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The Extinction Agenda

The Extinction Agenda

Christopher Wrights


An ambitious scientist, Dr. Signing Strauss, in his quest for answers over the demise of a friend, stumbles upon an old alien ship where he meets an extraterrestrial being who gifts him a deadly weapon to further the sinister plot of the outworlder from outer space. Armed with his new acquisition, Strauss can unleash mayhem on a group of American soldiers stationed on the frontlines of Afghanistan. Fortunately, one man, Captain Crowne 'Buster' Brewster survives and seeks revenge. Together with MI-6 Director and Agent, Bullard 'Brain' Harris and Thelma McDonagh, Crowne must stop a catastrophic attack orchestrated by Strauss and his extraterrestrial cohorts, designed to decimate the human race via a planned attack from deep space

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

The Amazon, Brazil.

0945 hours.

15th June 2020.

His epic journey through the depths of the Amazon Basin following the whispers and legends that spoke of the hallowed grounds known as Chula, proved to be a grueling quest. It demanded every ounce of strength and determination as he forged his way through treacherous pathways, strewn with jagged rocks and tangled thickets. With unwavering resolve, he pressed onward, driven by an insatiable desire to lay eyes upon this enchanting sanctuary.

He had set off on his own, left abandoned by the indigenous companions who feared the wrath of the revered Chula deity if they dared accompany an unworthy soul like his.

Armed with the knowledge bestowed upon him by the locals, he had diligently followed the sacred path to the hidden shrine as well as a meticulously drawn map, a precious gift from his esteemed archaeologist friend, Dr. John Bismarck.

The enigmatic fate that befell the good doctor after his expedition to Chula which was shrouded in mystery was probably one of the reasons for embarking on this tedious expedition. Whispers of a fatal infection contracted from the mystical Basin circulated among the superstitious, yet he harbored a strong suspicion of a more sinister force behind his demise. An autopsy report, released too late, revealed that Dr. Bismarck's life had been abruptly extinguished by a sudden, merciless heart attack on the very day he laid eyes upon Chula's sacred grounds.

The perplexing enigma surrounding the sacred Chula deepened, its secrets becoming ever more elusive.

As he trudged through the shallow canal, he could sense the rough pebbles beneath his weary feet, the forceful current tugging at his every step. A chaotic flurry of buzzards swooped and dived around him, their ominous presence adding an eerie aura to his precarious journey. Summoning every ounce of strength, he fought against the rushing waters to reach the safety of dry land. Cautiously navigating his way through towering tendrils of vegetation, he ventured deeper into the heart of the dense rainforest, where colossal trees stood as majestic guardians of the natural realm.

The morning sun, its rays finding their way through the thick leafy canopy above, cast a gentle glow upon this surreal realm, unveiling a mysterious beauty that rendered him awestruck.

Venturing deeper into the depths of the Amazon, he suddenly came across a grand spectacle concealed in a verdant curtain of foliage. It stood before him, an imposing pedestal of magnificent proportions, its true nature obscured by nature's embrace. Was it a mere accidental formation of ancient rocks, or a testament to the forgotten craftsmanship of man?

The colossal structure possessed a breathtaking height of roughly twelve meters, stretching out for a staggering length of about twenty meters. As he continued to gaze upon this awe-inspiring sight, a strong sensation overwhelmed him. He could just be staring at Chula itself. The thought kept echoing in his head, synchronizing with the rapid cadence of his heartbeat.

Suddenly, it seemed as though the great pedestal possessed a consciousness of its own, acknowledging his presence with a thunderous vibration that rattled the very core of his being. His heart pounded fiercely within his ribcage as if desperately seeking escape from this unearthly encounter. Yet, fueled by a glimmer of unyielding courage, he remained rooted to the spot, steadfast in his determination to unravel the enigma before him.

As the powerful vibrations reverberated through the air, the ensuing force began to dislodge the colossal foliage that had long masked the true nature of the majestic formation. And, gradually, as if shedding a cloak of secrecy, the hidden mysteries behind the camouflaged veil were unveiled before his astonished eyes.

The structure that loomed before him was a colossal and formidable presence that seemed to defy both time and reason. Its massive frame cast an imposing shadow, giving rise to an undeniable aura of mystery. Exuding a shiny ebony color, its exterior was clad in the trappings of an ancient world, embellished with intricate symbols etched into its weathered surface. These markings, weathered by the passage of countless years, were a testament to an ancient wisdom and an uncharted civilization, waiting to be deciphered by inquisitive eyes.

Standing in all its grandeur, the structure possessed an oval shape. Its curves evoke a sense of curiosity. As if caught in the flurry of emotions, his initial apprehension dissolved into thin air, replaced by an invigorating surge of pure curiosity. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, his instincts ignited an insatiable desire to unravel the secrets that lay hidden within this enigmatic realm. A newfound courage pulsed through his veins, emboldening his steps as he ventured closer toward the unknown, eager to feed his insatiable hunger for discovery. He discerned instantly that Chula was an alien ship.

