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The Billionaire Alpha's Forbidden Mate

The Billionaire Alpha's Forbidden Mate

evergreen sage


This is a love story between two men, read to find out more

Chapter 1 Fresh beginnings

Kelvin blew his dark hair out of his eyes as he clicked his

wireless mouse. Sweat trickled down his neck and onto his muscled chest and

then down his washboard abs.

It was scorching in his apartment, easily topping

one-hundred degrees. That's why he was sitting in only his boxers.

But with no job and a fast-shrinking nest egg, air

conditioning was an amenity he could no longer afford.

So Kelvin sat in his small apartment in darkness, making

sure to only use electricity where he really needed it. He sat with his laptop, sending out a few job applications.

However, Kelvin was aware that the odds were stacked against


Sure, he had an MBA from a prestigious university, but so

did a lot of other students, students who were not poor and whose family

associates could get them in the door at the good firms out there.

A click here and a keystroke there, Kelvin finished what

felt like his hundredth application. This last one to a third rate

import/export firm in a city in Maine.

Kelvin doubted he would hear back from them, but at this

rate, he'd be looking at making applications for H&R Block pretty damn

soon. Growling with frustration, he closed the lid on his laptop, flopping back

on the only piece of furniture in his apartment, a third-hand brown sofa that

doubled as his bed.

Closing his eyes, he muttered a quick prayer to whatever

gods that were listening.

Regardless of his situation, Kelvin decided he had to get

out of his apartment for a while and get some fresh air.

He had been tirelessly sending applications out all day. And

now, the sun was setting, the most beautiful time of the day in Kelvin's eyes.

Summer in New York City was far too hot and humid during the

daytime, and at night it was dangerous, at least in Kelvin's neighborhood.

But there was magic for a few hours, usually between about

six and eight at night, when the heat would fade, and the sky had a orange-red


Rising from the couch, Kelvin quickly shed his sweat-soaked


Giving them a quick sniff, he decided he needed to wash them

even though he was going to go work out anyway.

There was a difference between fresh sweat and old sweat,

and he didn't want to put up with a daylong stench.

After washing with cold water from his sink, Kelvin pulled

on a fresh set of briefs with jogging sweats to go along with a white


Locking his apartment

door behind him, Kelvin jogged his way down to the part of New York that he

most enjoyed, Central Park.

He was conscious of the looks some of the women gave him as

he ran by, ignoring them for the most part.

Kelvin knew he was attractive, with smooth skin, muscle tone

and long limbs that he had inherited from his father.

He was a Long Island native. He had moved to New York when

he was just a boy and had sandy Darke hair and sparkling green eyes.

The boys in his high school nicknamed him "Darkie".

Kelvin ddin't too much care for it, but he tolerated it.

Whenever women were around, he turned heads. The thing was,

he was gay.

Still, when people

saw him, they saw a straight, handsome young man.

Kelvin wasn't one to lie about his sexuality, but he often

did little to correct the women's assumptions when they came up to him, asking

him out on dates. Mostly, he would politely decline and lie and say that he was

in a relationship.

Crossing into Central Park, Kelvin heard his name being

called out by Ralph, one of the hotdog vendors.

Ralph was chubby and short, with an endless supply of

amusing comments on just about anything. He was the type of guy that would

strike up a conversation with anyone.

The old Irishman was an institution at the park ever since Kelvin

was a little boy. "Hey Kelvin! What's up, man?"

Kelvin jogged over to Ralph's hotdog stand, grinning the

whole time. "I'm pretty good, Ralphmy. How about you?"

"Crap, you know how it is during the summer. Everyone

wants cold drinks or ice cream. My business isn't half of what it is in spring

or fall. How's your job hunting coming along?"

Ralph was one of those unique New York establishments where

he knew everything about you, even if you had never told him directly.

Kelvin shifted on his feet. "No luck so far. But

something has got to give soon. I'm close to being broke."

Ralph clucked his tongue and gave Kelvin an empathetic look.

"I don't quite understand, Kelvin," said Ralph,

reaching into his cart. "You're young, handsome and smart. Hell, I've seen

you work more than any Hamptons boy would ever dream of. Besides," Ralph

added with a playful wink, "you're so good looking that I know one of

those broads in charge of interviewing applicants should hire you on looks


Kelvin chuckled nervously. If only Ralph knew the truth of Kelvin's

sexuality. Still, what Ralph was saying had merit. A lot of women fawned over Kelvin's

looks, professional or not.

