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Life couldn't get any more perfect for the eighteen year-old, Alison Jade Jorgensen. She had everything any person could ask for. Wealth, looks, the attention and as an only child of an insanely wealthy family, she's the apple of everybody's eyes. But despite all the unsolicited attention she's getting, she still possesses the heart of a young and innocent girl who knew nothing about the cruelty of this world. But all her obliviousness about the world will suddenly turn when a month before summer, her most favorite person in this world passed away, her grandfather. Grief was too much to handle she decided the only thing she could manage, isolating herself away from the world within the comfort of her bedroom walls. But the day came, when she decided to come out once again to see the world, she comes face to face with a person who will someday become her downfall, Jared Thompson, a twenty-five-year-old man who never cared about anything, only to give himself the pleasures of this world. He will become Jade's distraction from all of the pain her grandfather's death is causing her. But what if sometime along the way, Jared, himself will be the one to destroy Jade much worse than she already is? Aside from all the pressure she's carrying from being her father's daughter alone with all other responsibilities that she was born to face, with no other choice. Will she be able to keep up?

Chapter 1 Prologue

The mere thought of losing someone so dear was once an absurd concept to me, something I couldn't quite fathom. But now, now that I have experienced it, I understand the depth of the pain that comes with it.

It was the day my grandfather passed away that my world was turned upside down. He was my confidante, my mentor, my friend. He was the only one who ever truly understood me, who always knew how to make me feel better. His death was like a dagger to my heart, and the wound never truly healed.

Every day is a struggle, a constant battle to keep myself together. I can't even begin to imagine the person I would be if I lost someone else. The mere thought of it makes me shudder.

I rarely leave my room, and when I do, it's only to go through the motions of life. I barely speak to anyone, and the laughter that once came so easily is now a distant memory. I can't even bring myself to visit my grandparents' house, the place that held so many happy memories.

I am different now, a shadow of the person I used to be. The light that once shone so brightly within me has dimmed, and I don't know how to get it back. The only person who knew how to make it shine was my grandfather, and he's gone.

The pain is real, and it never truly goes away. It's a constant reminder of what I've lost, and the thought of facing that reality is almost too much to bear. But I have to keep going, for him.

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