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Who get the girl?

Who get the girl?



"Why are you crying?" Lewis uttered, a frown coming in between his brows. "I..I haven't been kissed before" I stuttered, trying not to replay the mockery I just received in my head. Lewis glanced behind, were the party was bubbling, then he scuffed. "You can't be serious. It is because of jasmine" I don't reply and he is uttering the crazy thing ever. "I can kiss you" I barely uttered, before he is pulling me closer to his face and crashing his lips on mine. After an heated kiss and what would be a lifetime mistake. He is drawing away from me, and uttering coolly. "See now. You've been kissed before" *** Allie Welding has always been among the boys all her life which was because she wasn't your typical girl and gradually she was seen just as a boy. She didn't care about that until she was entering her senior years. Now, she also wanted to experience love but no guy had interest in her. She didn't know if she was ugly or not. She couldn't understand after one stupid night of the bitch in school embarrassing her in public. She turns to one of her male friend, Lewis and expects to cry on his shoulders as she did in the past, but when he is solving her problem with a kiss, she smells trouble when the memory refuses to fade away.

Chapter 1 1

The sunrise seeped through the opened windows of the classroom, brightening almost the whole rectangular space. Sweat droplets formed on Mr. Clark's forehead as he struggled to explain the details of our upcoming science project.

My ocean eyes fell away, staring emptily at the blank sheet resting on my table. Mr. Clark's voice echoed again in my ears and this time I grabbed something like, videos, an essay, and the usefulness.

I looked up at the board, a part of me actually trying to listen to whatever he was saying while the other part of me didn't really want to, as I was going to kill myself latest, this week ending.

I sighed, closing my book shut once the siren rang all through the school. Mr. Clark smiled as though, eager to see what interesting thing we would create.

"I'll announce your partners tomorrow", he muttered.

I rolled my eyes, swinging my bag straps over my shoulders as I walked out of the class. Along the hallways, I could hear chatters of students like myself, talking and hanging out for a short while until the next class fully began.

I tried to shut everyone out, as I continue to walk blank-faced to my locker. When I got there; I jerked it open, stuffing the books that I wouldn't be needing in the next four days there.

My eyes fell to my watch and I frowned when I registered that I still had five minutes before the next class began. My eyes fell on the people around me who were laughing and chatting away and a hint of sadness fell across my face.

No one would even notice if I'm dead

This place was choking, I needed some space and fresh air. Tight-lipped, I began to walk towards anywhere that wasn't covered up with several happy faces.

I stopped when I reached the outdoors of the school, my eyes moving over the surrounding, and stopped when I spotted a bench and then my lips pursed in thoughts.

Was that Aiden? One of the new transfer students?

A frown appeared on my face when tall, brown curls and green piercing eyes didn't disappear into the thin air.

I was not dreaming

I registered as my feet creaked the ground slowly, heading towards the direction of one of the biggest jerk-face in school, deciding to sit at the edge of the bench as that was the only one nearest to the hallways and I didn't want to go too far.

I sat down on the bench with a huge amount of me wondering why one of the most popular guys in school wasn't out there having fun with his millions of friends. His greens turned to me, giving me a brief look over before returning to using his phone.

He had a small frown across his face and he seemed slightly worried. I didn't bother to ask, as minding my business was a natural part of me.

I brought out my phone, plugged my ear pods, and began listening to one of my favorite songs. There was a comfortable air between us as no one was disturbing the other.

When the song stopped, I realized that I'd been closing my eyes the whole time. I opened them to change the song but instead, I'm met by a pair of greens looking at me with something peculiar in his eyes; perhaps, amusement.

I didn't want to utter anything as I was not in the mood of talking today and just wanted to be left alone but when he didn't stop staring I was forced to say something.

"I didn't know this was a staring contest"

I uttered, not bothering to look up at him. yet, I could still see a glimpse of his brows being raised my statement.

"It wasn't"

He muttered and a frown settled on my face almost that instant. His words were confusing and I couldn't resist looking at his greens.

He grinned, his smiles radiating even into someone like me. "Until you stared back"

I rolled my eyes, parking my things in almost annoyance. He didn't stop me but only watched my strong detest to get away from him.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

He smirked and I paused in my motion, looking up at his painfully handsome face.

He probably wasn't used to girls getting away from him.

I didn't say anything, I just returned to parking and when I was done, I walked away and a part of me dared to hope that his flirt just now was serious but when he didn't follow after me, I knew it, I was the ugliest woman ever created.


Sometimes I wondered why my parents didn't let me die in the fire when I was twelve years old. Why would they prefer to let me live in ugliness?

Why did they have to save me?

I squeezed a paper in my hands in anger when my twin sister walked into the class with luke holding her around the waist and I felt a sudden tug of pain unleash in my heart.

Luke was our neighbor and the only friend I had aside from eve and the same guy I've been in love with for only God knows how long. He had also just recently transferred to our school and was one of the hottest guys in it already.

My sister, betty had stolen everything from me ever since I developed a dark scar on my face. She stole luke knowing how much I liked him and since then, she only went on and on.

There hasn't been anything I wanted that she didn't take, and she didn't bother to ask if I was okay with it. She just took it just because she could.

I resisted the urge to cry but instead fixed my eyes on the board, as I tried to listen to what our English teacher was saying.

When the bell rang, I packed my bag and rushed home while my sister, as usual, was out enjoying her life at another high school party.

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