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His Love,My Devotion

His Love,My Devotion



" Hubby, I don't feel like moving because I'm tired ..." Leon; " then don't. Here, let me massage you. " Years Later.... "hubby, I want a massage." "Honey, be good my princess wants some ice cream." " .....!!" who said this daughter slave was a henpecked hubby! Waking up the next morning in a hotel with a stranger on top of a broken heart and a brother who needs surgery, Lucia Carlvastan is at her wits end. Realising that she is the woman he had a one night stand with, he dupes her into signing a marriage contract with him. Leon Acosta is known by his friends to be indifferent towards women. But what happened when he suddenly introduces a woman as his wife and spoils her to boot. " Bro, there's a gathering with the other brothers tonight. Are you coming?" Leon; " no... My wife wants pastries from the famous bakery in X city. I'll be going there to get it myself. " Guston who was on the other end of the line " ..... "

Chapter 1 I'm Pregnant

Lester City.Kimpiski Hotel

The flowers were in full bloom, and the breeze carried the floral fragrance with it.But Lucia Carlvastan was unable to admire its beauty, as the scene before her seem to suffocate her.Warm light spilled on the ground as a couple of familiar yet unfamiliar silhouettes embrace each other under a tree."Johnny..." The lady's voice was gentle and soft. Her fair arms were wrapped around his neck as she rested her head on his chest affectionately. The man seemed to have other considerations. After some hesitation, he gently and slowly pushed her away.When Johnny Corona looked in Lucia's direction, she quickly hid behind the tree in other not to be noticed by them.She heard Johnny say, "Renata, you said you were going to give me a surprise. What is it?" Renata's voice was sweet and her tone a little shy as she quietly said, " Johnny, I'm pregnant. "

Pregnant! Lucia's face blanched as soon as she heard her.Her eyes widened in horror as her face turned pale."What?!" Johnny appeared shocked too." Johnny, I'm pregnant!" Renata threw herself into his arms and hugged him, her face filled with bliss. "I'm carrying our baby. You'll be a father soon, are you happy?" Johnny lowered his head, his expression still stunned, and furrowed his brows slightly. "When was this?" " three months ago ."With her body against his, Renata looked up slightly and glanced towards Lucia's direction.Her lips curled up, making her appear a little sly. Of course she knew Lucia was standing behind that tree watching them. Other wise, why would she be putting on this show for her to watch. " It was on the day Sister went for a shoot. I, I .... " She hid her face in his embrace shyly. Three months ago, so .... it was at that time? Lucia was out of town three months ago. She didn't think that while she was away battling with her problems, her " fiance" and " sister" would be having fun behind her back. Ha...

Renata said a lot of things after, but Lucia could not hear anything else as she stumbled out of her hidding place. As she walked away, she heard Johnny say, "Let's go back. We've been out here too long, people will get suspicious." Then they got up and started walking back into the hotel.

Lucia walked listlessly out of the hotel. She definitely could not let them know she's seen them together. Of course she was not aware that Renata had all this planned.

Walking out of the hotel, she hailed a taxi.

" where to ma'am? " the driver asked.

" please just get me out of here. "

The driver looked at her through the mirror and started moving away from the hotel.

As they drove around, Lucia couldn't help but reminisce on how Johnny had wooded her back then.

He did anything possible to make her his girlfriend. But now there he was, going out with her sister. A tear rolled down her face as she thought about these things.

The driver kept looking at her through the rearview mirror. Seeing that she was shedding tear, he couldn't help but shake his head.

After driving around for an hour, the driver stopped the car by the roadside and turned to look at her.

" ma'am, we've been driving for an hour. "

Lucia looked up hearing him say that. Looking at her surrounding, she saw " club 50" written infront of an up scale building.

" I'll drop off here. thank you. "

The driver looked at her wanting to say something, but she had already gotten out of the car.

He shook his head and drove off.

Lucia looked at the bustling Street in a daze.

She couldn't even feel the cold, as she stood at the same place. She just couldn't figure out how and when Johnny got together with Renata. she took a deep breathe, and walked into the club. Looking around for a while, she went straight to the bar counter and sat on a high stool. She ordered a drink, sat down and sipped on it as she listened to the booming music in the background. She got tipsy as she continued to ask for bottle after bottle.

The club got hyper as more and more people streamed in. Lucia who had her head on the counter started to doze off.

In a closed cubicle on one of the floors of the building, a man clad in a black suit sat among a group of men and women. He had a wine glass in his hands, as he looked at the men and women play and drink. One of them suggested they play truth or dare and the rest of them agreed.

Guston who was among the men turned to look at him and said; " big bro, you should join us. "

The man glanced side ways at him. Guston shrank his neck as he was about to tell him it was fine if he didn't want to. But just then the man got up and went close to the table.

