upon
Chapter 29 Behind-the-scenes