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The Alpha’s choice;Sarah’s saga

The Alpha's choice;Sarah's saga

Bryan cullen


Sarah was the orphan who nobody wanted to be friends with. Forced to leave her home as a child and live with her aunt at a neighboring pack, Selene had no memories of the past. She vowed to leave and survive on her own the second she gained her wolf. But what happens when the Alpha wants her for keeps and her real family comes looking for her, a family that nobody crosses? Sarah is pulled in two directions and must make a choice but unraveling secrets may cause her to lose everything as another Alpha steps in and stakes his claim. Believing she was safe from harm, nothing could prepare her for what she was walking into.

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Peter was making his way down the pack house's hallway as he prepared to meet the Alphas of the nearby packs. The visiting alphas had brought their eldest daughters, hoping one of them would be Alpha Peter's mate, so the pack home was starting to smell strongly of testosterone.

He winced at the mere thought. Peter had no intention of mating with Luna just because that was the custom. His father had married a formidable female fighter, and the two of them produced three children. Since love has no place in a pack like theirs, they need not love one another. The women had attitudes that could equal the warriors' brutality, and they were stunning in every way. The Lycan Pack was infamous for its fearsome Alpha, who takes no chances, the blood it spilt, and the fear it instilled in others.


From behind the door, I could hear their voices. The Lock Heart Pack's leader, who rarely stepped out of hiding and whose paranoia only deepened with each passing year, was one of the voices.

I put my palm on the doorknob and inhaled deeply before entering the room of misfits. All of them would pray to me for assistance with whatever issues they were now experiencing before telling their packs that it was entirely their fault. I didn't want praise, and I didn't want weak leaders who couldn't look after their packs.

As I walked in, they were all on their feet. Pius, my Beta, was already seated next to me.

I gave a quick nod before making my way around the table and settling comfortably.

Good afternoon, gentlemen. I introduced myself and waited for the meeting to start and hopefully terminate quickly.

"Alpha, there has been a rogue sighting near the pack's boundaries, and we start to suspect that they have plans," the pack leader said. Said Alpha Sparta. He then turned his gaze to the table after finishing. My pride grew, and a grin slowly appeared on my face.

In addition to sightings, some of the packs have also been attacked, according to Alpha Jack.

We've had some unauthorised visitors, I know. They made a coordinated turn of their heads toward me.

What do you recommend?

Before addressing Alpha Sparta's stare, I took my glass of water and swirled it around. He desperately wanted to turn his eyes away when I watched him swallow. But now that he has made a request, he must comply with my criteria.

I just said, "Kill them."

They all had calm expressions when they glanced at me, but if you could see beyond people's masks, you could see the horror they were hiding.

I blinked in response to his glare, narrowed my eyes, and leaned forward. "Alpha, killing rogues comes with more problems than it solves," I said.

"Then eliminate the ensuing issues,"

Has the length of such meetings increased, or have the attendees aged? As we walked down the stairs, I questioned Pius.

He remarked, looking ahead, "I guess it's you who have grown more enraged. Pius smirked as he turned his head.

He continued, "Alpha," with a faux head bow.

We headed outside to the practice grounds while I shook my head. We transformed into our wolves and began combat.

Make it painful

Invariably do

My wolf, Edon, answered.

Lupus, Pius's wolf, charged towards us, and Edon froze in place. Edon lowered himself and rushed forward, biting into his stomach when he was only a few inches away and aiming his canines at our neck.

Lupus whimpered as she slumped on the ground, and blood spurted out.

He turned around and glared at me.

Peter, what the fuck?

"Don't be disrespectful to your Alpha, Pius,"

As he attempted to rise straight, he moaned. Because I bit him, the wound would take longer, and the blood was still gushing.

Grab Sarah

I mentally connected with one of the fighters.

"Yes," Alpha

My companion was scowling at me and placing his hand against the cut as I gazed down at him. I waited for the girl to arrive while biting down and tensing my jaw. My senses were overwhelmed with her aroma not long after she walked up behind us.

Sarah bowed her head in greeting and said, "Alpha."

I commanded, "Take the Beta to the infirmary and tend to his wounds."

I'm not an Alpha, Alpha.

