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Passion Vendetta

Xavier Lockwood is the heir of the Sanjay hotels and resorts inc. His fate interwinds with an old friend of the family Camilla Jones whom he barely remembers as they haven't been in contact for about seventeen years. She is back for the company to take what belongs to her parents who died unjustly after being casted away by his family. Would she get him to pay for the crimes of his family? Or would she suddenly grow weak and succumb to the undeniable chemistry that binds them together? Find out as these two navigate through the treacherous waters of passionate love and vendetta.

Chapter 1 The beginning from the end



He still looked really good, even now as little drops of chlorinated water rolled of his skin, all his blood appearing to leave his body making him look pale, he still looked so good . I opened my mouth to tell him to please say something , to stay with me, I could hear a voice that was mine but at the same time wasn't due to all the screaming I had done earlier on. I rubbed my hands together and reached out to my neck to rub on it and then I managed to croak out his name "Xavier, can you hear me? Please say something if you can", no reply . He wasn't moving, I knew I should have taken those cardio pulmonary resuscitation lessons, I placed my middle and index finger on his wrist to check for a pulse . Nothing . Maybe I'm just doing it wrong ,I tried remembering what I saw people do in the movies. I put both of my palms over his chest and started pushing down hard, nothing . How long was he in there? I continued with the pressure, I don't know what I'm doing, Xavier please don't die on me . Nothing was making sense. How did he end up in the pool ?

Directly above the pool on the diving board, laying completely flat he watched her try to save him , I hate that her hands are touching him , he should just die . Seeing enough to ensure him that his job was done, he gripped the board tightly on both sides and wriggled backwards slowly . On reaching the end of the board his right leg grazed the wooden board support and he cursed a bit under his breath. The shit I have to go through because of that spoilt brat . A little smile creeped onto his face at least I know I don't have to see the brat again .

Just then loud siren noises disturbed his thoughts, " I need to get out of here '' locating the ladder he started taking quick steps down it. The main quarters of the Sanjay hotels had five floors. He descended the ladder into the fourth floors' mezzanine and escaped into the shadows through the door of the stairwell .

Down below help was finally here , I could hear the female paramedic ask " Ma'am are you hurt ''? I'm not sure if she was talking to me , but of course she was, I was the only other female there, I tried to answer but then my whole body completely became weak. I laid on my back and turned my head so I could face him. I could see them stick a tube down his throat. I saw the female paramedic who asked me the question shaking her head , what does that mean ? Too late . I had already blacked out .

Summer 2006

"Camille, stop running. I can't keep up," Xavier panted, making an effort to catch up with her. The wind tousled her blonde hair playfully, and he couldn't help but enjoy watching it bounce.

But then, as he tried to keep pace with her, he stumbled on something beneath his feet. He knew what was coming next, and his eyes began to well up.

"Xavier, you're so slow! Quit running like a snail. With that pace, you can never catch me!"Camille's voice rang out as she turned back to stick her tongue out at him. She noticed him on the ground, clutching his mouth to hide his tears.

Concerned, she walked back to where he fell and held his hands to help him up. "What happened? How did you fall?" she asked gently, bending down to brush the sand off his trousers.

"The wound isn't bad; you should be more careful," Camille continued, her voice soft and reassuring.

"Camille, you know I can never catch up when you start running," Xavier said, his voice still shaky from the near-fall. "I'm sorry."

Camille pulled him in for a hug, understanding his feelings. She had been the one to push him into running in the first place. "Race me to the kitchen, snail!" she exclaimed after breaking the embrace, a playful grin on her face.

Knowing he would never catch up, Xavier walked slowly behind her as they made their way toward the kitchen. Camille disappeared into the distance within a few seconds, leaving Xavier to walk the path alone.

The Jones' kitchen held a special place in Xavier's heart, primarily because of Mrs. Jones' famous overly buttered peanut butter toast. Camille often claimed it was her mother's secret recipe, but when Xavier had asked for the recipe, Mrs. Jones had whispered in his ear, "Peanut butter, lots of love, and more peanut butter." Xavier's own chefs had tried replicating it, but it never tasted quite the same.

Entering the kitchen, he found Camille already seated, enjoying a chilled beverage with her first triangle of peanut butter toast. She flashed a smile and commented, "You're late, slowpoke."

"I wasn't even trying," Xavier replied with a grin, relieved that the playful atmosphere had returned.

"Thank you for the food, Mrs. Jones. I haven't tried it yet, but I know I'll love it," he said gratefully.

