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The Ruthless Hybrid And The Beautiful Virgin

The Ruthless Hybrid And The Beautiful Virgin



Bella, a beautiful young college girl is excited as well as nervous to finally give her virginity as a gift to her boyfriend who she loves and cherished with all her heart on her nineteenth birthday. However she would become heart broken when she catches him sleeping with another girl. In a state of emotional distress Bella would try to end her life by jumping off a high cliff to drown in the sea. A discussion she will soon regret as she sank into the endless water without any hope of surviving but wishing that someone, anyone would save her... Michael, an extremely handsome, powerful but dangerous hybrid, despises humans with great passion and loves to see them suffer. In fact he had just finished killing three human hunters that he fed their corpses to the hungry wild wolves. However as he moved on he stumbled upon the scene of Bella, a human drowning after falling from the cliff. What will happen next? Will the heartless dangerous hybrid, Michael, rescue her? Or is he going to enjoy watching Bella drown to her death? Find out this and more in this intriguing tale of betrayal, love, revenge and death.

Chapter 1 Boys and Sex

Is there life after death? I do not know for sure but I guess I will be finding out soon enough as I find myself standing at the very tip-edge of a dangerously high cliff with the strong cold northern wind blowing hard against me from behind as if it was urging and pushing me to throw myself down. Like I needed extra motivation anyways, I am ready to end my life.

With tears in my eyes and a blending heart I glanced down at the turbulent water below and it was as if the splashing waves of the sea were calling out to me, inviting me to plunge into it and I was prepared to answer it's call. This is what I want.

I know what I was about to do next was wrong but the deep pain in my heart was too much for me to bear, too much for me to subside. I just wanted the pain to stop, I just wanted to be free from this awful feeling in my heart that it is making my very soul sick.

Taking further gentle steps closer to the very edge of the cliff I could feel the effect of gravity pulling me down and my weight on the fragile tip-edge of the cliff made some solid sand particles fall from underneath my feet down to the violent water and it ate them all up. I would soon be next. But I am not afraid, this is what I want. Yes, this is what I want.

"It's better this way. I have nothing to live for," I said softly to myself as the tears flowed down my cheeks, my heart aching so bad I felt like ripping it out of my chest.

This pain is worse than death, I was so sure.

It's time. Closing my eyes I prepared to say goodbye to this world...but then images of my family came to mind. My caring and hard working father. My loving and understandable mother and my naughty but sweet, little brother Ben plus my best friend, Jane. I wonder what will become of them while I am gone? This action of mine would surely devastate them. How can I be so selfish to throw it all away like that without considering the feelings of my loved ones. I can't bear to hurt them this way just because I was hurt. I didn't even give them the chance to say goodbye.

Is this what I want? To end my life?

I came to the realization that I was wrong, I do have a lot of things to live for- my family, my friends and most importantly for myself.

Opening up my eyes with a determined expression. "I won't die, I will live," I declared outwardly to the air, feeling optimistic of the future then I turned around to leave...

However, suddenly the ground beneath me caved in and I fell from that great height. I tried to hold on to something to save my life, anything... but there was nothing to hold on to and I could only scream as I was gripped by fear as I fell.


As I descended down in seconds I was still fighting to stay alive as my arms were swinging about trying to catch the air above me as if I could hold on to it and in the midst of all that I couldn't escape to notice how beautiful the sun actually is as it shone in my face. I never do get to stare at it much of the time because I used to be concerned that it would hurt my eyes, rightly so but right now I couldn't stop staring at it and it just made me realize I truly didn't want to die. There are still a lot of beautiful things_

I was abruptly taken away from my thoughts by a sudden bone cracking pain that spread all across my body like a plague of fire that threatened to consume me as I landed back first, sinking into the water and because of the great height I fell from, the water felt like hard concrete and I was left almost unconscious from the impact and I was certain most of my bones in my body were shattered and broken.

Salty water filled inside me in a rush and a line of bubbles started escaping from my mouth, floating all the way to the surface. I really couldn't even feel the effect of the drowning because the pain from the landing had left me almost paralyzed but I knew I was gradually dying as my eyes were becoming too heavy to keep open and I was running low on oxygen. I had no fight in me anymore. I just kept sinking deep into the dark cold water, motionless.

I was wrong, dying is much more painful than what I was previously experiencing.

Heaven knows I don't want to die but at this point I was helpless and I knew it won't be long before my life ends...however just before my eyes could close up I saw a blurry image of a man with long, thick hair swimming towards me. I couldn't really make out the details of his face but his eyes caught my attention, they were shining brightly inside the water like blue crystal balls. I must be dying truly because this must be an angel that has come to take my spirit into heaven.

Just then darkness engulfed me as I lost consciousness....

An hour in the past...

"How do I look?" Bella stood posing in her new red dress.

"Super hot! Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" Her best friend, Jane teased with a smile and Bella chuckled softly.

"Stop it," Bella chuckled some more.

"Seriously, you look amazing. I never knew you are this beautiful and I have been your best friend all my life," Jane expressed, genuinely amazed.

"Thank you but do you think he will like it?" Bella said suddenly feeling nervous and unsure.

"Why not? You are beautiful," Jane replied with certainty and that restored Bella's confidence and smile.

"Thanks. I just want everything to be perfect," Bella said dreamily as she stood in front of the large standing mirror, checking herself out.

Truly she was looking more beautiful than usual, from her long well combed blonde hair that fell gracefully down her shoulder to her beautiful face that she had taken time to apply makeup to look even more prettier, then to her elegant dress which was a gift from her best friend, Jane.

It was as if the gown was glued on her body causing Bella's normally medium sized breasts to appear bigger with the low neckline showing off some tempting cleavages. Her flat tummy and thin waist complimented her curvy hips and full buttocks perfectly.

The gown was short, meaning that her smooth, long legs and part of her thighs were showing Not usually her style of grooming as she doesn't like revealing this much fresh to the open but today was special, it's her nineteen birthday and the day she plans on finally doing it- sex!

She usually feels embarrassed telling people that she is still a virgin when all of her friends and peers had have sex a long time ago and it's not that hasn't seen opportunity to do it, she has many times but anytime she tries to have sex it just doesn't feel right even with the one she loves, her boyfriend, Daniel. But today she is feeling right about it. She was certain today would be the day she finally becomes a woman...

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" Her best friend Jane came and stood behind her, her reflection in the mirror showing the concerned look on her face.

Bella and Jane are usually almost the same height at 5 ft 7 and 5 ft 6 respectively but Bella was looking slightly taller today due to the fact she was on heels.

"Yes. I think I have made him wait long enough, don't you think?" Bella said, turning around to face her best friend.

"He can wait an eternity for all I care. What I want to know is if this is what you want?" Jane asked with a slight frown and Bella smiled softly.

"Yes it is. I want him to make love to me..I want to make love to him. Daniel and I have been dating for a year now and he has treated me nicely, so yes I want him to be my first," Bella said with conviction though her eyes were showing her nervousness and a bit of uncertainty.

Was she doing it because she feels she is ready and wants to please her boyfriend Daniel? Or is she doing it simply because she is tired of being the awkward one amongst her friends when they discuss about sex and she looks so clueless? Bella couldn't say for sure, maybe it's both.

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