Those watching were dumbfounded, as Mr Acosta isn't someone who would usually play this kind of games. It seems he's in a good mood today, some thought. Even Guston was astonished to see his big bro participate in this kind of game for the first time in two years.

They started the game and it was getting very interesting as people spilled out truths and did dares that was unimaginable.

As it went on, it finally got to Gustons' turn.

He did a dare which said he was to kiss the first lady that enters the room. While no one came they passed on to Leon Acosta's turn. The room suddenly became quiet, as everyone was wondering what he'll choose.

Guston was waiting for this very opportunity. He was going make sure that Leon would do the most difficult dare today.

" big bro truth or dare? "

Leon looked at the lot in the room and raised his lips into a smirk. " Dare" he said.

The room became quiet for a second.

A dare! He chose a dare!

The room started buzzing after they heard what he said. who has the courage to make this young master do a dare?

With this thought they all turned to look at Guston. He was the one who made this big baby join the game anyway.

With everyone's eyes on him, Guston rubbed his hand together and looked at Leon.

" big bro, my men would go down to the pub and bring which ever lady they meet on the way. And you're going to spend the night with her in the same room. "

Leon raised his brow when he finished. And everyone was looking at both of them, waiting for Leon to say that he'll take the punishment after hearing the dare. But....

" alright "

That was what he said. The men in the room looked at him with a shocked expression.

Leon was willing to spend the night with a woman? In the same room? It's not that he fit like women, but for the past two years now, he's been avoiding women like a plague.

Guston was as fast as lighting as he bolted to the door to talk to his gaurds.

After he came back, the game couldn't continue with the same enthusiasm. After all they were all looking forward to who would be brought in to spend the night with " prince charming" . The ladies started wisppering to each on how jealous they were of the woman who would get to spend the night with Leon. The game was thus stopped as everyone went back to drinking.

The man in the limelight sat in the middle without caring for what was going on around him as he continued to sip on his wine.

Soon, Guston's guards came to whisper something into his ears.

He looked at the man beside him and smirked.

Down stairs in the pub, Lucia had really drank alot. As she stood up trying to locate the wash room upstairs, she met two men in Black coming down as well.

Gustons' men really were despicable. As Lucia number into them they checked her out. Their boss said to bring in a random woman they meet on their way down and this woman fit the perfect example of random. Besides she was pretty, with her large watery eyes.

As they watched her go up the stairs, they turned to follow her.

Though Lucia was a bit drunk, she didn't look like it at all. She could sense that it sense that though the men she just met did not plan on harming her, they were still following behind her for a reason. So she turned around to look at them every step she took.

Guston's guards also turn around as if to look for something as they didn't want her to know they were following her.

As guards who follow the young master, keeping guns and knives, they had zero knowledge on how to handle women. And young master said to not harm the woman, so they were wondering how to take this lady to young master without causing or arousing suspicion.

Lucia knowing that they were following her walked briskly until she turned to a corner. Looking around she saw a door slightly opened with it's inner light spilling out. She didn't think of anything else as she dashed for the door and slipped inside.

Just as Guston's men turned a corner, they saw Lucia enter one of the rooms and closed it from inside.

" what the... " that woman is very fast for someone who's drunk" guard one said.

" wait. let's check out the room number before telling young master about it. " guard two suggested.

" why should we report that to young master? "

" It's not as if he specifically said for us to bring this woman. "

" so what should we do now?"

" let's go look for someone else. " guard one replied.

As they were leaving the first guard turned to look at the room in which Lucia entered again, thinking it was a pity that they couldn't take this woman, after all, she was pretty.

Just as he moved forward he paused and turned back to look at the room number again. " suit two. number 004? " Isn't that the room that young master said to bring the woman?"

He called the other guard to a stop. " hey, check this out. I think we don't have to bother anymore. Our job here has been made easy for us. "

" what are you talking about? "🙄

" check out the room number. " isn't it 004, suit two?" As he said this, the other guard noticed that he was right. "

" haha, that lady really made our work less stranious." let's go tell young master that the work is done."

With that they both turn and went downstairs. But before that they left, they locked the door from outside, thinking to themselves that Lucia was really doomed to have walked in there by herself.

Leon who was escorted to the room, didn't close the door properly because he was feeling a bit tipsy. As he walked into the bathroom he heard the door open and close within minutes. As he knew that Guston's guards probably brought the woman, he didn't think much of it and entered the bathroom to wash up. He wasn't planning on touching the woman anyway.

Lucia who entered a random room just to shake off those guys now wanted to open it and go out after listening for their voices outside and making sure that they were gone, turned the door nob, only to realize that it was locked from outside.

Good Lord! what in the world had she gotten herself into.

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