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His Little Angel

His Little Angel



In a world of elves, vampires, demons, sirens, changelings..there's so much drama and chaos untold, Rutherford being the safest kingdom, how did it become the safest kingdom? Why did the demon and vampires and other creatures mysterious vanish from that kingdom, Damien Lafayette the present king of Rutherford has set his eyes on Madeline, the daughter born of a elf and angel, two odd pair...join Madeline and Damien in their quest to save humanity...or if they would survive in the mysterious and conceited world. --------------------- "The only mistake I made was coming in contact with a devil like you..." A dark chuckle escaped his lips, making her shuddered. "That's tough love maddie...in this world you belong to only me, no man can have your or I'll have his head instead..."

Chapter 1 Meeting


"Maddie Maddie...get up or you'll be late for your embroidery classes again."

Byron yelled from the kitchen as he went to knock on Madeline room door.

This was their morning routine, Madeline was so good at embroidery, yet she join a embroidery class, was it to anger the poor instructor.

"This child....lady Brianna will throw a fit if you don't get there on time."

Byron sighed this child why was she taking the class anyways, she was already so good at it yet she went there to anger the lady.

Madeline yawned as she looked out the window, bright and warm sunlight lighting up the room.

Madeline always felt the sun shines brightest whenever she looked at it.

it's morning already, she thought to herself as she rinsed her face with warm water and went downstairs.

"Father ...good morning."

Madeline greeted with a bright smile on her face, she must have woken up on the right side of the bed.

Most times Madeline woke up cranky, due to nightmares and visions keeping her away at night, lately she seemed to be waking more earlier and happier.

"Maddie....come come..lady Brianna would be throwing a fit by now, have some breakfast."

Byron served a plate of egg Benedict,with bacon and sausages, also there was French toast and pancakes on the side with fresh warm milk.


Madeline smelled the delicious delicacy placed on the table, her quiet stomach began to rumble just by looking at it.

Madeline was a lusty eater she enjoyed eating delicious food, she ate everything quickly and went to wash the dishes.

It dumbfounded Byron, her ability to eat food made Byron wonder if he wasn't feeding her right...he was right..?

"Leave it..you are already late..."

Madeline wanted to protest but Byron waved his hands signaling for her to go.

"Alright take care of yourself, I'll be back soon."

Madeline said softly as she walked out the door.

She wore a yellow gown that fell at her knees with her favorite black sandals .

She was considered the village belle, with her emerald eyes and red full lips.

Thornbury was bustling during morning's like this, you could see the baker selling freshly baked bread to customers, filling the air with vanilla and strawberry scent.

The fishermen coming back from the rivers, holding barrels carrying fresh fish to the towns, carpenters, the messengers, the chimney sweepers, everyone playing their everyday roles in Thornbury.

"Hey Madeline are you heading to Lady Brianna's."

Thomas who was said to be the village hunk ran up to Madeline.

Thomas was tall, with dazzling blue eyes,dirty blonde hair neatly packed into a pony tail, chiseled jawline and pointed nose. They weren't blind when they called the village hunk.

"Yes...do you need anything, I'm running late."

Madeline said politely as she started walking again. She wasn't a fan of this so called village hunk, they all had this belief that beautiful women should be with handsome men like them.

"Are you busy after this..."

Thomas asked, a woman like her should he his, he flashed a saccharine smile, making Madeline uncomfortable.

"It depends..i might help my father later..."

Madeline father owned a dress shop, he was very famous for his gowns and suits as even dukes and Kings came to place orders.

"Alright I will come to look for you if you're not busy."

Thomas knew Madeline was avoiding him, so he did not drag the matter. And left quietly, going to seduce another young girl he found by the stall.

Madeline continued walking for some minutes before getting to lady Brianna's house.

"MADELINE!!! You are late, this is the fifteenth time... do you even take this class seriously."

Lady Brianna scolded her face distorted in anger, the other ladies present also looked angry.

Who could blame them..

"I'm very sorry lady Brianna, that's why I've come tell you I'm leaving the class and going to help my father."

Madeline said politely as she stayed on the side silently, letting lady Brianna cool off.

"Leave...you're my best student, I want to make you my assistant."

Lady Brianna anger had disappeared as she looked at Madeline expectantly.

"No..no....this is my wish and I want to help my father..."

