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Jane and Michael, two people who have agreed to a marriage contract for a year, find themselves growing closer as the year goes on. As their feelings for each other deepen, they start to question whether or not they made the right decision. The story line: Jane and Michael's relationship evolves from strictly business to something much more meaningful. They learn to communicate and compromise, and they begin to see each other in a new light. Their relationship is tested when they face unexpected challenges, but they come out stronger on the other side.

Chapter 1 ♡♡♡

It was a rainy night in New York City, and the streets were slick with water. The neon signs of Times Square were reflected in the puddles on the sidewalk, and a lone figure hurried down the street, trying to avoid the worst of the downpour. Jane was wearing a trench coat and a scarf wrapped around her head, and she was clutching a folder to her chest. She looked over her shoulder, as if she was being followed. But there was no one there.

Jane turned a corner and ducked into a dimly lit alley. She leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. Just as she was about to leave, she heard footsteps approaching from the other end of the alley. She froze, afraid to move. A man appeared, his face shrouded in shadows. The woman held her breath, waiting to see what he would do. 'Are you all right?' he asked, his voice soft and low. The woman hesitated, not sure if she could trust him.

Jane slowly nodded, not sure what to say. The man stepped closer, and the light from a nearby streetlamp fell on his face. She gasped. She recognized him from the newspaper articles and TV news reports. He was the mysterious billionaire, who had made his fortune in the tech industry. But what was he doing here, in this seedy part of town? 'Are you sure you're all right?' he asked again, concern evident in his voice. The woman didn't know what to say. Should she tell him the truth? Or should she run away?

Jane took a deep breath and said, "My name is Jane and I'm in trouble." The man's eyes widened in surprise. He took her arm and led her to a nearby coffee shop. 'Tell me what's going on,' he said, as they sat down at a table in the corner. Sarah hesitated, not sure where to begin. But the man's gentle, encouraging gaze made her feel like she could trust him. So she told him everything

Jane told Michael about her life, from the very beginning. She told him about her childhood, growing up in a small town, and how she had always dreamed of being a writer. She told him about her years in college, where she had studied literature and creative writing, and how she had worked so hard to pursue her dream. But when she had graduated, she had struggled to find a job in the publishing industry, and she had ended up working a series of low-paying jobs that had nothing to do with her passion.


Michael is a successful businessman who has been trying to close a big deal with a major company. But the company's CEO has been hesitant to sign the contract, and Michael is starting to worry that he might lose out on the opportunity.

Michael proposed his condition. "Let's get married," he says. "What?" she asks, taken aback. "Just for a year," he explains. "It would be purely for business purposes. We would have a prenuptial agreement, and when the year is up, we would go our separate ways. But I think it could be really beneficial to both of us." She considers the proposal, trying to make sense of it. "Are you serious?" she asks.

He nods. "I am. I know it sounds crazy, but I think it could work. We could use each other's skills to help each other out. And at the end of the year, we could just walk away, no strings attached." She looks at him, still not sure what to think. "This is a lot to process," she says. "Can I think about it?" He nods. "Of course. Take all the time you need. But please, just consider it." She thanks him and walks away, her mind racing with thoughts and questions.

She walks a few steps before hearing his voice behind her. "Wait!" he calls out. She turns around, and he's holding out a business card. "In case you want to talk about this," he says. "You can call me any time." She takes the card, still unsure what to think. "Thanks," she says, and she walks away, clutching the card in her hand.

Once she's alone, she stares at the card. His name is printed in bold type, and his number is below it. She turns the card over in her hand, trying to decide what to do.

Jane held the business card, wondering what to do. Should she call him? Should she forget about the whole thing? She's still not sure. But she knows one thing for sure: her life will never be the same.


it's the next day after Jane's meeting with Michael. She's back at her apartment, and her best friend, Sarah, is sitting on her bed, looking concerned. "So, what happened?" Sarah asks. Jane takes a deep breath and tells Sarah everything that happened, from the business deal to Michael's proposal. When she's finished, Sarah looks thoughtful. "Wow," she says. "That's a lot to process."

"First of all, I want to say that I think you're an amazing writer," Sarah says. "You have such talent, and I know that with the right support, you could really make it big. But I also know that you're scared of getting hurt again. And I understand why. But I don't want you to miss out on something that could be really great just because you're afraid." Jane nods, considering Sarah's words. "I know you're right," she says. "But I just don't know if I can put myself out there like that again."

"I get it," Sarah says. "But what if this is your chance to find real happiness? What if this is the thing that could change your life for the better? I know it's scary, but I think it's worth taking the risk." Jane sighs. "I know you're right," she says. "But it's so hard to take that leap of faith." Sarah smiles. "It is hard," she says. "But sometimes the hardest thing is also the best thing. And you never know until you try." Jane considers Sarah's words, and she knows her friend is right.

Jane looks at Sarah. "What if I do it?" she asks. "What if I take the leap and it all goes wrong?" Sarah takes Jane's hand. "Then you pick yourself up and dust yourself off," she says. "And you move on, knowing that you did something brave and that you tried. You'll be proud of yourself for that, even if the outcome isn't what you hoped for." Jane considers this, and she feels a sense of determination rising within her. "You're right," she says. "I need to do this for myself."

Jane takes a deep breath and dials Michael's number. He answers on the second ring. "Hello?" he says. Jane takes another breath. "Hi, Michael," she says. "I've thought about it, and I've decided to accept your proposal." There's a pause on the other end of the line, and then Michael says, "That's wonderful news! I'm so glad you're willing to take this chance." Jane smiles, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. "Me too," she says. "I'm ready to take this journey."

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