Mrs. Jones smiled warmly at him, replying, "It's nothing, Xavier. You're staying over for lunch. Your mom called, and I and Camille have you for the rest of the day."

Camille looked at Xavier, urging him to say something as well. "Thank you, Mrs. Jones," Xavier added, his voice tinged with a touch of sadness. Not because he didn't want to stay longer in the Jones' home, but because it reminded him of his own parents' absence.

Camille's mother always extended a warm welcome to him, a stark contrast to his own parents' constant busyness. His father was engrossed in the family business and its legacy, leaving little time for him, while his mother was always out with friends, enjoying her social life.

Xavier's parents' absence was a source of sadness for him, but Camille's family offered a comforting refuge.

He's obviously sad about the fact that his parents are letting him stay because they're too busy .

My Dad is always really busy too . He works in Mr Lockwoods company as his second in command.

Mr Lockwood and my dad have been friends for as long as I can remember , brothers even. My mum and Mrs Lockwood became friends because their husbands share a really good bond and relationship. Mum is more of an introvert . She hates going out . Parties . Get togethers . Count Ma out but Mrs Lockwood is the opposite . She loves vacations and going out to have fun. Mum and her have a cordial relationship but they aren't exactly the best of friends. This one time Mrs Lockwood invited her for a vacation, she apologized saying she couldn't make it . She had nothing else to do . She hates leaving our manor. I'm like that too , besides I'm a little too young to go out myself . Xavier's 4 years older than I am . I am 8 years old now. Making little cry baby Xavier 12 years.

He tells me he remembers watching them change my diapers, I don't believe him. I always used to cry to my mom when he says it . Mum finds it really cute when I cry and act shy about it .

Basically what I'm trying to say is I and Xavier have always been really close and i get really sad when he is.

"Are you alright?" I asked, genuine concern in my voice.

"I'm fine, I promise," he reassured me.

"Let's head to the garden. I noticed a few overgrown branches when we were there earlier," I suggested, even though I knew there were no overgrown branches.

He smiled knowingly and stepped down from his chair. "Let's go," he said.

I smiled brightly at him. The garden was our sanctuary.

A few years ago, on a sunny afternoon while we were playing in the backyard, he had suddenly burst into tears. He confessed that he often hung out with me because his parents were always busy.

"Do you have fun when you come over?" I had asked him. Instantly, his mood had brightened as he replied, "Yes."

"Consider it settled then. Every time you come over, we must have so much fun that you forget about your parents," I proposed, and he readily agreed.

Since then, that's how it had been. We had created our garden in the spot where we made our pact. Over the years, we had attempted to plant various fruits and vegetables, but they never thrived. There was one exception when we grew tomatoes, but they withered when Xavier fell sick for a few days. He blamed me for not watering them properly once he recovered.

Our garden had become a place of constant, failed plant experiments. Trees and vines sprouted in it, seemingly on their own accord. The moss-covered path leading to the backyard had a satisfying squishy sound underfoot, especially when I wore my platform yellow slippers, which my mother had playfully named "the green slippers."

We raced through the mossy path to the backyard. Xavier kept talking, but I couldn't hear him anymore. My gaze shifted from his moving lips to his face. Xavier had always been chatty, and I wondered if he'd appreciate what I had in mind.

Meanwhile, he felt my eyes on him, though he wasn't sure if I was truly listening. I appeared determined to convey something. My gaze drifted to his lips, and he worried there might be crumbs from the toast still on his mouth. He began to reach for them with the back of his hand, but I stopped him, gently holding his hand in the air.

What happened next was something I had wanted to do since I turned ten. I leaned in, pulling down his hand, and our eyes locked. My blue eyes met his green ones, and in that moment, I closed my eyes for a brief kiss on his cheek. But instead of a kiss on the cheek, our lips met, and it felt incredibly soft .He was bewildered, and his eyes flew open. This was entirely new to him.

We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity before I finally pulled back, a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

"Did you like it?" I asked, my blue eyes dancing with curiosity.

He just smiled back, and I could tell he didn't mind it at all. We had unlocked something new between ourselves, something we both couldn't quite grasp.

Spring 2006

" Xavier's still weak, If he's ever going to run the company he needs to be a lot tougher than he is now". Mr Jones gave a nod of agreement it was the truth . My son was smart but not tough .

"You know homeschooling the boy makes him fragile, intelligent but fragile" he said. Making me burst out laughing because being homeschooled wasn't debatable and he knew that . My parents molded me within the four walls of our mansion , no grandchildren of theirs would go to school public school .

