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Mated to Another

Mated to Another

Alex Valentine


Amelia grew up orphaned and neglected by the Nightshade Pack. Her dream is to turn twenty-one and run away from her abusers. But the Moon Goddess had other plans for her, and Amelia soon found out that Alpha Elijah is her mate. The one man that she hates the most and wants to run away from... Or is he her true mate? What will happen if another Alpha also claims to be her mate?!

Chapter 1 One

Amelia's POV

Grabbing two glasses from the table and taking them to the sink that was filled with soapy water, Cora slowly entered the kitchen. My eyes caught her, her hair as beautiful as always. Brown with soft curls hanging over her breasts. Never had I met someone like her, a bitch. Someone who was out to make my life a living hell. Since the day I was taken in by the Nightshade pack I had been classified as a rogue. Worthless and unlovable.

Cora's eyes were fixed on mine. With a smile, Cora steps closer to me, and then her smile disappears instantly. Her eyes fell on the two glasses in my hands, and her devious smile quickly returned. With that, she knocked the glasses out of my hands, "What the fuck Cora?" My voice echoes through the kitchen.

"Oops. My bad. Better get that cleaned up before Elijah gets here." Cora said with a sinister smile before turning around and then making her way out of the kitchen. Slowly. But I could see the smirk that was painted on Cora's face.

My mouth hung open, and only one word could escape my mouth, "Fuck." my voice was just above whisper. Rushing to the pantry where the brooms and cleaning supplies were kept, I quickly grabbed the broom and dustpan. "One day I will be able to leave this hell hole and just live my life." Whispering to myself, I quickly cleaned the mess that Cora had created. Opening the dustbin before dumping the broken glass into it, the sound of glass broke the silence that filled the kitchen.

A sigh left my mouth, slowly making my way to the sink and staring out of the window. Wondering what my life would have been like if I wasn't dumped as a kid. Who could blame the pack for seeing me as a rogue? A maid? Someone to do everyone's bidding. Someone who couldn't even be loved by their own parents. Leaning against the sink, the thought of knowing as soon as I receive my wolf I would be able to escape this hell and build my own life.

Elijah entered the kitchen quietly, his steps undetectable. "What is this laziness that I'm seeing? These dishes aren't going to clean themselves!" He said with a harsh tone. With Cora standing behind him, she let out a soft chuckle.

My eyes quickly flung open, and then I met Elijah's. "I was only taking a breather. You make such a mess every day, it's hard to keep up with your messes." I snapped, as I pushed myself away from the sink.

"Excuse you! That is no way to speak to your Alpha." Cora chipped in, stepping in front of Elijah.

Elijah pulled her back giving her a deadly stare. "Enough." He said as his eyes were fixed on hers. "Amelia." His voice sends shivers down my spine, but not in a good way. More of a disgusted way.

"What?" I said with no intention of listening. Turning my back towards him, I continued taking dishes to the sink.

"Didn't you hear what Cora said? How dare you speak to your Alpha in such a disrespectful way?" He asked then stepped closer to me, leaving me no space to move past him.

"You don't deserve to be treated with respect. And as far as the title Alpha goes, you don't deserve it." I said with my voice growing softer with each word.

Elijah grabbed my face, hoping I would fear him. But I stood my ground. Our eyes locked with each other. Not one blink. A smile crept onto his face. "Fine. You will be working tomorrow at our engagement party." His grip loosened, then stepped back.

"What? No! You promised it would be my day off. It's my fucking birthday." I said my voice filled with shock and disappointment.

"I changed my mind. Ensure this kitchen is clean before heading to your room." Elijah said with a smirk then turned around. Wrapping his arm around Cora's waist.

Cora looked over her shoulder and gave a devious smile, letting out a soft laugh. "Enjoy your cleaning. We will see you tomorrow." Cora said, then placed her hand into Elijah's back pocket.

Silence filled the kitchen. Slamming my hand onto the kitchen counter, I let out a sigh. "One day. One day Amelia, you will get out of this place. One day you will know what true happiness feels like." Shaking my head I continued cleaning the kitchen.


After hours of cleaning, I finally made my way to my room. Sitting on the bed, staring out of the window. Images of how this could have been if I wasn't a bastard child. Thrown away, disowned. Tears started to fill my eyes, unable to contain them they flowed down my cheeks. My eyes were red and puffy from the salty waters that consumed my eyes. Unable to stop them, I could only let them flow until they were dried up.

Thoughts started to consume me, 'Will I receive my wolf? Or would she also leave me as my parents did?' My twenty-first birthday, the day I would find out if the Moon goddess would bless me with a mate or will I be left to be on my own. Not like I would want a mate. Elijah had shown me that men are horrible creatures. Only there to misuse and mistreat you.

My eyes grew heavy. Tiredness started to take over. All the crying and the work that had to be done to make sure everything would be ready for tomorrow started to take its toll on me. Yet to clean myself, I forced myself off the bed and filled the bucket that was given to me when I first started living here. Watching as the water from the sink started to fill the bucket, I closed the tap and grabbed my bag where I kept my soap and washcloth.

The water was ice cold. According to Elijah, I wasn't worthy of having warm water. Even in the winter times, only cold water was given to me. Over the years one learns to bathe quickly, to not freeze. But tonight I was too tired, slowly I washed my long dark brown hair. Coldness started to take over my body, shivers started to take its course.

Wrapping my hair in the small towel that I had, I sat on the cold floor. Contemplating if I should continue bathing any further. Letting out a sigh I continued. Dipping the washcloth into the water I started washing my face and moving down to my body. After I was done, I got dressed and climbed into bed. Slowly my eyes closed and I dosed off to sleep. The thoughts of tomorrow still lingered in my mind.

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