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Selene a young orphan who inherited all of her parent's wealth decided to get married to the love of her life, her boyfriend and they have been dating for the past 4 years. After one year of marriage, she decides to transfer all her assets to her loving husband. But she was stupid as he didn't hesitate to divorce her and also call her dump, her husband was already in a relationship with her secretary. Selene was shattered and decided to take the case to court when she also discovered that her husband had been with her secretary for the past 3 years....she was played. On her way to confront them, her husband together with her secretary plans an attack on her, they hire some men to kill her. Their plan succeeded, but Selene was gone. Selene was warned by her best friend and half-sister against that guy, but she was blinded by love....now she is gone. Something strange happened, Selene discovered herself in her house...she was putting on a wedding dress and she also remembered how her husband had played her. She checked the date and she was back to 1 year ago, on this same day she was getting dressed to marry that cheater. Life gave her One more chance. What will she do with this chance?

Chapter 1 It's 2022

Selene woke up deep at night, She turned to see her husband standing by the window and he was on a phone call.

'Honey' she stood up and approached him.

'Babe, why are you up? Did my call disturb you?' Tyler asked and she hugged him tightly from behind.

'Who are you calling this late?' she asked and he turned towards her.

'I was discussing with my club member in the e-sport, he was mocking me and saying I live in a glass house owned by my wife' he said with a painful smile.

Tyler is an e-sports player, and he is the AD(leader) in his team, his dad is one of the business partners in Selene's company, but he doesn't have such a big share in the company.

Though the e-sport pays a lot of money, Tyler is still not as rich as Selene.

'Don't mind their words, what belongs to me belongs to you as well' Selene tried coaxing him but he frowned.

'I love you a lot Selene, but others don't understand our relationship.... Have you read the comments online? They all say Tyler the AD of Giant team is a weakling compared to his wife' he complained then walked towards the bed.

'If I had the wealth you have then our marriage would have been perfect' he said then went to sleep.

Selene was in a tight spot, She went online and checked the comments, it was indeed true...why would people keep criticizing her husband, She had never complained about that.

She took a decision instantly and dialed her lawyer's number, after the call she went back to sleep.


The next morning, Selene dressed classically and got into her Porsche car before driving to the restaurant to meet up with her friend and lawyer.

As soon as she spotted her best friend Summer she walked toward her, Summer pulled Selene to the chair.

'Why do you have a facemask?' Selene asked and Summer had a huge frown.

'Am an esports player so am a celebrity, forget about me...tell me you are joking, you want to transfer all your assets to Tyler?' Summer scolded.

'It is not a big deal, I don't understand how this your esports fans are, they keep throwing hateful comments about our marriage' she scoffed.

'Just because those online keyboards said his wife is richer than him? You must be crazy...don't do that' Summer warned.

'I already made up my mind, what belongs to him also belongs to me right'

Summer banged her head on the table frustrated.

'Ok if you give all your assets to him, tell me who will pay Lottie's fees?'

'I will still have access to my account, Why do you and Lottie think the worst about my husband?'

'Lottie said she suspects he has an affair with your secretary' Summer said.

'And that's just scram, Lottie is still young'

A middle-aged man walks in together with Selene's secretary Lara.

'Hello maam' Lara greeted with a smile.

The lawyer greeted them as well and then sat together with them.

'You brought the documents?' Selene asked.

'Your secretary put me under pressure, so I had to finish early' the lawyer explained and Summer glared at Lara angrily.

'Ok give it to me' The lawyer handed the documents to Selene who read it and was about to sign it.

'Wait, think this one more time' Summer said, Selene smiled and pushed her hands away.

Then she signed the papers and handed them to the lawyer.

'Now all my properties and assets belong to my husband, that's all for now' she said and the lawyer nodded before leaving.

'I will see him out' Lara said and followed the lawyer.

'Selene I just lost you' Summer said disappointed and left.

On her way to the door, she saw the lawyer handing the document to the secretary, Immediately she took the documents she got into a car...that was Tyler's car.

