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In Love With The Crazy Girl

In Love With The Crazy Girl



Steven Carter; A boy with just a simple life, good grades and a nice family and friends. His life takes a big turn when he meets a girl...Ariel. Ariel Johnson; A brilliant, smart, crazy and mysterious girl. Her life, dream and hope was taken by her father who threatens to kill her mom if she doesn't marry someone against her own will to expand his empire. What happened when these two meet and fall in love?

Chapter 1 Who is she

Steve P.O.V

"Steve!!..." My mom calls for the forth time. She never joke with school and never allow us to miss a day even when we are sick. I can remember when one of my little sister broke her leg while playing in the backyard, I had to carry her on my back to her school. Even when people insult her for this she didn't care. All she want is for her children to be educated.

"Steve you need to be fast, boy! You don't wanna see up there" I could hear her scream downstairs. I quickly grab my bag, put on my recommended glasses and head downstairs.

"How come you woke up late?" My mother asked me immediately she saw me coming down the stairs.

"Sorry mom, I forgot to set my alarm" I tell her and she roll her eyes.

"Just go, your bother is waiting for you in the car!"

"Okay" I turn to leave

"Wait you forgot your breakfast" I quickly grab it from her. I could see my dad in the living room reading newspaper as he always does Every morning. I greet him by saying good morning and he reply me by raising his hand without taking his eyes off the newspaper. I storm out of the house and was welcome by the hot sun. The sun is too hot I had to raise my hand to block it. I could hear my elder brother playing a loud music in the car and my younger twin sisters complaining.

"Turn it off!" The stubborn one Abigail who broke her leg the other day shout after I enter the car.the other one Emma was just quiet as she kept staring outside the window. Her quietness disturbs me sometimes. They are still in junior school and are well know in their School. Abigail the troublesome one and also the youngest one among the twins defends Emma whenever there is a problem. No one dares lay a hand on her or her sister. Emma on the other side was extremely brilliant and has a sharp tone whenever she speaks. Her words sometime made her teacher to study more. Emma spend most of her time reading just like my father.

"Please turn it off...I don't wanna have headache before having my classes" I say to my brother Tony. My ear is very sensitive, that's why I always avoid noise.

He started the car without turning the music down, seeing that he was not listening I use my hand to cover my ears. Abi kept screaming at the back telling my brother to turn off the music. I look at Tony who was dancing slightly at the music before I Swiftly turn it off myself.

"What the fuck?!" Tony look at me angrily.

"Can't you hear us complaining?" I ask with a frown. I expected him to shout and insult me or turn the music back on but surprisingly, he didn't reply.

Tony and I goes to the college. He is two years older than me. I just got admitted last year and trust me the school never do me any good. Tony is one of the popular and handsome guys in school. The mole on his ear and his pink lips drives girls crazy. I can still remember when he Pierce his ear, my mom literally go crazy over it, she decided not to give him food for over a week which didn't affect him a bit. Only God knows where he sees money.

I on the other hand do get attentions from girls but I usually shy away when ever the try to flirt with me or sometimes I just ignore them. Of course girls in our college loves play boy. Some guys in my age insult me that I have a nice body and a pretty face for nothing.

"Steven..." I hate it when they call my name in full and he knows that, I look at him to hear what he got to say. "I need to talk to after we drop these chicks"

"Who are you calling chicks?...chick" Abi scream behind our back.

"Say one more word back there and I'll cut off your tougue!" Tony warn as Abi hiss. I hate going to school with them, I always wish to have my own car or bike but my mom always disagrees whenever I tell her. She always says she want us to get use to ourselves which was never working.

10 minutes passes by with silence in the car, we finally get to the twin's School. We watch them get out of the the car and enter their school with Abi holding Emma's hand. Tony start the car and we zoom off.

"I won't be coming to school today, I have somewhere to go" Tony says after a few seconds of silence in the car.

"What!...I can't cover up for you again, what if I get caught, I'll be in big trouble beside I have my own problem to..."

"Hey...calm down nobody is getting caught okay, this would be the last time I promise"

I chuckle "You said that the last time you missed school" I roll my eyes.

"Okay...this will be the last last time...I promise promise"

"Do you think I'm joking?" He never take me serious.

I was almost caught in one of his class and that day was not funny.

"Sorry, I and my girlfriend had an issue, I just need to visit her that's all. I'll be in school before you finish your classes"

"What do you mean you have issues with Vivian" what is he saying? His girlfriend Vivian visited yesterday and they don't look like they have any issues to me.

