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Michael Wellington is the richest man in Wellington city. I'm not even joking. His family basically built this town from the ground up, so they named the town after themselves. With the death of his father, Michael Wellington inherited all of his father's fortune and he is presently the most influential and important person in Wellington city. Everyone in this city thinks it is a paradise and that the Wellingtons are the best people to ever exist since Jesus Christ. They have no idea the dark history the Wellingtons have. They have no idea the amount of people the Wellingtons hurt in order to get where they are today. I am one of those people. However, I have a plan. I will make them pay for their crimes and expose them for who they truly are. They're all evil monsters and my plan is to make them pay for their sins. I will show them what it means to have everything taken away from you. I will destroy their empire and reveal all their evil schemes to the public and by the time I am done with them, they will be on their knees begging me for mercy. My name is Amelia Carter and this is my story. I want revenge. And I will stop at nothing to get it. WARNING!! THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT. PLEASE DON'T READ IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. THERE WILL BE SENSITIVE TOPICS SUCH AS VIOLENCE, SEX, KILLING. I will not be responsible for any triggers you have if you decide to go on reading. Enjoy.

Chapter 1 GAME ON


After the Wellingtons destroyed my life, my mother decided to leave Wellington city with me when I was just fourteen years old. My father had just died and my mother wanted a fresh start.

When I was eighteen years old, my mother died from a heart attack and I was left all alone in the world as an orphan. That's when I started plotting against the Wellingtons. I was so angry that everything had been taken away from me and I needed someone to blame. You see, my father died because of the Wellingtons. That's why I hate them so much.

I'm twenty-three years old presently, so I've had five years to perfect my plan.

First, make Michael Wellington fall in love with me. I'm a beautiful woman. I've always known it and I've had many years to practice how to seduce a man. Michael doesn't stand a chance once I start with him.

My life didn't just end when my mother died. I decided to become the best version of myself. Besides, if you want to play with fire, then you have to be just as hot.

I decided to become filthy rich. No one really knows who I am because I work online and keep to myself. In order for me to ruin someone as rich and powerful as Michael Wellington, then I had to become rich and powerful myself. And so, I did.

I just wish my parents were alive to witness my success. They would have been proud of the person I turned out to be. Money makes the world go round and maybe if I had enough money back then, I would have been able to give my mother the treatment she needed and she would still be with me today.

My loss didn't turn me into a cry baby, or a quitter. No, it made me stronger and offered me the motivation I needed to carry out this plan.

I have a list of all the people that have been hurt or have died because of the Wellingtons. You'd be surprised how many people this family has hurt. All for money and power. One by one I will give each of these families the justice that no one else could give them.

However, what'll hurt the most is when Michael Wellington finds out who is behind his downfall. I will make him fall for me, then I'll make him trust me. I will insert myself into his life until I find out all his dirty little secrets.

Then I'll crush him.

He won't see it coming. My best tactic is manipulation. It won't be easy, but the last thing I'll do is underestimate myself. I have to be smarter than him, more cunning than him.

I don't know the man and he doesn't know me, but I know all of his sins and that's enough. Game on.

The first thing I did before moving back to Wellington was to buy a house. I had it equipped with everything I would need to carry out my plan two months before moving in.

And of course, I bought one of the most expensive properties that belonged to Michael Wellington himself. That was enough to make him notice that there's a new millionaire in town. I'm sure he was even more intrigued when he found out it was a woman who had bought the property. That's probably why he sent me an invitation to a fund-raising ceremony his family is hosting tonight.

Another tactic to make people think they're angels. But I know better. I know who they are when everyone else isn't watching. And soon, everyone will know too.

The party started two hours ago but I deliberately wanted to be late. My limo is currently outside waiting for me. I settle for a tight red satin gown that hugs my figure in all the right places. It has spaghetti straps that show off my shoulders and a good portion of my back.

The red gown has a long break that stops just above my right thigh showing off my legs in the designer red bottom heels I currently have on. I accessorize with a small expensive pearl necklace and diamond dot earrings.

My long brunette hair is tied up in a cute bun accentuating my facial features. I settled for very light and almost unnoticeable make up and a pink gloss that shows off my heart shaped lips. I've never needed make up to look gorgeous anyways.

I look perfect. The perfect look to make Michael Wellington's mouth water. He's a man. They all want the same thing once they have their eyes on a beautiful woman.

Satisfied with the way I look, I make my way out of the house and my driver rides the black limo until we finally reach the venue.

"Thank you, Liam." I say to my driver as he opens my door for me. I know I keep referring to Liam as my driver, but he's so much more to me. He's my friend and business partner so yeah, he's also filthy rich.

He's also the only other person who knows about my plan against the Wellingtons and he promised to help me out. He's only a year older than I am and he's my best friend.

You're probably wondering why he's my driver. We argued about it until he finally convinced me to let him drive me around. He said taking down the Wellingtons will be dangerous and he always wants to be around me when I'm close to them. So even though I told him a million times that it wasn't necessary, he insisted on driving me here tonight.

When we're in public, we act like the only relationship we have together is that he's my driver and I'm his boss but in private, he's the only person who was ever there for me when I lost everything.

I met him a year after my mother died and once we got closer and I explained everything to him, he didn't hesitate to drop everything and come with me to Wellington. We built our business together and we've been inseparable ever since.

I lost my parents but I have Liam. He's everything to me now.

As soon as I pass through the guards and into the party, I'm immediately hit by the delicious smell of richness. The room is packed with all the most influential people in Wellington. You can see their expensive jewelry and smell their expensive perfumes from miles away. I'm about two hours late and majority of the ceremony is over already. Right now, people are just drinking expensive wine and listening to music. The perfect time for mingling.

It doesn't take a long time for me to spot Michael Wellington. He's not that hard to make out in a crowd. The man is basically the most handsome person I've ever seen. With his dark brown hair and high cheek bones, the way he carries himself and his extremely well-built body, he's noticeable anywhere.

He's the type of man that leaves mouths watering. Every woman would love to be with a man like him. He's rich, famous, handsome and everyone loves him. If only they knew about all the skeletons he has in his closet. Why do the demons and monsters always have the prettiest faces? He doesn't deserve all the handsomeness the heavens gave him.

He's in deep conversation with one of his guests. His dark suit sits perfectly on his defined body. I watch him carefully as I grab a glass of wine from a waiter's tray.

As soon as I put the glass to my lips and take a sip, he turns his head slightly and we lock eyes.


Before I know it, he's cutting his conversation short and he's taking slow but determined strides towards me. He's right where I want him to be. Game on Michael Wellington. Game on.

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