Lady Brianna sighed she has lost a good student, she wished she could trade Madeline with the other girls present.

"alright...do drop by from time to time."

Madeline nodded as she went out of the building , she didn't go home directly and instead she went to the Rose garden. It was the only place in Thornbury that roses grew, it was a quiet place, a place for solace.

It was Madeline happy place, it made her feel closer to mother, what Madeline did not know was that her mother was special and went back to heaven after she died.

She took her sketchbook from her pastel colored pouch bag, started drawing gowndesigns, she heard that the king was going to be hosting a ball, so they would need to create a lot of spectacular dressesMadeline stayed there till noon, sketching designs and drawing the roses. Before going to the workshop.

"Dad I've stop going to the embroidery class, so I have lots of time to help you."

Madeline says as she stood beside Byron showing him her designs.

Byron could not help but look at them again, they were outstanding and it wasn't just females, but males also.

"I knew my daughter was talented, but you'll have to make this yourself... as they are your designs."

Byron spoke sternly as he ushered her to the sewing machine.

"Silks, linen, wool, threads and everything you need is right here."

You could say Byron's wealth was that of a merchants, as people from all over the kingdom came to buy their dresses here.

Speaking of customer here comes one, Viscount Martins one of Byron customers, the workshop was quite busy since there was an upcoming ball.

"Mister Byron lovely day...I've come for the dresses we ordered."

The Viscount had two sons and two daughters, which he intended to show off a the ball.

Adela and Annalise martins, who thought of themselves are the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.

Seems like they hadn't met Madeline, Adela was even more pompous than her sister Annalise, walking and snorting at the place slightly, if it was so shabby why did she order gowns from here..huh!

"Go get it...we need to check if it looks good or not."

Was he saying that he Byron Rothschild made shabby clothing...

Byron was a bit offended by their words but did not say anything, he had already collect their fifty thousand silver, that much money the workshop was a high end place.

Byron went to the back and brought out two dresses, one pastel color and the other blue color.

"The color is really nice..."

Annalise wasn't as pompous as her sister Adela, who was on her own high horse.

"You can try it in the dressing room, if there's anything you don't like we can make amends."

Byron said politely to Annalise completely ignoring Adela. Who could blame him, he had already resisted the urge of throwing her out of the workshop.

"Good.. go on then.."

Viscount Martins smiled one had to book Byron in advance, for it to be made by him.

Tells you how high end the workshop is..

Annalise came out wearing the dress, she was pretty so the dress made her look beautiful bringing out her hidden beauty.

However because Byron has ignored her, Adela tried everything possible to find faults in the dress.

"Mine is too tight, and I don't like the color used..."

Adela stated with a frown, she was bent on making Byron work miserable.

Viscount Martins expression darkened, what was this stupid daughter of his trying to do, if she ruined his relationship with Byron then he wouldn't be able to get clothes from this workshop.

"Nonsense...Byron never makes mistakes, you look perfectly fine.."

Viscount Martins laughed as he sent a glare at Adela.

Wasn't he the one who said they should check if it was good or not.

Adela grumbled but kept quiet, the dresses were packaged and they left the workshop.

Byron smiled slightly, did they take him for a fool.

By that time Madeline had already made two gowns already, she used different embroidery techniques giving the gowns their own unique designs. She was currently working on the men's attire.

When the worker rushed in with a invitation card,

"Master Byron a invitation from the King, he wants to see you.."

The worker give the invitation to Byron his hands trembled, king Damien was not a merciful person, so he feared for his master.

Byron nodded and opened the card.

"Mister Byron I'd like to have tea with you and your daughter today..."

Byron read the card over and over again, the king wanted to have tea with him and Madeline, it was simply unbelievable.

"The king wants us to come over for tea."


Why would the king want to have tea with peasants like them.

There weren't exactly on the social ladder, how did the king even discover them .

"That's absurd.." Madeline exclaimed, it was like lions having tea with rats.

Byron nodded his head agreeing with Madeline, however they had to obey.

"Let's go there first..."

Byron sighed he just hoped the king wasn't having any idea about his daughter.

Byron was rich enough to own a carriage, so they just hired a driver to drive them there. The castle was miles away from thornbury and you could only get there by carriage.

Madeline didn't wear any makeup or put on any flashy gown, instead she wore a lime colored gown and styled her hair in a messy bun.

