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Melt into me

Melt into me

ghud nez


    "Class this is your new classmate Lyric Monroe" the teacher had introduced His lashes blinked and his lazy gaze fell on her, she was looking back at him he had been the first person she had noticed when she came in He looked familiar but she was too focused on his angelic handsome features to notice until he stared back at her "You'll be sitting with Alexander Dawson at the back" the teacher said and she nodded but stopped turning back to the teacher "Alexander Dawson?" She asked "Yes" the teacher nodded Lyric turned back to him, That was Alexander Dawson?, He had grown big and taller and much more handsome, he was Alexander Dawson? That short brat that always called her messy and dirty?, She slowly sat beside him, he had a chilly air around and she felt slightly uncomfortable so she raised her hands "Can I sit somewhere else instead?" She asked ******** Lyric Monroe, 17 years old stays in Massachusetts with her mother and older sister Kehlani, she's in her last year of high school. She went to live with her aunt in San Diego and continue her schooling there What happens when she comes across her greatest enemy and she falls in love with him? Would she succumb to the feelings? Or would she continue in her detest of him?.

Chapter 1 Violence

Lyric drew her net gloves and made sure they fit perfectly, she smirked in satisfaction, she put on her cat face mask and turned to the five huge figures in front of her

"You wanna fight with us, how pathetic" the first figure laughed loudly

"Yea, I'mma show you how pathetic you are after beating you all into a pathetic pulp" she smirked and charged towards them with her sword

The first one was easy cos she just slit off his throat, the second one came in full force, he made to match her but she ducked and slid away from him slicing his legs in the process, his head came off next

The third person got stabbed in the heart before he could even react, the fourth one head was also was also cut off

Lyric stared at the fifth and the last one, he looked stronger that the other four joined together, she exhaled deeply and stared intensely at him, she immediately sighted his weak point, his torso

She charged at him the blade at the back of her boots came out and gave him a flying kick across his face, giving him a cut from his ear to his cheek, he fell and she immediately stabbed his torso and raised gee knife cutting his neck


She stood on her chair and roared in victory

"That's it, breakfast is ready" Kehlani who had been standing behind Lyric said taking off the earphones from Lyric's ear

"Breakfast? Sis aren't you going to work?" Lyric asked coming down from the chair

"It's Sunday" Kehlani replied

"Oh it's Sunday already?, What are we having for breakfast?"

"Anything you make" Kehlani replied and Lyric frowned

"You know how much I hate cooking"

"Then no breakfast"

"You're going to work tomorrow?" Lyric asked as they entered the dining room

"Yes" Kehlani sighed

"Morning mum" Lyric greeted and turned back to Kehlani

"Won't that boss of yours give you a summer break?, You've work for straight two years straight without any vacation"

"I know right?" Kehlani sighed remembering how cruel her handsome boss was

"Lyric is it a new habit of yours to always play games when you wake up while I make breakfast for you?" Her mum Phoebe asked placing a plate in front of Lyric

"I'm sorry but it's been pretty hectic these days" Lyric said seriously shaking her head

"You talk as of you earn money from it" Kehlani clicked her tongue

"Off course, I earned ten thousand..... Gold coins this morning" she replied proudly

"Can you change that amount to actual money?" Kehlani asked again

"Off course not" Lyric replied smiling

Kehlani and Phoebe sighed hopelessly

"Eat quick, I wanna have a duet with you, I have my shift by 3pm" Phoebe said as she sat down to eat


"It's been pretty long since I last held a joystick, we'll play it in the sitting room after breakfast"

"You better not count me out and we're betting 100 dollars for a set" Kehlani said

"Deal" Phoebe accepted

"But I'm broke" Lyric whined

"I'll borrow you three hundred but you better pay back" Kehlani said and Lyric immediately nodded with a smile, she's was gonna win them off course

Kehlani was a piece of cake but her mum would be a tough nut to crack, her mum was also a gamer and she was pretty good at it

She plays with Lyric when she had time and Kehlani would also play on Sundays when she was home