"No....pttfff... I'm going to visit Sarah, her hostel is near the school."

"Oh my God how many girlfriend do you have...beside Vivian is a really nice girl, why can't you just date only her" I raise my eyebrow.

He roll his eyes, it was obvious he didn't want to answer the question. "Dude you ask a lot of questions.. well I don't know the number of girlfriends I have and also I can't date only Vivian she behaves like saint whenever I try to touch her"

"She's practically the best girl for you...she sweet, smart and lovely"

He scoff "what do you know single boy?"

He is right what do I know, I'm always shy when it comes to girl. I can't even talk to one without starmaring. The only girl I know I can talk to is Lydia, she is the nicest girl I've ever meet. We are so close in school.

"Oh! That reminds me..." Tony break my train of thought. "Your fat ass friend came visiting yesterday"

Oh my God! I forgot about Chris, we had a an assignment to talk about and some books to read. "Shit! Why didn't you tell me?".

"You were busy snoring, and beside your room smells like books"

"So what did you tell him?"

"I told him you were not around"

"That's a lie" My brother loves teasing Chris for no reason because of his chubby feature. He calls him fat ass most time. That's why Chris dislike him.

"What? I didn't tease him...I just told him you were not around that's all" he pull out an apple from his pocket which feels disgusting and eat it immediately.

"Can you at least wash the apple"

"Nah! I'm hungry" he said with his mouth full.

We finally reach my school, I come down from the car and sigh. 'Here we go with another shitty day' my thought tells me. The only thing I enjoy in the school is just my books and my friends; Chris and Lydia.

"Hey!" I groan and turn to look at Tony. He wine down the window and say "Don't forget what we've talked about okay?... I love you bro" What he actually meant was 'I hate you bro' he smile showing his white teeth and then zoom off.


"Ahh...Chris? Could you stop sneaking on me" I say holding my chest. I hate when Chris do that. But he always says the same thing when I complain.

"I love to see your face when I do that" he says as he put his sweaty arm around my neck "Come on let's go"

"Sorry about yesterday, I slept off. Hope my brother didn't say anything harsh to you" I say awkwardly.

"Of course not, he only told me I would collapse the house if I come in". He says and I tried my best not to laugh.


We enter the college, bring out our books and stuff and start discussing about our plans on the physics assignment. We are three in a group but our third person is the person I hate most in the school. He literally bullies me every single day. On the day we were grouped he sat between I and Chris just to mess with us. Lydia didn't come to school on that fateful day because of some personal issue so she was placed in another group.

My phone vibrate inside my pocket and I pull it out. It is Lydia calling probably she didn't see us.

"Hello?" I say immediately I pick the call.

"Hello... Where are you guys?" Lydia voice sound through the phone.

"We are on the first floor, just around the corner we usually meet". I reply.

"Okay...I will be right there". She says and cut the phone call.

"Mehn I'm hungry" Chris says scratching his head.

"Shit!" I curse remembering the breakfast I left in the car.


"I forgot my breakfast" before Chris could reply someone hit his hand on the table creating a loud bang. We look up and frown.

"How is it going guys?" Jerry says, who happens to be our third person. He is a little bit taller than me. He never treat me good and there is a rumor about him been a cultist and a drug dealer. Anybody could notice that, with the way his red eys, his lips black and his horrible smell.

There's no way I'll mention that to him except if I have a death wish.

"We are working on it, you don't need to worry about a thing" I say starmaring while Chris keep his mouth shut, I guess he is more afraid than I am because he is sweating.

"Sure don't disappoint me...hmm?" He says patting my head and take his leave. We both sigh as place my head on the table and wispher "I hate this school".

"Steve" Chris calls in a low voice as he start hitting me leg softly under the table. I close my eyes not answering him. "Steve" Chris calls again hitting me harder this time.

"What?!" I finally raise my head and look at him. His gaze is placed on a weird girl coming towards us. I can see more than five peircing on her ear with both side of her nose pierced, her lips, finger and eyes was black.

She wore a big black top with a crazy black jeans, a pair of black sneaker. Everything on her are black in color.

I wonder if she have a black heart and soul too. She is not only one coming she also have two friends with her. one on the right and one on the left and their dress is almost familiar. The only difference is that the other two girls didn't wear all black.

"Who is she?" I asked Chris who look a little amazed.


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