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It Should Have Been Like This

It Should Have Been Like This



Lavender faced the ultimate betrayal after discovering that her fiancé, the man she loved most, had been using her all along. He had only dated her to seek revenge against her father and to claim everything her late mother had left her as a gift to his real fiancee. Devastated, Lavender lost everything she owned to him, and her family was plunged into dire poverty as a result. Heartbroken, she fled her past, running away from her disowned father and the agonizing pain. She dedicated her life to caring for the "blessings" her ex-fiancé had left behind. But just when Lavender thought she had found a measure of peace, everything starts falling apart again. Forced to reconcile with her ex, Lavender is torn-he is a changed man now, but to her, he remains an enemy. As her bottled-up emotions resurface, past cases reopening, and his persistent efforts to win back her affection intensify, how long can Lavender's hatred last?

Chapter 1 Prologue

The rain poured down on me as I walked down the lonely street. It was a storm outside with lightning and thunder blasting in the sky. The lightning struck the poles and the ground occasionally, but it didn't bother me. Nothing could bother me at this point. I felt numb and cold like a void had settled in the pit of my stomach. I felt absolutely nothing, no pain, no happiness; no emotions at all. I was simply empty.

I had nothing and no one left. One minute I was happy, living in the spotlight, celebrating and swimming in love, and the next, I was homeless without a penny to my name. Alone, I wandered the streets like a hobo, my face covered to hide the shame that is me and my body enveloped in a baggy sweatshirt. I caused it, I caused everything. I should have just minded my business and stayed on my own. I should have gone the other way that night. I thought it was fate, I thought it was the heavens smiling down at me and leading me to take the wrong turn so I could meet him, but it wasn't. It was all staged. He planned it. With my own two legs and sane mind, I walked into a trap and ruined my life.

I still remembered that night, the night my car broke down in the middle of a quiet road, and how he drove past and helped me. Like that, I thought that it was destiny, but boy was I wrong. What was I thinking in the first place? Destiny? There's no such thing as destiny. If there was, my mother wouldn't have died. If there was such a thing as destiny, I wouldn't have had to live the way I did that pushed me into dating him in the first place. Destiny was trash and fate was a stupid bitch, I knew that now.

The words that came out of his mouth still reverberated in my head like a timeless alarm. Going on and on and on, haunting my dreams and my consciousness. "I don't care about that bitch, Peyton, I have proven that to you times without number. Why do you keep doubting my love for you?!" The words that made me halt on my joyful sway to his office; the furious words that made me freeze at the door. At first, I quickly thought he was acting a script but that didn't make any sense. Peyton is not an actress, but now that I think about it, they both deserve Oscar awards for their tremendous acting.

"Then why are you holding back?! You already used her to access her father's wealth, the papers are all yours. What's holding you back?! I thought you promised to give me the papers to her mother's company, so what are you still waiting for?! You already have all the documents!!!" My heart stopped when I heard that. I didn't remember giving him my father's documents, just the documents to my mother's company and telling him where my father kept his.

The world crashed on me at that moment and I remained frozen at the door, listening to the so-called love of my life speaking about how much he hated me and why he was hesitating. His reason didn't make any sense, yet it was true and I was a fool. Peyton, the woman he introduced to me as his best friend, was his lover and fiancee. And of course, I stood there in shock until she came out and found me there, still in shock. But it didn't matter, no more lying, no more pretending, they showed me their true colors.

I lost everything, my family lost everything. My stepmother died of a heart attack and the shock killed one of my half-brothers. I didn't feel pity for them but the fact that I was disowned with nothing left than the pain of heartbreak and betrayal, the agony of my perfect world collapsing on me. I was left to trek all the way to my mother's birth city and the place where she was buried, to die with her.

The storm had nothing on me, hunger shook me not, I didn't rest nor sleep, just kept walking. No starvation or storm could compare to the pain in my chest and my bones. The memories of our time together and the lies I skipped replayed in my head over and over again to fuel my decision to die. There was nothing left for me to do than leave.

A bright light shone on me, but it didn't stop me from walking like the miserable person I was. My vision was blurry, my body was weak and failing me, but I kept walking. I felt nausea all of a sudden, it hit me as fast and hard as a menstrual cramp. I doubled over and held my stomach. My breathing came out in wheezes, short breaths that almost felt like my lungs were blocked.

A loud car honking filled my ears as my thoughts completely zeroed in on nothing. A loud gong rang in my head, hitting my skull in a way that made my brain throb. The pain ended as quickly as it came because blackness was the only thing I saw and dwelled in and boy was it peaceful. I wished I had never woken up.


I stared at the result in my trembling hands, my heart hammering against my chest. Beads of sweat surrounded my forehead and down to my neck and chest. My stomach seemed like it was throbbing too. Tears flowed down my cheeks and fell on the test result. Someone saved me, someone picked me up from the corner of the road and took me to the hospital. I wish I died so I wouldn't have to know about this and live with the guilt, but like always, I survived. I'm always lucky when it comes to staying alive but never with daily life.

Pregnant, I was pregnant.