As he drew nearer to the ship's imposing presence, the vibrations that had stirred the ground gradually ceased, leaving only a lingering silence. In a mesmerizing sequence of events, a faint but distinct buzz echoed through the air. What had the semblance of a door suddenly drifted seamlessly into existence just above the ship's opening. As if conjured by a mystical force, this newly formed gateway beckoned him, daring him to step into the mysterious darkness that now lay before him.

In an unexpected turn, the darkness swept over his mind, flooding it with a daunting sense of apprehension. The comforting veil of curiosity now seemed distant, as ethereal glimmers of light emerged from the depths of the ship's interior. Illuminated by these enchanting beacons, the once-dormant corners of the vessel erupted with captivating vitality, as if responding to a long-awaited signal. It was as if the ship itself had been reignited, its every nook and cranny pulsating with newfound energy, awakening a dormant power that had lain dormant for ages untold.

As if animated by an unknown force, a colossal monitor roared to life, its once-muted screen pulsating with a kaleidoscope of infinitesimal monochromatic dots. Below this mesmerizing display, an array of panels comprised of countless buttons stretched across the vast expanse before him, tantalizingly waiting to be engaged. Within this mysterious chamber, a dozen contraptions resembling chairs were scattered in an irregular arrangement, their purpose undisclosed. Suddenly, a faint yet unmistakable squeak emanated from the farthest reaches of the foreboding space, suggesting something or someone was about to break the ice.

Within the ethereal expanse, every element seemed imbued with the gleaming dark pigment that adorned the colossal facade of the ship itself. The very air took on a tint of this majestic pigment, infusing the space with an otherworldly glow.

A deep, resonant voice echoed from a peculiar contraption nestled within the ship, reminiscent of an ancient speaker. Its timbre was imbued with a commanding masculinity that reverberated through the air, with great authority. Each word uttered possessed a sharpness and awe-inspiring clarity as if etched into the very fabric of reality itself. The sheer power of its delivery was such that one could almost discern the gentle stir of air emanating from the channels of the mysterious speaker - The enigmatic cadence hinted at the remarkable superiority possessed by the ship's elusive owner, whispering of an advanced existence far beyond the realms of ordinary understanding: 'Hello, Dr. Strauss.'

His senses tingled with astonishment as his name was uttered, sending a jolt of unexpected recognition through his being. It felt as though his epiphany had been waiting patiently in the wings, a moment of profound realization finally coming to fruition. The voice, expressed rather warmly: 'You can have a seat.'

He wondered why this being exuded such a level of hospitality.

He lowered into one of the numerous contraptions that resembled a chair and waited eagerly to hear what these beings had to say.

Being in contact with what looked like an extraterrestrial was something out of a science fiction movie.

'In studying the human race, we have understood that a formal introduction often suffices between humans, so I would take the liberty to educate you of who we are and our mission on earth.'

The multitude of blips on the screen crackled and fizzled with otherworldly energy, resonating with the thunderous timbre of the alien's voice: ' We hail from a planet light years from here. Our world was faced with a plethora of conflicts that forced us to seek a better home. While we searched through numerous planets, we could not find a suitable habitation till we stumbled upon your planet.

'For years we have interacted with your people and found out that one major factor sets humans apart from all species that make up the universe. It is your population. You have survived every plague, disaster, and even war that has come. Unlike us that has been decimated by war and disease, you remain resilient.

'We have toiled, resorting to dictators like Ceasar and Hitler, diseases like the Black Plague and the Spanish flu-even more recently, AIDS, but it's been an exercise in futility'. He could feel the voice laden with profound emotion.

'But we know you, Dr. Strauss, to be an ambitious man and we have come up with a plot which through you would aid us in actualizing our dream of eliminating these humans and finally making earth our home'.

He deduced that this voice spoke with a superior intellect. Frequently, he had expressed comparable notions within the esteemed circles of academia, advocating for the reduction of the human populace to accommodate the equitable distribution of resources.

The voice continued: 'To achieve our aim, we would grant you insight into one of our inventions and expectedly you would be credited with this work only if you advance our course.'

Nothing captivated his imagination more than the prospect of being bestowed with the distinction of becoming renowned, as he had always dreamt of possessing a pivotal role in the creation of a groundbreaking and formidable invention.

Pushing himself upright suddenly, his countenance contorted into a contended grin. With a subservient bow, a gesture of unwavering loyalty, he pronounced with unwavering resolve: "Consider me at your command, my lord.'

The voice erupted in a boisterous eruption of laughter: 'Remember I am not human, as I earlier remarked, we are not accustomed to the tradition of introductory rite. But you can call me Zarcka...'

'Yes, Lord Zarcka...', he said, a dint of curiosity evident on his face. 'When do I get to see you physically?'

The voice roared indignantly - an indication Zarcka was not to be trifled with.

'I ask the questions around here, human.'

