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She changed me

A guy that was born in a rich house and was brought up with a silver hand, his parents are fucking rich his father is the CEO of a big and popular company while his mother owned a big cosmetic firm, to cut the story short, the guy is very rude and always perform nonchalant attitude every he goes, even his parents can't control him again so his father now decided to make him the CEO of his company maybe he will be serious. Guys is he going to be serious or not and who is the person that was employed as his personal assistant who later changed him and later fell in with each other but is it going to be easy to change a guy brought up from his childhood with silver

Chapter 1 Hollins Mansion


Come back here you silly boy why don't attend the shareholder's meeting, in two months you will be

the CEO of the company, is this how you want to run the company, not attending meetings or what.

What is wrong with you won't you change all these nonchalant attitudes don't spoil my image and be a good responsible boy. Did you think you are still a baby or what did you call yourself, I warn you comport yourself.

°° JIN°°

( standing and staring at Mr. Hollins his dad and working away angrily)

"""" Mr. Hollins shouted at him, come back here you silly boy you can't kill me, he turned back and faced Mr fred a PA (personal assistant, driver, and guardian)


Hope you are okay, Mr fred you need a break you don't offend me see what this idiot has put you though he doesn't even value your effort into I have transferred some money to your account please only help I ne toed help me to employ a female PA for him maybe he will change a little and make it fast, you know that he will be appointed as the CEO of my company in two months so make it fast go home and meet your family I thank you for all your efforts and endurance.

"""" Mr fred left the house and went home to meet his family, Mr fred has only one daughter who had finished college but still searching for a job and his wife is a fruit seller, the family is leaving an average life their only hope is their daughter.


My husband, what happened why are you back by this time of the day what did the offense the boy committed this time?

°°MR FRED °°

My wife, he slapped an old policeman who stopped us when we are going to an urgent party so he got angry and misbehaved again and the police around come to our place and they arrested him but a few hours he was released due to his father's connection that what happened when we returned home he father talked to him and afterattthatIsheh could go and meet my family and rest and he transferred money into my account and he asks me for a favor, he said I should help him look for a grown-up female who serves his son as PA that all.


Hmmmm all is well what are you going to do now where are you going to see a female looking for a PA job?


My wife, I don't even know, who did I know that his looking for a PA job that is female they are just a few outside there see I'm tired and confused.

"Suddenly from inside a voice talked I will do it and the voice resemble their s daughter's voice mr Fred, and his wife looked straight at where the voice comes from, which is their daughter's room and they keep staring at each other.

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