He seemed to get the message from my laugh .

" I have been thinking of expanding" i tell him.

" What do you mean expanding ? Expanding right now is a bad idea , your wife's cheating scandal hasn't blown over yet" .

He always felt perfect . Like his family was better than mine .But I had already thought it through

"She cheated not me , everyone sympathizes with the guy who got cheated on , we'll bag multiple investments if we expand , believe me when I say there's no better time".

Milo seemed to ponder it a bit . "Is Sanjay aware" ?

The nerve, calling my father by his birth name"Sanjay " . Always hated his guts .

He had everything , my father made sure the son of his late best friend got all he wanted . He didn't deserve to live this way . Lavishly with everything he needed a call away . Everything he did made my old man proud . Cracking out a smile for me took decades .

"My father would receive the proposal I sent in this morning".

"If Sanjay's on board with the expansion then I am too, after all it's his company " he said smiling .

He loved to play innocent, , but I knew him better, I could see through the act he always put up.

Was he mocking me ? Someday the company would be mine and i'd finally kick him out . I just needed to prove to my father that I was capable, that's why I need this expansion to work .

Secretary Cho runs in "There's a call for you Sir, it's your Dad" he says to me with his hand on the transmitter. I snatch the phone from him "Good morning Father " . I can tell from the voice of his reply that he was disappointed . "What do you think about the proposal ? I know it's not much yet but I've started making some calls ,"

Next thing he says surprises me "Son, I've been thinking, you should resign . I have spoken with my accountant , he's going to meet up with you this evening to sign some documents, giving you full ownership of some of my assets ,you don't have to work anymore, I have enough to last an entire century of your offsprings, let Milo take care of the company affairs for now", He says like he's trying to do me a favour . I knew he did not like my proposal and that he was convincing me to resign because he felt I was not good enough .

I hang up, looking back at Milo he's smiling . "How's Sanjay doing ? Would we be expanding ?

I hated him and that stupid smile he always gave me like I was his brother .

Milo had taken everything at this point. There wasn't a single thing he spared .

My Dad . My Job . The only woman I had ever loved . Debra . Now Mrs Jones as they call her .

I've let it all slide . But if Dad thinks even for a second that he could pass my Job onto that lowlife , I would never let that happen . I needed to do something about this problem.

"He's in good health" i say. Packing up the rest I head for the door of the office we both share.

"Excuse me" .

Milo Jones had always felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude toward the Lockwood family. As he sat in the cozy living room of the Jones Manor, sipping a cup of tea, he couldn't help but reflect on how much the Lockwoods had meant to him over the years.

The bond between the Lockwoods and the Joneses had begun decades ago when Milo's father, Robert Jones, had started working alongside Mr. Sanjay Lockwood . Their professional relationship had quickly evolved into a deep and lasting friendship. It was during one of their many conversations over a game of chess that Mr. Lockwood had learned about the financial challenges the Jones family faced.

In an act of unwavering kindness, the Lockwoods had extended a helping hand to the Joneses. Mrs. Lockwood had insisted on sponsoring Milo's education, ensuring he received the best schooling available. It was a gesture that had left a profound impact on Milo's life. Following the years of their friendship on a dark cold evening at the beach Robert was reported lost at sea .

On losing his only remaining parent ,Sanjay Lockwood took him in .His son Kai also accepted him.

Milo's academic journey had been a remarkable one, thanks to the Lockwoods' generosity. He had excelled in his studies, earning scholarships that allowed him to pursue higher education. Now, as a successful businessman he worked with Kai . He attributed much of his success to the opportunities the Lockwoods had provided.

Today, the relationship between the two families was as strong as ever. Milo's own daughter, Camille, had become close friends with the Lockwoods' son, Xavier. The Lockwoods had continued to embrace the Jones family, inviting them into their home and their lives.

Milo couldn't help but be touched by the warmth and hospitality the Lockwoods had shown his daughter. Camille had often spoken of the wonderful experiences she had during her visits to the Lockwoods' estate. It was evident that she felt like an extended member of their family .

As Milo sat in the comfortable living room, he couldn't help but smile as he watched Camille and Xavier playing together in the garden . The laughter of the two children echoed through the air, a testament to the strong bond they had formed .

Milo turned his attention back to his wife , who had joined him in the living room. Her graciousness and kindness had always been a source of inspiration to him.

"Thank you, Debra," Milo said sincerely. "The tea was great".

Debra smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting the genuine affection she held for the her husband .