Startled by the vehement resonation of the ireful voice, he instinctively recoiled, his entire being seizing in trepidation. Yielding to submissive deference, he again inclined his figure in a deeply obsequious bow, his words punctuated with genuine contrition: 'My sincere apologies, Lord Zarcka.'

The massive monitor commenced a sonorous hum, as the innumerable specks of blips gave way to a vibrant glow of the screen that permeated the room. An enigmatic tableau materialized, depicting a monochromatic display of a diminutive metallic orb.

The voice emitted: 'This is a bot we invented out of a metal not found in your world. It possesses an affinity for electrical energy and tends to suction data like fluids. However, its survival rate is only a few minutes but within seconds, it possesses the tendency of absorbing data of more than a million terabytes. The reason I knew so much about you from Bismarck'.

He now comprehended how they knew so much about him

The enigmatic orb suddenly disintegrated into a formidable sight. Sprouting forth like nefarious tendrils, a dozen sinewy appendages coiled and thrashed menacingly.

The voice tinged with a subtle hint of pride, added: 'Those tentacles are the means through which data is obtained. So there is virtually no hardware or system you can't access. It instinctively comes to life when close to an electronic device'.

'I think I should let you go now but note I have my eyes on you. I would make sure of that before you leave, his voice emitted eerily

In a disconcerting surge of energy, a subtle tremor permeated the air around him, buzzing with an ominous resonance. Startlingly, the very ground beneath his feet heeded an unseen command, parting with seamless precision. In its wake emerged a glass pedestal, a majestic display of the intelligence of Lord Zarcka and ostensibly his cohorts - he wondered if there were any. For the rage exhibited by Zarcka earlier, he dared not to make any inquiry.

The small shimmering structure ascended to a height that hovered tantalizingly close to his waist. Eventually, the apex of the pedestal unfurled, like a mechanical flower blossoming to reveal its hidden secrets. Within its unveiled chamber lay a sleek small metal box, its enigmatic allure hinting at the untold wonders that lay within. The voice, infused with an air of intrigue, continued: 'Within, you have one of the bots and also a small peripheral device which when placed near what I understand you term a TV set would divulge all the necessary information of the bot.'

Gingerly lifting the box, he cautiously scanned its enigmatic contents.

The voice interjected with an enticing proposition: 'I would also imbue you with a mysterious aura, Dr. Strauss. If you must know, Nostradamus, the French seer associated with us, centuries ago and we gave him insight into the future. I would also guide you on how to get his lost Quatrains. This would give you a hint of how we intend to take over the world together - call it a blueprint of our immense machination.'

Echoing through the vessel, spine-chilling and menacing laughter erupted from the depths of the voice, cascading throughout the ship like a tempestuous symphony. Amidst the tumultuous laughter, a command resounded with unwavering authority: 'Go!'

The air thickened with anticipation as he respectfully inclined his head, swiftly stuffing the box into his pocket. With measured steps, he strode to what appeared to be where the door was situated.

In a fleeting instant, the screen grew dim and the voice hushed, relinquishing its hold over the ship, as if vanishing into the enigmatic ether.

As the door whirled open, the outside world beckoned, a vibrant tableau basking in the noonday sun. Stepping into the open, a rush of warm air enveloped him, like a gentle embrace from the elements themselves. As if jolted awake from a surreal reverie, he wondered whether his earlier experience was real. His heart raced with exhilaration.

The weight of the enigmatic box in his pocket served as a tangible reminder that this extraordinary encounter was no figment of his imagination. The fabric of reality, thin as gossamer, clung tightly to him, grounding him amid newfound intrigue.

He turned around and was chagrined by the astonishing transformation that had taken place in such a brief interlude. The once sterile expanse of the ship was now shrouded by its natural cloak of immense greenery, the sight that had confronted him initially.

He stood there, bewildered and spellbound, his senses awash with the heady scent of damp earth and the symphony of rustling leaves. The unhinged mystery of this metamorphosis left him breathless, suspended between the realms of comprehension and wonder. When did this all happen? Between when he disembarked from the ship and the present sight was just seconds and now the ship has been cloaked like magic

Lost in contemplation, a sinister presence like a carnivorous plant, slithered out from within the verdant shroud. With venomous precision, it struck at his jugular, a cruel sting that pierced through his flesh, igniting a chorus of agonized screams to permeate the air around him.

Disoriented and desperate, he ran back like a madman to the sanctuary of the village, seeking refuge from the unseen menace that had invaded his being.

As he sought solace within the confines of his humble abode, his weary mind began to unravel the twisted web that Zarcka had woven around him. A realization dawned upon him with chilling certainty - Zarcka had inserted a bug in him via the sting from the insidious.

Sleep proved elusive, his troubled mind haunted by the haunting resonance of Zarcka's commanding voice, an ethereal specter that echoed cruelly through the chambers of his thoughts. The weight of dread settled upon him, tethering him to a wakeful night steeped in unease.

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