She ran back towards Selene.

'Come quick' she said and pulled Selene towards her car.

'What happened?' Selene asked almost breathless.

'Look in front, what do you see?' Summer asked, Selene looked and saw her husband's car in front.

'Why are we stalling my husband?' she asked with a frown.

'You are such an idiot, just keep quiet and see' Summer kept driving till Tyler's car stopped in front of Selene's house.

Selene watched as Tyler walked into her house together with her secretary.

'What's happening?' Selene asked scared.

'Come' Summer pulled her in and they walked inside the building.

They could see the secretary's shoe on the door, her shirt was on the couch and sounds could be heard from the room.

'Summer please don't tell me what am thinking' Selene said in tears, she loves Tyler so much that she can't take it.

Summer walked inside the room angrily.

'Lara' Summer said angrily.

Selene walked inside the room, she immediately slapped Tyler.

'Selene wait I can explain' Tyler said but Selene was already losing it.

'How do you want to explain the fact that your d..ck was in her' Summer scolded.

'Stay out of this' Tyler warned angrily.

'I won't' she said angrily as well.

Selene walked towards Lara and slapped her.

Tyler held Selene and pushed her angrily.

'How dare you slap my woman?'

'Tyler I am your wife, You just slept with my secretary in my home' she scolded when Tyler laughed out.

'Which home? This house and the company belong to me...so save some face and leave' he pointed towards the door.

Selene was shocked, did Tyler just switch to a monster right now?

'As expected of you' Summer scoffed then held Selene.

'This is not over, you played me hard....It is not been 24hrs I transferred my properties to you so I can still take it back' Selene warned and left with Summer.

'What will we do now?' Tyler asked frustrated, What if Selene takes back all her assets, then he will be poor and his plan with his father for 5 years will be a waste?

'Don't get too anxious, let's just deal with her once and for all' Lara suggested and Tyler stared at her shocked.

'What do you mean?'

'You know what I mean....by killing her it will kill the affection you have for her' she said in a jealous tone.

'I don't love her' he tried to justify.

'Save me that' Lara got dressed and picked up her phone.


Summer kept driving when Selene told her to stop at the court.

'They can't do this to me' she kept crying.

Summer received a phone call from her leader, she was expected to come back now

'You can drop me here, I will take a cab' Selene said and Summer hesitated before dropping her.

'Call me if you need anything' she said and drove away.

Seeing that the court was close, Selene decided to walk.

She was about to cross the road when she saw a car rushing towards her.

She tried escaping but the car was aiming at her, it was too late.

'Ahh' Selene screamed out, She was hit by the car and also got shot before the driver rode away.

The passersby all surrounded her, a man walked forward and felt her pulse.

'She is dead' he said and they all sighed in regret.


'Selene do you want to marry him?' Lottie asked and Selene who was dressed in a wedding dress was shocked.

She stared around, felt her body, and also touched Lottie's face.

'Lottie' she said and tears rushed down her cheeks, she hugged her half-sister tightly.

'What's wrong? If you will miss me this much then don't get married' Lottie said.

'What's the date of today?' Selene asked still confused.

'23 October 2022'

'It's 2022?' Selene got confused, but she had already gotten married to Tyler, and it's been a year already.

Is life giving her another chance to fix her mistakes, does this exist?

'Boring day' Summer walked in, she was dressed in a bridesmaid outfit.

'Summer' Selene rushed and hugged her friend tightly.

'What's wrong bride?' Summer asked confused as well.

'I don't want to marry Tyler, let's call off the wedding' she said and Lottie jumped in excitement.

'You are serious, right? Did you hit your head Lottie asked.

'Seriously what's wrong with you? You even warned me that if I ever mention that you should break up with Tyler you will block me' Summer explained and Selene smiled.

'Guess I was a fool, besides am young so why should I marry him'

'And you are also rich' Summer added.

'Please give me the pleasure to announce that there is no wedding' Lottie said and ran out of the room.

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