"Don't let any of the guys hear you tell me that I'm so

handsome," said Kelvin, "or else the North Side is going to need a

new hotdog vendor."

"Speaking of which," Ralph said, pulling out two

hotdog dogs and laying on heavy ketchup and mustard and then sprinkling a

couple of pickles, "here. Don't give me any objections, I've watched you

lose ten pounds ever since you graduated. You are not eating enough, young man.

Another ten and you'll be going from slender to scrawny and we can't have that

my boy."

Kelvin swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and

graciously accepted the offered food on a paper plate.

The two dogs were the only real food he had eaten all day

besides some soggy Ramon noodles for breakfast.

Kelvin tried to avoid wolfing the dogs down, but within

seconds found himself licking his plate clean. "Thanks, Ralph. One day,

I'm gonna pay you back for all the food you've so graciously given me over the


"Hey Kelvin, before you leave, you should head over to

the playground over on 230th street," said Ralph, ignoring Kelvin's offer.

Kelvin knew it wasn't that Ralph was impolite; he just

didn't care if Kelvin paid him back or not, and didn't want to embarrass him

any further. "There's a new guy in town. People say he's a beast on the


"So?" Kelvin asked, glancing in the playground's

direction. "What's so special about that?"

Starting with pull up bars, the Body builders were a group

of exercise fanatics. They only used the playground equipment for all of their

workouts and every single one of them were in insane shape. They had a YouTube

channel that was extremely popular at one time.

Still, Kelvin liked to think he could put the Body builders

to shame if he felt like flexing his ego,

"Two things. First, I'll just say that he's a little

upper class for 230th street. Second, he's putting the Body builders to shame,

from what I've heard. You know that's no easy feat."

That grabbed Kelvin's attention. Like any other neighborhood

of New York, Central Park was mostly segregated. The 230th street playground

was one of those areas. He'd never heard of anyone outperforming the Body


"Okay, I'll check it out," promised Kelvin,

"Besides, I need to practice my strength training. Might as well go see what

all the fuss is about."

Ralph laughed, waving as Kelvin walked off. "You take

care, Kelvin. And don't worry, I know your luck is going to change soon and

they'll be knocking down your door for an interview!"

"Right. Cya, Ralph," waved Kelvin.

Kelvin started a slow jog as he came up on the

playground. As soon as it was in sight,

he could see a group of people were gathered around the jungle gym. The Body

builders did sometimes attract a crowd, but the group today was a little larger

than normal, there was probably a few dozen people out there.

"Dude, you must be crazy!" he heard one of the Body

builders say, as he made his way towards the front of the crowd. "No one,

and I mean no one in the whole damn city, can beat Tommy in one arm


Kelvin made his way through a small gap in the crowd and

shouldered a few people out of the way until he could get a clear view of the


He went slack jawed when he saw what the commotion was


In the middle of the crowd was the new guy, standing at about

six-foot-five, built like a Greek God.

His torso rippled with muscle, and though Kelvin was ripped

himself, this guy put him to shame.

The newcomer's face was even more striking than his hot


He possessed a chiseled jawline, which framed a noble face

that was highlighted by a proud nose and deep blue eyes.

His hazelnut auburn hair was just a little longer than usual

and was damp with sweat.

Kelvin thought the man looked like he should have belonged

in a Men's modeling magazine rather than on a playground.

The Body builders were currently laughing and joking around

with the stranger. But their taunts and jibes bespoke of brotherhood rather

than jealousy.

The speaker was one of the older Body builders named Jeff.

"I am telling you dude; there is no way a guy your size can beat Tommy in

one arm pull-ups! You're what, fifty-sixty pounds heavier?"

The sexy newcomer's handsome face broke into a confident

grin and he crossed his arms over his powerful chest. "I have an idea.

Let's make a deal. You want to bet?" His voice was deep and noble

sounding. The kind of voice that Kelvin found sexy.

The surrounding group hooted in derision at the handsome

guy's boldness.

