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Arrange Marriage With Mr. Engineer

Arrange Marriage With Mr. Engineer

Zebbie Zebbiee


I'm Theza Marie Medina, 27 years old. I don't have any work, except for playing the violin and modeling. oh, maybe that's work too but my schedule wasn't hectic unlike other models. And my father is the only person I am with in life. he is running a business, a big company and I'm his heiress but sad to say I can't run it because business is not my thing but I graduated in business management. But maybe if I retire from Violin's Art, I will try to manage my father's business. I'm not sure though but I'll try my best. Dad is also getting old and he is asking for a grandchild. I mentally rolled my eyes. As if I'm going to get married? Mama already has family in the Philippines. My father and I have been separated since I was only 18 years old and we no longer have any communication with him and I don't want to talk to him either. I don't hate her, maybe I'm just sulking? But honestly, dad is enough for me. Dad did not fail to take care of me. papa loves me, and I doubt if my mom does the same. Minutes later, I felt sleepy and even though I was still on the sofa, I fell asleep...

Chapter 1 1


Chapter 1 (1.3): Theza Marie Medina


AFTER my violin performance, I stood up from my chair. Oh, I was sitting on a red chair in front of the crowd, while playing my favorite violin. I should be standing, right? But I don't want to stand anymore, I might walk out suddenly.


"She's really talented."

Various comments came out of their mouths as they continued to applaud loudly. I'm used to it. I'm used to compliments, but I wasn't happy. I'm just more annoyed.

they were all standing and obviously enjoyed my performance. Without emotion I just bowed as a sign of bow and without gratitude I left from inside the stage. Why would I thank them? I already bowled, that's enough though.

"You have a great performance there, SeƱorita Theza Marie," the guy approached me with a wide smile on his disgusting face. Annoying.

I ignored him and passed him. I don't care about what he said. that's better, ignoring people I don't know who it was and I don't care to know them either.

My time is priceless and I don't want to just talk to them. They will just get bored with me. Talking to me just makes them salivate.

"SeƱorita Theza, are you leaving already?" another human being approached me but this time it was a girl.

Can't she see? I'm ready to leave this noisy place. Can't she see that I'm in a hurry too?

"Can I have a picture with you, seƱorita? Just for a while please?" the other one is still scratching.

I almost rolled my eyes. how I hate her voice. It sucks.

"No, she needs to rest first. Sorry guys, she has a second performance tomorrow." I felt relief when Rudelyn came.

"Tomorrow, you are free to do that with her," she added.

She's Rudelyn Fabroa, my best friend? No, she's my cousin. he is my companion in going to different countries to entertain me at my concert. Yeah, my concert as a violin artist.

After arriving at the parking lot, the driver immediately opened the back seat door. He would have supported me but I didn't accept his outstretched hand and I just got in the car. It's rude if it's rude, I don't care.

Rudelyn followed, now holding my violin.

"That's rude, Theza," she commented. I didn't move and just looked out the window and leaned back in my chair.

We are in Europe, this is my 197 concert. During the 26 years that I have been living in the world, I have had so many concerts and in different countries. Violin was a bit boring, I can say that. so my tickets are exclusive and only a few people watch my performance.

Less than 20 visitors. Well, in Spain, I'm already known there so there are a lot of people watching. 1000, but of course all adults. I can only count my peers on my fingers, not the ones before.

I feel exhausted suddenly so I close my eyes but I'm not yet sleepy. I just want to rest.

"We're flying next to the Philippines, Theza. You have a very first time concert there. you often refuse the offer to perform there," he said and he got no answer from me as usual.

But she's used to it. He just spoke word for word even though I didn't answer him. I've gotten used to his chatter.

I am not totally rejecting the Philippines. Why would I do that? Philippines was my country before I landed in Spain and grew up there with my father.

Is just that, no one is interested in the violin artist. Filipinos now have a different passion. We are in a modern world. It would have been okay if it was in the year 1880 or lower than that. maybe I'm still excited to go to the Philippines.

AFTER my violin performance, I stood up from my chair. Oh, I was sitting on a red chair in front of the crowd, while playing my favorite violin. I should be standing, right? but I don't want to stand anymore, I might walk out suddenly.


"She's really talented."

Various comments came out of their mouths as they continued to applaud loudly. I'm used to it. I'm used to compliments, but I wasn't happy. I'm just more annoyed.

they were all standing and obviously enjoyed my performance. Without emotion I just bowed as a sign of bow and without gratitude I left from inside the stage. Why would I thank them? I already bowled, that's enough though.

"You have a great performance there, SeƱorita Theza Marie," the guy approached me with a wide smile on his disgusting face. Annoying.

I ignored him and passed him. I don't care about what he said. that's better, ignoring people I don't know who it was and I don't care to know them either.