"These are our blessings" he said watching Camille and Xavier,

Summer 2008

Camille and Xavier had been spending more and more time together . Although it seemed like Xavier's parents had more time for vacations and outings, they still met . Camille hadn't kissed him again ever since the first time she did it . The Lockwoods invited Camille over .

The sun shone brilliantly over their estate, casting dappled patterns of light on the surface of the swimming pool. Camille had always loved swimming, and today was no exception. Xavier wasn't the best swimmer , his allergy to chlorinated water being the main factor but he was excited about spending another fun-filled day with Camille.

As Xavier stood by the edge of the pool watching Camille swim , she approached with a mischievous glint in her eye. She had a plan in mind, one she thought would add an element of surprise to their day.

"Hey, Xavier, want to try something fun?" Camille asked, her tone playful.

"Sure, what is it?" Xavier replied, always eager for adventure.

Camille grinned, her blue eyes sparkling. "I heard about this cool game where one person pretends to push the other into the pool, but they don't actually fall in. It's all about the element of surprise and trust."

Xavier raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea. "Okay, sounds like fun. You go first."

Camille's plan was simple. She would pretend to push Xavier into the pool, but at the last moment, she would stop herself, ensuring he didn't actually fall in. It was meant to be a harmless prank between friends.

As Camille approached Xavier, she feigned a mischievous grin and gently pushed against his shoulder. Xavier, caught off guard, stumbled backward and teetered on the edge of the pool, his arms flailing for balance.

But then, in a moment of miscommunication, Camille realized that Xavier was losing his balance more quickly than she had anticipated. She immediately tried to reach out and steady him, but her hand brushed against his arm instead, causing him to lose his footing.

With a splash, Xavier tumbled into the pool, submerged in the cool water. Camille gasped in shock, her playful prank taking an unexpected turn. She hurried to the pool's edge, calling out to him.

"Xavier, are you okay? I didn't mean for you to fall in!" no reply.

Scared she dived in in search of her friend . At the far end of the pool she could see bubbles forming on the water .There he is . Taking in a long breath she went into the water . She could see him descending towards the bottom of the pool .

Camille, realizing the gravity of the situation, immediately swam over to him, putting both her arms under his pits and using all of her energy she managed to get him to float .

"Help, help" she screamed at the top of her lungs . The night guard on duty came to the rescue jumping into the pool , saving Xavier first .

He seemed panicked and immediately dialed 911 which doing quick chest compression .

"Is something wrong ? Is he going to be ok?"

"We can only hope Miss"

Mr and Mrs Lockwood barged in with a team of paramedics .

"What where you thinking pushing him into the pool ? Have you lost your mind, He's allergic!!"

She was hearing this for the first time .

"He's allergic to the chlorine" . In all the years of their friendship, she hadn't once heard that he had a chlorine allergy. But looking at him now it all made sense . Why he never got into the water . Why he always lied , I prefer to watch you swim .

He'd die if he got in . He was dying because of a stupid game . Mrs Lockwood helped me get up in my wet clothes and handed me over to Secretary Cho . Make sure she gets home safely .

Camille wasn't back till tomorrow. I and Milo had the house to ourselves . Preparing for the perfect evening together Milo cranks up slow 80's music . I grab a glass of champagne and head to the jacuzzi to dip in the scented salt bath . "Are you joining me?" I ask him .

Give me a second he replies . Placing the glass on the top edge of the tub , I take of my robe , belt first and then the whole thing . One leg at a time I cross into the tub and sit down in the warm bath scented salty solution . Enjoying the music coming from the living I close my eyes .

The music stops, immediately replaced with loud siren sounds. Jumping out of the bad and looking out the window, blue and red lights flashing everywhere . I run to the living room where Milo is being held down , his hands are in the air with a gun on the side of his head . The police had torn up my favorite sofa . Only that it wasn't filled with foam . Thick light brown envelopes of white dust and gold instead . We had been set up . Milo said something about him handling everything and that I shouldn't be worried . They took him away , with all the evidence .The moment they leave Secretary Cho walks in with Camille. She had been crying. I immediately recollect myself so she doesn't get bothered .

" Hey Princess, is everything ok?"

"Mum, she starts crying again , Xavier's not waking up" .

I ask Secretary Cho for the details and on hearing everything immediately rush to get changed and pick up my keys . "Get a coat Camille we are going to the hospital,it'll be cold" .

She immediately ran to get one . Secretary Cho left and we left for the hospital .

