Saelyna and her twin brother, Cyran, are among the last, few elves in Halden that are still healing from the wounds of the rebellion. They both work in the King's Glade, growing the magical kingpeas for the His Grace's use. One night, a werewolf attacks Cyran while hunting, injuring him severely. He escapes and makes it home, but is dying from the wound. A mysterious stranger stops by to help and uses the peas to heal him. The king's mages, however, have detected the use of magic and send their scouts to apprehend the culprit. Saelyna and Cyran prepare to flee, but are kidnapped, along with other elves. They are taken to a land called Eldad, and their captors turn out to be the werewolves, who want them to work their lands and grow more kingpeas to aid their second attempt at a rebellion...
Usually, we wait up for the rest of the our peers, but I just want to get home early. I can't stand one more minute in this place, with stolen stuff in my side pocket.
We both head down the path that leads away from The King's Glade, and into the forest. I love it here. The tall trees that barely sway in the spring wind, the quiet chirps and whistles of birds and squirads, the sweet, fresh smell of nature.
Cyran and I used to come here when we were little. Just the edge of the woods, though. The older kids poisoned our minds with tales of spindars and giant lizards, the mad croc-genns and shadow walkers. Granted, they were not wrong. But those creatures live on the other side of Quindar, in the forsaken Leftydes. I just wish I had known that years earlier, before the times Cyran and I would bolt from the place at the slightest uncanny sound.
I look at him now. He walks with an easy stride, whistling softly and staring ahead. He has the godsight, (something we do our best to keep to ourselves), so I know he's scanning the path yards ahead of us, inspecting the trees, the animals and the guards. he's so gifted, but he doesn't realize it. Or doesn't care. He stopped doing so since the Rebellion.
I think he's mad at me. He doesn't need to speak for me to know. I can feel it. But it's been so for a very long while now, so I've gotten used to it. Kind of.
We reach the edge of the forest without ado, and the village stretches out ahead of us. Sometimes, I forget what it is, who are we are. In those moments, I make hurried decisions and uncalculated moves. Like snapping at a king's guard. Getting drunk and neglecting my duties. And/or sneaking out magic plants.
I drop down on the couch once We're inside the cottage. It groans and sinks as it always does, but it's never really bothered us. Not if we had the money for a new one.
A low growl comes from my right, and I'm staring into our panther's purple eyes. "Sweet Ima," I say and rub her neck. The great cat purrs and rubs against me, threatening What's left of the cushion's springs. I chuckle and relax in her thick fur.
I feel his eyes on me before I even see him. "What?" I ask. He shrugs off his coat and loosens his hair before settling into the only other furniture in the living room, the armchair. "What's going on?" he asks quietly. "What?" I repeat. "You're great at lying, I"ll give you that, but I'm better at it. And I've caught you every single time you did..." "Few times," I interrupt. "What're you hiding?" His face is blank, a rare expression, and definitely my least favorite.
I sigh. "I took some." He raises a brow. "Some what?" I shouldn't say anything. At all. But I can't bear lying to him, not after what I did to the farm.
I sit up and Ima settles in a corner, opposite Cyran. She doesn't really like him. Not since the day he blasted her halfway across the yard. "Some opine. What do you think, twat?" His blue eyes widen. "You stole peas?" "Yell out loud for all of Quindar to hear," I snap. He purses his lips but lowers his voice as he goes on. "What are you, stupid? Aranon, but that's the most...I don't know, foolish and suicidal thing rolled into one!" "Yeah, well, Aranon and the Six abandoned us. I've got to make ends meet." I stand up and head for the kitchen.
Cyran follows. "Sae, we need to get rid of those." He sounds genuinely scared, and I instantly regret telling him. And stealing the peas. "We're gonna be fine. As long as you keep shut, and let me handle my business." I fill my cup with water from the tap and gulp it down in one go. I miss the days when that could be done while sitting on the couch, and not moving a muscle. "Look, Sae, we don't need that. Look, the hunt is three days. If I win, and I will, we'll get enough to bring back the farm and return to our old lives." He notices the expression on my face and adds, "Or what was left of it." I toss my cup into the sink. "I need a drink," I mutter and head out of the house before Cyran can say anything.