It's a command. I said as I moved in her direction. I was so tall that Sarah bent her head, and her eyes were fixed on the ground. Her large, brown eyes peered up through her lashes as she raised her head. I resisted the want to smile innocently but couldn't help the urge.

~Sarah ~

"Did the Alpha harm you in this way?" As I treated his wound, I questioned the Beta.

The answer is "Yes, but he's done worse." His voice chilled my body and turned my blood ice cold. His eyes were frigid, and an impenetrable mask hid his emotions well. But he didn't care to hide his dislike for me.

Pius, the Beta, was equally badass as the Alpha. No matter how helpful I was to the pack or how much I did for them, I would always be nothing more than an enslaved person to them.

Before covering Piuss' wounds with gaz to prevent infection, I cleansed and sterilised them. Despite not being a nurse or employee of the hospital, I spent a lot of time here while cleaning the facilities. I learned a few things from watching them work and attending to the injured several times.

The majority of the staff members were healers by profession. When I was younger, I was informed that everyone had a duty or a calling in life, and I suppose mine was to be the punching bag and dirty worker for the group.

Before crying, I shook my head to get the pitying ideas out.

Before telling him everything was finished, I patched up his wound.

Pius was taller than me when he stood, as most men were.

I'm 1.60, and among werewolves, that didn't go you very far.

Pius regarded me with disdain, observing first my diminutive size before focusing on my eyes.

He abruptly shoved past me and stomped out without saying "thank you" or even smiling.

This pack has been my home for as long as I can remember. I never knew who my parents were since I always lived with my aunt Hilda as I grew up.

Because of my height, I was never treated like the other pack members and was never permitted to practice, eat with them, or interact socially. I was the outcast; I was the one they requested whenever there was cleaning or maintenance to be done.

I've always accepted this as the way things are. The only thing I have to look forward to now that I'm seventeen is becoming eighteen and getting my wolf. Hopefully, I will locate my soul mate.

I suppose that's what all female wolves desire. Locating their soul mate, other half, or the person who will always adore them. No matter who you are, they will still adore you for who you are.

Since I still lacked my wolf, I could not mind-link the pack. Therefore, an omega would always rush to my assistance.

Maria came rushing towards me while yelling, "Sarah!"

She walked up to me with a pout on her face as I grumbled and turned around.

She paused momentarily, looked around, and then turned back to Min. "The Alpha of Shadowlands is Coming, and Peter needs you to clean," she said. Maria stomped off while grinning as she said, "-Everything."

I exhaled and used the back of my palm to wipe my forehead.

Another three months. I continued to tell myself.

I would get my wolf in three months, and at least then I would have a friend-someone who treated me with respect rather than like scum.

Except for the Alpha's study, I had thoroughly cleaned the whole packhouse.

Normally, while he was out, I would go in there, but he would be with the Beta, making plans for the winter jule.

I went to the storage room to rinse it out after picking up the bucket of filthy water. I walked up the three flights of stairs to his study after grabbing a couple of fresh rags and a dustpan.

It was a spiral staircase, and whenever someone tried to pass, I almost fell.

I rang his doorbell three times without getting a response. I was aware that he was present. The alpha didn't want to acknowledge me when there were other people there, so perhaps there was someone else in there with him.

After turning the knob, I entered. A she-wolf was present, standing close to the Alpha with her boobs almost touching his face. The Alpha and Beta were both present. I choked back a growing scoff and cleared my throat.

He looked up at me while glaring at the papers on his desk. I began cleaning after receiving a stern nod from him.

I finished my rigorous cleaning after another two hours. I took a strained breath and rubbed my hand across my forehead.

A washroom.

My only thought was to take a shower and get some rest.

I walked over to the door with my head bowed and shoulders slumped.

Usually, if I demonstrated my submission, the conversation would end there. But today, I wasn't as fortunate.

My hand, reaching for the knob, slowly retracted as I said, "Sarah," and I turned to face the alpha.

"Yes, Alpha?" you say. I spoke while maintaining a fixed gaze on the ground.

He turned to face the others and said, "Stay; I need to have a word In private." It was difficult to ignore the she-wolf's scorn and contempt in her gaze.

Nevertheless, they fled the room as directed by their Alpha.

I was alone in the presence of the Alpha when I heard the door behind me click shut, and the sound made my body tremble. Anxiety began to creep up my spine, but I was determined not to let it show.

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