We arrived a few minutes over eleven pm .

" We are looking for an Xavier Lockwood, he was admitted here this evening i say to the receptionist" . She immediately gives me a room number .After asking "Direct relative?"

Mrs Lockwood is on the bed beside her son crying . The moment she sees I and Camille walk in she stands up to leave the room . Camille's eyes lingers where Xavier lays but eventually we all step outside the room .

"I don't want you here , your daughter almost killed my son, I need you and her as far away from him as possible" . We weren't welcomed . I apologize for what Camille did and we both leave .

"Mum I promise I didn't push him in , he slipped" .

It's ok dear let's go home .

Summer 2008

Kai knew it would be hard for Milo to come out of this one . Everything had gone according to his plan . Two years of scheming looked like it was going to pay off . He hoped he'd just rot in prison but he knew his father wouldn't let that happen . He had another plan up his sleeve though .

Secretary Cho rushed in with the landline his hands for the transmitter.

"It's Milo Jones Sir" . He was calling already. That was quick.

" Hello, Milo is everything ok?"

No he replies explaining everything I already knew .

"Wow Milo, you should have said something if you needed extra cash".

"I promise I had nothing to do with it , I have no idea how they got into my house".

"Still denying it i see, you've been caught already, we just need damage control" .

"I promise I had nothing absolutely nothing to do with it . It's going to be all over the news soon . Help me tell Sanjay the truth before he finds out on the news ."

"I will" he lies . He knew he'd remain in his office for the rest of the night celebrating. This was the best day of his life . It all went smoothly. From drugging Xavier so he'd trip into the pool to framing Milo for drug trafficking, it honestly couldn't have gone better .

Still holding onto the phone Debra calls as he was about to put it down . He picks up in a nanosecond . She's saying something about how sorry she is that Xavier had to go through that .

I tell her it's ok . And then immediately she starts talking about Milo and what happened this evening . It was always about him . Too angry to continue listening I hang up .

This wasn't enough . The fact that he was still breathing made my blood boil .

I need to get rid of him .

"Turn that shit up , Sanjay says when he sees Milo's picture appear on the tv screen.

Drug trafficking . He immediately fishes for his phone to call Kai .

"Hello Dad, have you seen the news?" He says almost crying.

I just did let's go sort it out I say ending the call .

"Carol , tell the driver to get the car ready, we're going out .

"It's really late Sir" my maid of 35 years tries to warn me. "I can see that" I reply .

She leaves to delay my message . I grab a coat and head out . Robert would be turning in his grave .

At the police station Kai is already there . He looks disheveled .

"We are here to get Milo Jones out on bail,would that be possible ?"

"Yes but a trial would be held for him , you have to sign a few papers and deposit some money into this account" the lady at the front desk says . I speed through the process to get him out of there as quick as I can . Milo walks out looking extremely tired "I didn't do it , I really didn't" .

I believed him . He had always been a good boy . This was obviously a set up .

" We need to get you back home" .

Kai gets a phone call all of a sudden .

" What did you say? Camille threw him into the water?" He hangs up bothered and furious . He tells Milo that his daughter tried to kill Xavier.

" How is Xavier now is he stable?"

"For now" . "What's going to happen now ? The companies name is at stake , we have to do something about this" .

I'll take full responsibility Milo says . I think you should lay low for now Kai offers . Maybe move to the country side for a bit , at least until your trial .

Milo agrees to do that . Sanjay was going to miss him, his godson . This was unavoidable . The best thing for everyone now was for him to lay low .

The leave the station to the Jones manor . Debra opens the door and immediately jumps on Milo , she was so happy to see him she forgot her god father-in-law was present .

Kai watched Debra hug him disgusted. Milo explains the situation to Debra telling her to pack a few things they needed so they could head out to the house in the country . She immediately disappeared and returned with a duffel bag and sleeping Camille in her arms .

It was a sad evening at the Jones manor . Sanjay holds Milo tight and whispers I'm proud of you son in his ear . Kai gave him a long brotherly hug and told him to be safe .

They immediately left , Milo driving . Sanjay said a prayer for them .

Kai moved away from his Dad to make this call . Get ready ,they just left home . I want every single one of the dead , you don't have to worry about money for the rest of your life . No one should survive the accident he told the killer . If he couldn't have Debra no one would. He could care less about the little brat . They all deserved to die.Leeches . Milo was only a few kilometers away now and he was already getting back his Dad . What would happen when he actually dies ? The thought of it made him excited he couldn't wait for the news.

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