I could abort it, I shouldn't carry the children of the man that ruined my life, but it wasn't their fault, it was mine. I let myself get pregnant, I wanted the baby because I thought he would be there for me. It should have been like that; him and I, together, but it was not. My whole life was already upside down. I was homeless and nameless. How do I begin to care for a baby? Where do I start? There's no helping it. The child would be miserable if he or she stays alive.

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Other books by Kem-Bee

The Last Daughter

The Last Daughter



Xyra Lumina Crescent, first born child to two full-blooded alphas and an alpha female. Xyra is hidden away from her pack, from the outside world and even from herself as she has no idea why she cannot shift or why she is hidden away in a temple to train, train and train. Far away from her family and younger siblings, Xyra sought freedom and to be able to be with her family. But she is trapped and watched by the ladies of the temple of females. A vision of an attack on her pack force Xyra to break free in other to save her parents who would die in the attack, and her people who would be taken hostage. Xyra returns home, but she does not just get the easy life she thought she would get. She discovers that maybe staying at the temple where life was easy was better after all. Who is Xyra? And what is The Last Daughter? ____ ‘What will happen if he finds his mate and she dies?’ I asked the most obvious question. Dad's wolf gave mine a look. ‘Xyra, did you see anything?’ ‘Yes, not clear, but a strong enough warning. He's going to run mad, isn't he?’ ‘All lycans do when they lose their mates. Which is why the goddess restrain from giving them one.’    Which was true. With how easy they lost their minds after losing their erasthasis, it was best they didn't have one. No one wanted a powerful lycan to go wild and wipe out an entire population, just because their soulmate died. It indeed was why they didn't get one too often. In fact, one could stay for a thousand years and not hear of a lycan finding a mate. They usually just fall in love and get married or get married without love. The king was the strongest like I read. If him losing his mate would turn him against the entire population of living creatures, then maybe it is my duty to protect her. Maybe, just maybe this is what I am meant to do.

Idalia (the secrets of the whispers)

Idalia (the secrets of the whispers)



"Sage?" "Yeah?" She asked with a laugh. I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes and let it out. "Victoria came to me in my dreams last night after I begged her to and I think she is trying to tell me something but I cannot remember exactly what she was saying." I rushed out. Sage had gone silent. I opened one eye to see her expression, she didn't look surprise at all, only had a serious face on. "I know," she replied calmly. "You know? How is it that you know?" "The very moment I stepped my feet into this house, I felt her presence, but I wasn't sure. The third night we slept here, I woke up in the middle of the night to get something to drink, but as I got closer to the kitchen, I heard someone singing while cooking. At first, I thought it was you, but when I got there, I only found an empty kitchen. The stove wasn't on, but it was hot, like someone was just using it. I pondered on that the next day, that was why I was extremely quiet. It was after you mentioned Victoria always loved cooking at night, that I realised that the singing voice did sound exactly like hers." I was shocked by the revelation, she kept it to herself. "I didn't mention it because I didn't want to scare anyone or get you all worried over nothing. Judith have seen her too, on the fifth night. According to Judith, she couldn't sleep so she went out to the balcony to look at the stars. Judith said when she got there, she saw a girl with glowing white dress staring at the stars too. She wiped her eyes but when she opened it, the girl was gone. And you know Judith, she only shrugged it off as her imagination." I took in a sharp breath and held it there. "Victoria always loved looking at the stars with Judith, they would talk for hours as they admired the stars." "My thought exactly," ~~~ All Candace wanted was to fulfill the last wish of her best friend, the girl who brought them together and made them the star they were. A simple last wish leading herself and her three friends to a small town they were more than happy to visit. Their lives could never be better, but things are not the way it seems. She finds out a secret that changes all their lives. Discovery that leads to lost, love and a future that is uncertain. Victoria is a powerful spirit more than five hundred years old and there is a darkness that blankets the not so peaceful town. One that she alone can stop.

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It Should Have Been Like This

Chapter 1 Prologue



Chapter 2 Unfortunately



Chapter 3 Crisis



Chapter 4 Decision



Chapter 5 It's karma



Chapter 6 She's alive



Chapter 7 Father overnight



Chapter 8 What to do



Chapter 9 The Number Four Rule



Chapter 10 Stay or stay



Chapter 11 New agreement



Chapter 12 Let's 'forgive' him



Chapter 13 Another deal



Chapter 14 Offer her a job



Chapter 15 Shopping



Chapter 16 A day at the mall



Chapter 17 Appeasing the little boss



Chapter 18 First day (1)



Chapter 19 First day (2)



Chapter 20 Aren't you going to take revenge



Chapter 21 Exalt your right as a Verlice



Chapter 22 Help me



Chapter 23 Eyes up here



Chapter 24 Painful memories



Chapter 25 The supreme court



Chapter 26 The first night back with him



Chapter 27 The keyword is 'my'



Chapter 28 Overdose



Chapter 29 I'm not sick



Chapter 30 Something to hide



Chapter 31 Nothing personal



Chapter 32 Jealousy



Chapter 33 The Best Friend



Chapter 34 Would they be happy to see me



Chapter 35 What happened to him



Chapter 36 And what are you going to do about it



Chapter 37 Scars of memories



Chapter 38 Crows like shiny things



Chapter 39 You need help



Chapter 40 Like an inescapable curse
