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CEO's Childhood Lover

CEO's Childhood Lover

Liliana 23



Chapter 1 Introduction

In the room with off-white paint, there are simple and even worn-out items. A small bed with a thin gray blanket that looked dull. There was a bulge from under the blanket.

A slender, white hand stuck out from the thin, dark gray blanket in stark contrast to her white skin. A thin hand with slender fingers and neatly trimmed nails gripped the blanket and pulled it away, revealing a very pretty face with a hint of baby fat.

Her eyes opened. Jessica blinked a few times before yawning widely.

There was an impatient knock on the door and a middle-aged woman's voice cursing loudly and harshly.

Jessica who was still lying on the bed rolled her eyes lazily. She got up from the bed and walked towards the door reluctantly. Her right hand stretched out to open the door. As soon as the door opened, a tray was crammed into her arms. Jessica unconsciously looked at the tray in her arms.

The middle-aged woman wearing the butler's uniform sneered, "What time is it? Everyone at home wakes up early and leaves very early, even Miss Jennie. But you? It's already noon and you're just getting up. How can a lazy girl like you be part of the Miller family? Shame on you!"

Jessica frowned, why was this woman so noisy!

"Can't you--" The butler's words were cut off by the sound of a door slamming in front of him.

Jessica placed the tray on the bedside table. Jessica massaged her temples while sitting on the bed. Letting out an annoyed sigh.

Looking again at the tray of messy leftovers. It could be seen that the person who gave her the food really hated her. Jessica knew very well that this family didn't care about her, but why did they treat her like a pig?

Giving her leftovers, giving her a servant's room, and being treated coldly and indifferently. Jessica was so fed up!

It had been a year since Jessica returned to the Miller family, her biological family. She used to think that maybe this family would change or treat her a little better. But now, Jessica hates this family.

Why did they pick her up and bring her home if they treated her like this?!

Jessica raised the corners of her mouth. When she was 18 years old, she left the orphanage and lived independently with a part-time job. Then at the age of 20, the Miller family, a rich and famous family, found her. At that time Jessica, who had never felt the love of her family, followed them back. Hoping they would give her love and attention to make up for her 20 years away from her family.

But what? All Jessica got was their cold treatment and their bad attitude towards her. They paid more attention to their adopted daughter, Jennie, than to her biological daughter.

Even as soon as Jessica returned, the Miller family gave her a fiancé for the benefit of the family business! Fuck! How could Jessica not be upset?

Just because she was rumored to be stupid and a loner with low self-esteem. They never tried to find out about her and just believed everything the adopted daughter said.

Fortunately 1 month ago she had finished her studies at a famous University. And it was time to leave this house.

Jessica's mind drifted for a few minutes before standing up and heading to the bathroom. After showering and dressing, Jessica packed all the things she felt were important. Putting them into a clean white suitcase.

As she was about to leave, Jessica glanced at the leftovers on the tray. Then her hand stretched out to pick up the tray containing the plates and water glasses. Jessica rudely threw them into the trash.

Clapping her hands, Jessica smoothed down the long bangs that covered most of her face. Putting on thick glasses and dragging her suitcase out.

In the living room, she met the Miller family's adopted daughter, Jennie.

Jessica glanced at her and without a word she walked towards the door. But Jennie stopped her.

"Where is sister going? Why are you carrying a suitcase?" Jennie with a pure and innocent face asked weakly.

Jessica looked down, "I, I'm leaving this house."

Light flashed in Jennie's pure eyes and returned to normal. Jennie said anxiously. "Why is sister leaving? Is it because of me? Sister don't go."

Since her sister wanted to act, Jessica would accompany her.

Shaking her head frantically, Jessica lifted her face covered in bangs and round glasses. "No no, it's not because of you. I, I just want to leave. It has nothing to do with you."

"Sister, why are you leaving? What if mom and dad get angry? Sister, don't make trouble." Jennie grabbed Jessica's hand and held it tightly.

Jessica sneered inwardly. But she still said, "no, they won't care about me. You let me go."

At a glance, Jessica saw her parents outside the door. Now she knew what Jennie was planning.

Sure enough, Jennie fell as if Jessica had pushed her. But Jessica, who was ready, held Jennie's hand and they fell together, startling the people outside. A muffled sound was heard making the people outside the door enter hurriedly.

And Jennie who became a body cushion for Jessica groaned in pain and tears fell down her smooth cheeks. Jessica quickly got up and was immediately pushed away by Robert, her father.

"Jennie, my baby. Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" Robert asked worriedly.

Maria Miller stroked Jennie's soft hair and whispered softly, worried that she would scare Jennie if she made a louder sound.

Jennie, meanwhile, gritted her teeth and stared intently at Jessica. Jessica almost laughed at Jennie's gaze.

Jessica sneered, trying to trap her? Dream on! Then without looking back, Jessica dragged her suitcase out of the door. Too lazy to watch their show of affection.

Jessica walked leisurely while dragging a large suitcase. Since this was an upscale community and a place where rich people lived, there were no taxis passing nearby. And Jessica had booked a taxi online beforehand. So when she came out of the gates of the community, the taxi she booked was waiting for her.

On the way to the house she bought 1 month ago, Jessica took off the thick glasses that made her dizzy when she looked. Putting the glasses in a small sling and Jessica lazily pulled her hair back and put it in a ponytail.

Looking very fresh and pretty like a schoolgirl even though she was already 21 years old. Very different from her gloomy and quiet appearance before. Even the taxi driver was surprised by her change. But Jessica didn't care about other people's views. Jessica looked at the car window in a good mood.

Drrrtt drrrtt

The cell phone in her pocket vibrated. Jessica looked at it and picked up the phone. "Hello, what's up?"

On the other side of the phone, an annoyed yet childish female voice rang out. "Hey! What are you doing? When will my shirt design be finished? I've been waiting all this time but you still haven't sent the design!"

"It was finished last night, I'll send it later. Don't make trouble Grace." Jessica said casually, like talking to a child.

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