Kelvin didn't make a sound, however. He was too enthralled

by the assurance in the man's demeanor and the self-assured sparkle in his blue


Finally, Tommy stepped forward, pulling a wad of bills out

of his pocket. "All right dude, it's your money. I've got two hundred

dollars here. You still game?"

"Of course," replied the stranger, reaching into

his sports bag to pull out a large stack of bills that dwarfed Tommy's.

"But we need a neutral party to hold the money until the contest is


Tommy nodded, his eyes roving around the assembled group

until they landed on Kelvin. "How about Kelvin? He's from the

neighborhood, but he's smart too. Just got his MBA or something. You down with

that, Kelvin?"

"Sure,"Kelvin replied.

Tommy took the money from the stranger and handed Kelvin a

big wad of bills.

Kelvin's fingers itched as he held the stack of money. He

hadn't had that much free cash in his hand in almost a year.

The stranger turned his piercing blue eyes on Kelvin and he

felt like he was peering into his soul. "You have your MBA?" he asked


Kelvin felt like everything else in the world faded except

for the handsome man's eyes and chiseled face.

Kelvin's cheeks burned and he hoped it didn't show to all

the surrounding men. "Yeah," he replied, rolling the cash in his hand

and gripping it tightly. "I graduated from NYU this June."

"That's cool. You employed yet?"

"No," Kelvin started, before the crowd began

muttering amongst themselves. The Body builders wanted to see the pull-ups, not

listen to job conversation.

"Alright guys, here's the rules," Jeff said.

"You can choose any bar as long as your feet do not touch the ground. Once

you start, you can't switch arms. Each of you will have someone to count for

you and will make sure you go all the way up. Whoever can do the most pull-ups

before you drop off the bar, wins."

"Cool," said Tommy, his grin wide. "Good

luck, new dude."

"You too," the stranger replied, offering to shake

Tommy's hand.

The two shook and went to their side of the jungle gym,

selecting their bars.

The contest began, and Tommy sprang out of the blocks, his

muscular right arm doing pull-up after pull-up to the boisterous cheers of the


On the other side, the tall stranger hung there silently,

watching with calm eyes as Tommy worked as hard as he could before his strength

gave out.

Finally, with a painful grunt, Tommy dropped off the bar,

twenty-four reps completed. "Yeah! All hail the King, baby!" Tommy

yelled, grinning at his opponent, who hadn't even began. "What the


"I don't know; this dude hasn't moved, he's just been

hanging there" the stranger's counter said as all eyes turned towards the

handsome man.

Then, with a wolfish grin, the stranger started to pull. Kelvin

couldn't believe he could do it at all. He had already been hanging there for

almost a minute already, and his fingers must have been exhausted.

But with confident

pulls, he did rep after rep, counting the reps as he went.


The jeers of the

crowd hushed. His arm flexed, his muscles bulging and straining.


The entire crowd was

silent. Kelvin could see the look in some of the Body builders' eyes. They

couldn't believe what the man was doing.

Veins were starting to burst out on the man's arm, beginning

in his bicep before spreading to his forearm, shoulder, and then his neck.

"Twenty," the man grunted.

The crowd began to root for him. He was a newcomer, but most

of the guys around here enjoyed a good physical show, so they didn't care.

Kelvin could see that the man's forearm was starting to

tremble as he attacked the last few reps. He could feel himself counting along

silently with the stranger.

Kelvin watched as the man's face squinted in pain just a

bit, and he surprised himself by cheering him on.

"Come on, pull, you can do it!" Kelvin whispered


Still, the man's eyes swung to fix on his face again, and a

grin spread on his face once more as he pulled, clearing his twenty-fifth rep

before dropping off the bar.

The crowd were all praising the man's performance as he

shook out his exhausted arm before shaking hands with Tommy again.

"Dude, that was impressive," Tommy said, "but

part of me feels like it was a setup."

The handsome man let out a chuckle, shaking his head.

"No, it wasn't. I just came out here because I heard you guys were the

best and I wanted a challenge. I can say you pushed me harder than


The stranger turned to Kelvin and Kelvin handed him his

stack of money. The man gave Kelvin a strange smile, before peeling off a

couple of the bills and handing them back to him. "For your job hunt. Good



Kelvin took the money and deposited it in the pockets of his

sweats. He knew he should turn the money down, but the expression in the

stranger's eyes would have none of it.

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