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When the entire werewolf race is wiped out, who would protect the humans from these mythical creatures, who would free the humans from slavery, who could restore peace, it has to be a human that's turned into a werewolf', these were the thoughts of human scientists as they began to create a synthetic werewolf serum That werewolf serum ends up being consumed by a young sex slave Isaac Ryker

Chapter 1 The birth of a new wolf

Chapter 1: The birth of a new wolf.

Years ago, Upon the first discovery of mythical creatures, by humans an all out war had broken out between every race, the mythical creatures had to face against both themselves and the humans, eventually a treaty had been signed stating that every race must stop attacks against each other, the humans had added one more request, the humans deep down knew that as long as they remembered mythical creatures, that they would always fear them, so they decided that the mythical creatures should never reveal what they truly were to the humans.

Exactly 3 days ago, the vampires and witches violated the treaty of the night creatures[ Werewolves, vampires witches and Everything in between].

They coordinated a joint attack on the wolves and humans, for a variety of reasons, the werewolves for one were truly blessed creatures, they were gifted with extreme strength and durability, they had no restrictions or drawbacks except silver, they had a far higher resistance to magic and we're seen as the protectors of humans, due to the fact that werewolves had been defending the humans from attacks secretely before the treaty was broken.

The result was an entire wipeout of the werewolf race, and the halving of the human population, humans had either been killed or turned into vampires, a new order had been established, an order where the vampires and witches ruled supreme over all, the human race was plunged into fear and chaos, they were dragged out of their homes and we're either used as slaves for different vampire households or witch covens, or as 'pleasure tools', some also escaped.

Currently two humans we're seen working in a lab, they were surrounded by twenty muscular humans with weapons of different kinds, although the treaty stated that the mythical creatures should never reveal themselves to the humans, it didn't mean that some humans didn't tell their descendants about the mythical creatures, the very few humans who believed in mythical creatures, had formed a secret organisation an organisation of highly trained humans with mythical creature killing called 'The Hunters'.

These humans were currently attempting something that had never been done before, with the sample of werewolf corpses they had, they were attempting to create synthetic werewolf D.N.A, 'The Hunters' Faction actually had no idea what they were doing, the guards thought that the scientists were working on some biological vampire killing weapon, technically that was what they were attempting, but the guards were thinking along the lines of a vampire virus, The scientists knew very well that only a werewolf could match up to the rest of the mythical creatures and set them free from oppression.

These human scientists had spent months trying to recreate the turning process of humans into werewolves, from what they had gathered, the most common way to turn a human was through a bite, though there were other ways to turn a human into a werewolf.

What they were truly doing was beyond phenomenal, they were extracting the very D.N.A werewolves held in their gums from some of the strongest werewolf corpses. Werewolf cells died much slower than that of humans and would only start to rot after a month so there was still enough alive cells in such fresh corpses.

They took the cells and mixed it into a syringe of some kind, though there was something else inside, a regular human had no idea of what it meant to be a werewolf, what to do in certain situations, or anything about their abilities, so they mixed it in with something else, a super computer as small as a human cell, made to lightly impair the peripheral vision while displaying real time information on it's host's body, they called it a system.

The plan now, was how they would escape all these guards to find a suitable host for their creation.

They had come up with a skeptical plan for that, they attached the cells into a syringe which had been attached to a silent mini drone, it's only task was to find the closest teenage human.

As adults were already fully mature, their D.N.A was already to firm.

The scientists had swiped 4 cans of extremely powerful sedative that spread fast in the air, the sedatives was initially meant to tranquilize vampires or witches.

The scientists activated the sedatives as soon as they finished their work, but before the sedative could fully take action, they had both been killed by the guards, who acted swiftly as soon as they noticed strange behavior.

The drone flew at an incredibly fast speed, the lab was located very far from civilization, the drone flew for days passing various deserted patches of land and other deserted places.

Before finding a suitable target, a human male, it was currently night and the boy was peacefully sleeping away in a room that looked to be shared with no one, it stabbed his neck injecting the syringe into his neck, before flying high into the sky and let out a very silent explosion that vaporized the entire drone.

Isaac felt a sharp pain in his neck, he woke up from sleep grabbing unto his neck, he tried to scream but couldn't it felt like thousands of needles were stabbed into his body at the same time, then those needles suddenly began to boil, the needles were all imaginary but for Isaac it all felt very real, his body was unable to move, this lasted for about five minutes, then the pain started subsiding, but it was still very evident.

[Transmutation has begun:1/100%]

[Estimated time until completion: 5 days, 4 hours, 3 minutes, 2 second, 1 nano second]

'What transmutation, what Estimation, what is in completion', Isaac thought before he finally passed out from exhaustion.

(AN: please this is my first official book on Mobo reader so naturally I'd have some problem with Grammer and I'm currently working on it.

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