Lyric found hee mom fun to be with unlike other moms, when Lyric was younger and got bullied in school, Phoebe would never console her rather she would tell her to pay them back in ten fold

That's why in school bullies never joke with her cos they never what was coming next

After breakfast they all gathered in the sitting room, Kehlani and Lyric were the first, they both placed their money on the table and started

Lyric won after few minutes

"A hundred for me" Lyric grinned

"Move weakling" Phoebe spat and got on the couch through the back

"I'm your mother and I gave birth to you, so I'mma show you how it's done" Phoebe smirked while lyric scoffed

But Phoebe wasn't joking when she said she would show Lyric how it's done, she won her within fewer minutes and also won Kehlani, earning two hundred from the both of them

"You owe me three hundred Lyric" Kehlani reminded and Lyric bit her lips, she placed her hundred dollars and Phoebe placed hers

"I'm winning this time"

"Wanna watch you do it" Phoebe grinned

After half an hour of battling, Lyric found her mom's weakness and used it to win her

She also won Kehlani thrice and Phoebe twice, she paid Kehlani her three hundred and kept the rest for herself

☆❝ 𝑆𝐴𝑁 𝐷𝐼𝐸𝐺𝑂..❞☆

Penelope stared from Emily who was chewing her gum furiously while staring at her phone to Evan who was also focused on his phone

"I called you guys out to talk not stare at you while you're on your phones" Penelope glared at both of them and they immediately dropped their phones aside

"I called you both for something really important"

"What is it mum? I need to be somewhere right now" Emily rolled her eyes

"Lyric will be coming over" Penelope said

They both looked at her like she was speaking gibberish

"What?" Evan asked dropping his phone

"Which Lyric?" Emily asked

"Your cousin" Penelope replied

"What?, That witch?" Emily screamed angrily

"It's been 10 years and you're still calling her a witch?" Penelope asked

"I cannot forget when she stained my dress and made Alex stare at me in disgust, the way looked at me is still fresh in my memory and trust me it's not a good face" Emily said

"She tore my pants and made me make a fool of my self in front of my crush"

"That was 10 years ago, how can you both be holding grudges for 10 years now?"

"Mom she better not step her legs into this house" Emily warned and stormed out

"It's my house and I decide who comes in and goes out!!" Penelope yelled while Evan put on his earphones and focused back on his phone


Kehlani, Phoebe and Lyric went to a restaurant to eat since it was too late for Phoebe to make dinner and Kehlani was too tired to do so either, Lyric was hopeless

They went to the restaurant and made their order while heading to a table at the edge, since the glass was transparent it gave them the view of outside

Phoebe made to sit when she got pushed aside by a woman, she furrowed her brows turning to the woman who was glaring at her, the woman was not familiar so what did she do that for?

"What's your problem Mrs?" Kehlani asked and the woman scoffed

"I'm supposed to sit here" the woman replied

"You don't have your name on it" Lyric said

"I don't need my name on it for you to know it's my space"

"Let's just go somewhere else, I think some mad dogs were let out by mistake" Phoebe said and they turned to leave but they were blocked by a scary looking guy

"What did you just call my mom?" He asked and Phoebe scoffed

"I called her a mad dog, it seems she also has mad pup" Phoebe smirked, Kehlani and Lyric giggled from behind

"What?" Another huge guy yelled in anger

"She is blind and stupid to call mom a mad dog in front of us" a girl that looked Lyric's age said popping her gum

"Great a whole family of mad dogs and bitches" Lyric said

"You..." The scary guy trailed

"This is a reputable restaurant so let's carry out commotion outside please" Kehlani said with a smile and walked past them along with Lyric and Phoebe

Off course the woman and her kids followed behind them u til they got a quiet alley

"Look I and my daughters only wanted a harmless dinner, we have not intentions of beating you up" Phoebe said and the woman scoffed loudly

"Ha!, Beat us up that is so...." She was cut short by a slap, it was Phoebe

"But it seems you want violence, violence you will get" Phoebe said and attacked the woman

Lyric and Kehlani also attacked the kids......

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