My time is priceless and I don't want to just talk to them. They will just get bored with me. Talking to me just makes them salivate.

"SeƱorita Theza, are you leaving already?" another human being approached me but this time it was a girl.

Can't she see? I'm ready to leave this noisy place. Can't she see that I'm in a hurry too?

"Can I have a picture with you, seƱorita? Just for a while please?" the other one is still scratching.

I almost rolled my eyes. how I hate her voice. It sucks.

"No, she needs to rest first. Sorry guys, she has a second performance tomorrow." I felt relief when Rudelyn came.

"Tomorrow, you are free to do that with her," she added.

She's Rudelyn Fabroa, my best friend? No, she's my cousin. he is my companion in going to different countries to entertain me at my concert. Yeah, my concert as a violin artist.

After arriving at the parking lot, the driver immediately opened the back seat door. He would have supported me but I didn't accept his outstretched hand and I just got in the car. It's rude if it's rude, I don't care.

Rudelyn followed, now holding my violin.

"That's rude, Theza," she commented. I didn't move and just looked out the window and leaned back in my chair.

We are in Europe, this is my 197 concert. During the 26 years that I have been living in the world, I have had so many concerts and in different countries. Violin was a bit boring, I can say that. so my tickets are exclusive and only a few people watch my performance.

Less than 20 visitors. Well, in Spain, I'm already known there so there are a lot of people watching. 1000, but of course all adults. I can only count my peers on my fingers, not the ones before.

I feel exhausted suddenly so I close my eyes but I'm not yet sleepy. I just want to rest.

"We're flying next to the Philippines, Theza. You have a very first time concert there. you often refuse the offer to perform there," he said and he got no answer from me as usual.

But she's used to it. He just spoke word for word even though I didn't answer him. I've gotten used to his chatter.

I am not totally rejecting the Philippines. Why would I do that? Philippines was my country before I landed in Spain and grew up there with my father.

Is just that, no one is interested in the violin artist. Filipinos now have a different passion. We are in a modern world. It would have been okay if it was in the year 1880 or lower than that. maybe I'm still excited to go to the Philippines.

WE reached the RG's hotel where Rudelyn and I checked in temporarily. Our flight here was just yesterday so somehow I was able to rest and tomorrow. My second concert here in Europe.

"You go first, Theza. I'm just passing by the desk clerk," I heard my cousin say but I didn't stop and just walked towards the elevator.

It opened immediately and I entered. I pushed the 12th floor button.

"Wait!" the man shouted and it looked like he was going to take the elevator too. But you know me?

being a rude queen in our country and outside? Sorry, dude.

He couldn't reach because the elevator had closed and I didn't waste my time opening it again.

The elevator has a second trip, dude. You can wait. Thank you

after a second I reached the floor of my hotel room. I was only stopped by a woman who suddenly lost her balance and scattered all her papers on the floor.

The woman screamed hysterically and rushed to pick it all up.

"Urgh! I hate this boss Markus!" I heard the girl say. She's a Filipina?

I continued walking again but I stepped on the woman's hand. I didn't do it on purpose.

"Ouch! Are you blind, Miss? Can't you see that I was busy picking up the papers here's on the floor?!" the woman asked me hostilely. my brows furrowed, I don't understand him.

I finally passed him and he screamed again.

"Wow! You didn't even apologize?! Thank you for stepping on my hand, Miss!" she added.

Before I entered my hotel room, I heard a man's baritone voice.

"What's the matter, Bins?"

I shrugged my shoulder and I stepped inside my room.

Chapter 1 (3.3)

I sat down on the sofa and leaned on the back and I closed my eyes. I feel tired all of a sudden.

And I feel sleepy, too but before I can sleep when my phone rings. I'm too lazy to answer whoever is calling me at this moment.

I'm tired. Can I just rest and please people, don't disturb my rest. Yes, only now will I have enough rest because I rehearsed all night for my performance the next day.

the phone was stop ringing and I sighed heavily but it rang again.

I don't have any choice but to accept the call and it was my dad.

"Hello, papa," I greeted my father from the other line.

"How's your performance, son?" he asked me and smiled when I heard the word 'child'.

"I'm fine, papa," I answered and I massaged the bridge of my nose.

"That's good to hear. I'll watch your second performance tomorrow," he told me and I settled down.

"Are you in Europe, dad?" I asked him.

"Yes, dear. I'm with my friends and you're going to meet them all. it's that okay to you, son?" asked my dad. There was doubt in his voice.

Well, dad knows me well. I don't like a lot of people around me unless it's my concert or I have a performance.

"Yes, papa," I answered and I heard him breathing deeply.

"Good to hear that, son. Okay, I'll hang up this call. Rest well, darling," dad announced before hanging up the phone.

