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Torn hearts and Treacherous love

Torn hearts and Treacherous love

Stanley Parker


18+, Strong language and sexual content "Andy kiss me like it's your last, fuck me like you kill, i want nobody but you" Sometimes, not all love stories turn out as perfect as we'd like them to. Andy Chester grew up in a world of crime, but deep inside, he wanted love just like anyone else. Even though he did bad things, he felt sorry for them. No matter how hard he tried to be better, he couldn't escape his criminal past. In the end, he didn't think anyone would care about him. All he really wanted was a mom's love, like everyone deserves. But even his own mom left him with his tough dad, who was a leader in the mafia gang. Everything that happened to Andy was because of his family background, which made people see him as a scary person, without giving him a chance to show he was good. Andy got tired of trying to change what people thought about him. Then one special day, he met the daughter of his enemy, and everything changed. At first, she was just his Nurse named Sally. She was assigned to him when he had an accident as a result of a Internal mafia brawl that happened with his family that brought him close to his death, but little did he know that there was more to her than meets the eye, and as love would have it, it was like a magnet. They couldn't believe what was going on between them until it was beyond what they could control. With her, he felt okay being himself. For the first time, he knew what true love felt like. He went through lots of emotions, from being gentle to feeling sad, and that made him care less and less about things. WARNING This story has grown-up stuff and strong words meant for people 18 and older. It also has some really tough violence, rape and kidnapping.


The sound of people groaning, screaming, and cheering filled up the entire casino building in the middle of Monte Carlo. In the parking lot, almost every visitor could smell the sickening smell of cigarettes and alcohol. Regular guests were already adapted to the smell after spending almost every one of their nights sitting in one spot, betting for their luck while their eyes were bucking out of the sockets with visible black eye bags.

On the fifth floor of the casino, where the quiet hallways to each guest's bedrooms were, the moan of a woman could be heard lowly from one room at the end of the hall. A faint sound of music was played by casino staff with the hope of masking out the noises as well as any inappropriate sounds that may be heard by others.

Behind the door stood a man with dark, thick hair that was combed neatly in place, revealing his clean undercuts and smooth forehead. He towered in the room, casting a shadow on a smaller being across from him. Andy pushed a brunette woman against the wall as he shut the door with a kick. The woman leaned her head closer to him, wanting to press her glossy lips against his, but Andy took a step back instantly. His intention was to just have sex with her, not to make love. There was no love left for him to find. Love was something that didn't exist in his dictionary. and it would be the last thing that he would want to learn. He would rather just have sex with her in her mouth, but he would never kiss the lips of a woman who had other men's sexual organs in her mouth.

Andy tossed his blazer onto the carpet. Soon, his hands moved to unbuckle his belt and unzip his bulging pants. He didn't utter a word as he watched her get down on her knees.

With one hand, he grasped the woman's hair and forced her head towards his hip. Andy did not give her a chance to open her mouth wide enough as he shoved his big, hard cock against her lips and slipped in between them into her mouth, deep-throating her. He made a deeper thrust into the brunette woman's mouth the second the unpleasant memories of his father's words resurfaced inside his head, bringing boiling temper to his veins. He wished that fucking some random woman would help solve his problems, but that did not seem to help him feel any better. He slammed another hand against the wall loudly while jerking his head backward, feeling unsatisfied with the mouth service that the woman in front of him provided. He wanted something new, something that he had never experienced before. Obviously enough, he would not want to engage with anyone deep in their hearts. Nobody. And that made him sick of fucking these random women. Sometimes he wondered if he too had become just like his father, the lowest inhuman species alive. Just the thought of him sharing the bloodline of a cruel and ruthless predator like his father makes him want to cut his veins and arteries just to bleed out that unwanted blood.

Andy removed himself from the woman's mouth before motioning with a head nod to walk to the bed. The woman did not hesitate as she turned to make her way to the mattress. On her way there, she slid her silky dress off her body. Without further instruction, she settled onto the bed and opened her legs widely, anticipating the only man in the room.

Andy did not wait any longer as he began to unbutton his black shirt and throw it onto the maroon carpet. On his broad, muscular back, a huge cobra tattoo with remarkably detailed scales was displayed in triumph. The ink was dark as it embedded deep beneath the surface of his skin and flesh. It cast fear on the enemy and anyone who dared to make eye contact with just the eyes of that cobra, king of all the snake species, tattoo alone.

The flash of his abdominal muscles did not seem to impress the woman in front of him when the only expression Andy could read on her face was terrifying. Her eyes shot wide open. Her legs drew closer together at the same time, and she started to back up until her back hit the headboard. Andy furrowed his brows in disinterest in a flick of a second, knowing that his scars intimidated her. It was not just the cuts all over his torso, but the burnt scars that left an ugly stain over some parts of his tight, tanned skin.

Andy inched closer to the bed; meanwhile, his pupils held hers in a demonic gaze. He pressed one knee onto the bed before the woman reacted in the most unexpected way. She tucked both of her knees tightly towards her chest, away from him and his touch. Andy could see the disgust in her eyes. The look that she gave him was no different than how people looked at wild creatures—the ones that don't deserve love or the title of pet. He did not even hurt her one bit, yet she was already backing down from his desire and need. Usually, Andy would not care about how the woman would feel when he wanted her. But, today, his father's words plus that woman's disgusting reaction towards him made him feel even more anger. He could almost feel the blood boiling underneath his veins as heat electrified every inch and part of him. At that moment, he wanted nothing but to kill his father for making his life miserable. Andy continued to glare deadly at the woman in front of him, who was trembling in fear. She acted as if he was going to kill her. Andy's brows were tightly held in madness. He hated the looks that outsiders gave him. The look of disgust and fear in their eyes made him feel no less than a devil himself.

Andy sighed out loud and furiously, then removed his knee from the soft bed. No matter how mad he was, there was one thing that he swore to never do. That one thing was to hurt a woman. With just one glance at that fragile body, Andy could already guess how easy it would've been to just twist and break that pair of wrists of hers. It was too easy. He wouldn't fight a weak opponent. He hated how submissive those weak people were when they were to face the stronger dominant one. It reminded him of his old self. When he was just a kid, with no shield or protection, he had no choice but to submit to his father. It was an unfair battle all along against a powerful man like his father. Andy gritted his teeth as the terrifying looks that washed over the woman's face triggered images of his past memories. He zipped his pants back up as he turned to find his button-up shirt on the carpet.

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