She was in awe when she saw the castle, it was magnificent and huge.

They met the Damien's right hand man, callous Demeter.

"Mister Rothschild, miss Rothschild this way the king waits for you."

Callous said as he lead Byron and Madeline to the east wing, which was where Damien usually had his tea.

Madeline walked slowly as she admired the architecture of the castle, it was exquisite and breathtaking.

Madeline expected maids and butler running around, instead it was as silent as a graveyard.

Damien sat on the couch basking in the sunlight, he hated the sunlight but he had act like a human just for a while.

"Your Highness, Mister Byron and his daughter Miss Madeline."

Callous announced when they arrived at the east wing.

There Madeline saw the most handsome man, his silver eyes, pointed nose, pale skin, everything about him was perfection .

"Mister Byron I'm glad you could make it.."

Damien answered with a smile, his silver eyes glowing faintly.

"Likewise your highness, make I know why you called for me."

Byron asked cautiously he did not want to offend this seemingly nice man.

"Oh it's nothing much...have a sit.."

Callous drew out the chairs for them, as he poured red tea in their cups.

Byron's eyes darkened a little, as an elf he should know what this red tea signifies.

"Help yourselves....."

Byron nodded but did not touch it, he became very cautious around Damien.

However Madeline drank the tea normally, taking sips after sips.

"As you've head I'm hosting a ball, three moons from now..."

Damien got down to business, he already knew what he wanted.

Byron nodded slightly, his business was booming just because of this ball.

" So I'd like for you to make an attire for me, nothing flashy just simple and elegant."

Damien didn't need anything flashy, he could go to the ball naked if he'd like.

"Of course your highness, do you have any particular color..."

Byron was on tailor mode now, and Madeline quietly listened for details.

"No anything would do... Cal give him my measurements."

Damien ordered as he glanced at Madeline.

"I've finally seen the most beautiful girl in Thornbury, it wasn't a rumor after all."

Damien complimented as he sipped his tea lethargically, he preferred drinking blood tea other than this disgusting elf repellent.

His eyes sparkled slightly, was it love or lust no one knew, however his eyes never left Madeline even for a second.

Madeline only smiled not knowing what to say.

"How about we take a stroll around the castle, while callous and your father finish work here."

Damien said out of the blue, even callous was surprised, this was not a everyday thing.

Madeline paused before nodding, it was already a weird day.

Byron looked at Damien warily in his heart he wanted Madeline to say no, he did not know what Damien wanted from his daughter.

Damien height was incomparable, as Madeline who was considered tall could only see his chin she had to look up if she wanted to see his face.

"Why are ladies so short, I have to bend to see your face it makes my back hurt."

Madeline wanted to say I'm not short you're just too tall.

"I consider myself tall but it's just that his highness is too tall, compared to me.."

Madeline didn't dare to talk causally with this man, she screened every words that came out of her mouth.


Damien laughed no one had told him he was too tall before or they just didn't have the guts to.

"The castle is really beautiful, I never thought I would see it..."

Madeline expresses her thoughts, she always saw her mother in her dreams telling her that she would live in a beautiful castle just like this.

"Oh...why's that.."

Damien asked for some reason he enjoyed talking to this young girl, he was far older than Madeline at least that was what he thought...

"Because the disparity between the castle and me, is that like our height, I can only see the chin and not the face..."

Madeline smiled at least she had seen and talked to the king.

"Don't worry you'll get to see the castle everyday.."

Damien said after a while, after that he brought out a invitation card.

"Here I'm specially inviting you to the ball..."

Damien handed the invitation card to Madeline.

Madeline was surprised she didn't expect that Damien would give her an invitation card.

"Thank you your highness, the villagers say you're a ruthless man, but I only believe what I see."

Madeline said gratefully, since he gave her a invitation card, even if the whole world saw him as evil, she would remember the good he did for her.

"Madeline are you married or betrothed to anyone."

Damien asked even when he saw there was no ring on her finger.

Madeline shook her head, she didn't put marriage on her to do list.

"Good...that's good."

Madeline didn't understand how she not getting married was a good thing.

"It's not good..I'm already eighteen years old, I should be married with children by now..."

Madeline laughed softly, she had already broken one of the rules.

"No suitors."

Damien asked, as he played with the sliver ring on his finger, his eyes gleaming slightly.


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