I'm Theza Marie Medina, 27 years old. I don't have any work, except for playing the violin and modeling. oh, maybe that's work too but my schedule wasn't hectic unlike other models.

And my father is the only person I am with in life. he is running a business, a big company and I'm his heiress but sad to say I can't run it because business is not my thing but I graduated in business management.

But maybe if I retire from Violin's Art, I will try to manage my father's business. I'm not sure though but I'll try my best.

Dad is also getting old and he is asking for a grandchild. I mentally rolled my eyes. As if I'm going to get married?

Mama already has family in the Philippines. My father and I have been separated since I was only 18 years old and we no longer have any communication with him and I don't want to talk to him either. I don't hate her, maybe I'm just sulking?

But honestly, dad is enough for me. Dad did not fail to take care of me. papa loves me, and I doubt if my mom does the same.

Minutes later, I felt sleepy and even though I was still on the sofa, I fell asleep...

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Other books by Zebbie Zebbiee

Tears Of A Mistress

Tears Of A Mistress



"Yes, let's say I fucking love it." he said making me smile. We stayed in that position for a while and I shivered again for the second time. he changed our position so he was on top again. He put his hand on my side and moved freely on top of me. "Ohhh! Fa-Faster please." "I can't hear you, baby?" He was still teasing and slowed down his movement as he entered with full emphasis. I held his seat to make him lean more. "Alright, hurry up." "Next, baby." he said and sped up again. While he wasn't moving as fast as he was, he was relentlessly kissing my lips. I like this. I want to give him everything. he is the man who made me feel strange feelings. I feel that I will be very hurt when he leaves me. So I will do everything to be the only woman for him. We hugged each other and I was amazed by his last strength. I rested deeply and accepted the warm liquid he released from my insides. We kissed again and smiled at each other. He pulled out his length and left on top of me. He stood next to me and hugged me so I leaned on his chest and closed my eyes. "Flirt!" I woke up when someone grabbed my hair so I winced in pain especially when it pulled me down on the bed. "Suzanne!" "You're an animal! You're an animal, Atreo!" I was confused as I wrapped the blanket around my naked body. I looked at the woman who was beautiful, sophisticated, well dressed, and maybe the same age as Kuya. "Suzane, please, don't come here." I looked at both of them because I couldn't understand why the girl was crying. The woman looked at me when I stood up. I was shocked when he slapped me so I held my cheek and looked at it. I can see his tears and anger on his face. "You're flirtatious! You managed to hook up with my husband!" I was almost pierced and couldn't breathe from what he said. Husband? Is Atreo his wife? I looked at Atreo Ripler Alvarez. The guy I thought was single. The man I thought I could have. "Grace, let me explain." I cried and almost wanted to sink to the ground in my situation. I hate myself. I ran outside with only a blanket covering my nakedness. I could hardly see the road because of my flooding tears that blurred my vision. "You're flirtatious! You managed to hook up with my husband!" "You're flirtatious! You managed to hook up with my husband!" "You're flirtatious! You managed to hook up with my husband!" What the woman said kept echoing in my mind. I sat down on a rock and hugged myself as I continued to sob. "You are nothing but a mistress, Grace."





It repeatedly enters my mind that what I am doing is wrong but I canā€™t step back now. I peeked into the grand mansion. The monster's house That's what they call the man who lives here. I haven't really seen him yet but because of rumors. I couldn't stop my curiousity so here I am. I'm sure my Mama will scold me again when she finds out what I'm doing. I kept hearing so many things about the man named Alexendris Courner. About how ruthless he is and short temper. I wonder, if it's really true. Based on what I see. He is extremenly rich. He has a two storey mansion. I think. His land area is 8 hectares and it is not just a mansion that stands here. "Odd. Why does it seem so quiet?" I asked in astonishment I looked around before approaching the guard house and was surprised to see nothing there. He doesn't have a security guard? In the size of his house. Isn't he afraid to rob? I was hesitant to enter. I know it's trespassing but I can't help myself. I slammed the gate. I almost drowned when I pushed it open. My eyes widened. "A-aren't they already robbed?" Nope! This is not trespassing. I'm just checking. Later they are actually robbed. I'm just a concerned citizen! I shared the sight across the house. I see three sports car parked in the right side. Is there anyone inside? I'm even more nervous e. I made my way through the door. My hand was still shaking as I knocked on the door. No one's answering. "Knock Knock-" I was interrupted by someone speaking behind me. "You!" My chest throbbed when I heard that baritone voice as if the was ready. I slowly turned away. Our eyes met. His deep sharp blue eyes bore at me. There's a dangerous glint in those orbs that pushed me back. He took big steps until he could get close to me. He held my hand and drew me harshly. "You shouldn't be here ... young woman."

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