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Gemma lives in London with her younger, reckless, irresponsible but sweet-hearted brother, Jacob. She works two jobs and studies part time. But her hard work just never seems to be enough to help Jacob stay out of trouble. Then one day her life is changed forever, as she makes a deal with someone more powder than she could have ever imagined.

Chapter 1 Siblings

Rushing to the front door, Gemma shouts to her brother Jacob before checking her makeup in the mirror.

Gemma: 'Jake, hurry up, we're going to be late!'

Gemma is a petite woman, only 5ft tall, she has green eyes with a ring of blue around the edge and specks of hazel, her hair is a rich brunette with subtle honey blonde highlights, below shoulder length.

Jacob is rushing behind Gemma hopping on one foot while putting his shoe on the other, when he bumps into Gemma.

Gemma: Gentle huff 'Careful Jake, right let me look at you' Gemma says in a caring, almost motherly tone.

Jacob: 'Sorry sis, are you okay?' He says almost as if out of habit, while trying to straighten his tie and checking his hair in the mirror, before turning to face Gemma.

Jacob is average height for a male, around 5'10, he has a medium build, with slightly broad shoulders, sandy coloured hair and light hazel coloured, kind eyes.

'Oh come here silly, let me help' Gemma says while tiptoeing slightly to sort and straighten Jacobs tie.

Jacobs bends down slightly so Gemma doesn't have to tiptoe and moans 'Gem I don't see why I have to wear this stupid thing, it's not like I'm going to get the job anyway!'

'Hey! Now that's no attitude to have before your interview, you know you stand a good chance at getting this, it will be a nice step up for you, plus Ash thinks you'll be fab at it!' Gemma scalds and protests.

Ash is one of Gemma's best friends, she works at LJ Logistics in office as a finance clerk, sorting out the invoices and confirming payments. When she heard about the warehouse supervisor position she told Gemma and helped her to convince Jacob to apply.

Jacob has been working as warehouse supervisor for Asda the supermarket chain for a little over a year now, he worked his way up from a normal warehouse worker. Although a good and steady job, the LJ logistics warehouse supervisor position comes with more money and better benefits. So reluctantly he agreed to apply.

Jacob: 'Yeah I know, and it was nice of Ash to let us know and set up this interview for me, but I like where I work now and I'm good at what I do.'

Gemma: 'I know Jake, but you've got to be a bit more responsible now and think of the future. This job will help you pay off the credit card debt you've run up. I know I took on my second job at the coffee shop/ bar to help you out, but it's just not enough. But if you get this job we'll be in a much better position, then before you know it, we can start saving to buy somewhere. Then when I finish my uni course I can get a higher paying job and save even more, then you won't need to live with your annoying big sister anymore because we'll buy a second place.'

Jacob sighs a heavy sigh: 'Yeah I know sis, I'm sorry, I will pay you back. But this plan of yours, as good as it is, and I know you'll make it work, but it means that you're still paying for me. I need to start paying my own way and sorting out my own mistakes'

Gemma speaks softly with an encouraging tone: 'Look let's just take it one step at a time and get your credit card debt paid off, then we'll go from there'

Jacob: 'Okay, but I don't want you doing all the saving and getting us a place of our own, to then save all over again to buy your own place and just gift me the first one! Okay!' Jacob straightens while attempting to finish his statement with authority.

Gemma smiles slightly, while trying to hide the little giggle threatening to escape from listening to her little, big brother trying to be in charge. She stands back, brings two fingers from her right hand to her forehead and makes a mini solute and reply's 'Yes sir' with a touch of humour still evident in her voice.

Jacob rolls his eyes and huffs 'I don't know why I bother trying to 'tell' you to do anything sometimes'

Gemma giggles, 'Come on little big bro, that's what big sisters are for - to look out for you! Now let's go we don't want to be late!'

They grab their coats and swiftly walk out their door, down the stairs and out main building entrance into the brisk autumnal air of the busy London streets.

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