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The law of love and revenge

The law of love and revenge

Author Ummie


How wonderful it will be to turn back time and undo some of our worst mistakes, right? She is sent back in time after being betrayed by the people she loved the most. To redeem her lost glory by moving on or to become a villain in her own story by seeking revenge. ******* A low, unbearable grunt escapes Margarita's lips as she peels her eyes open. Her solemn face was expressionless as she looked around. 'Where is she?' she thought, still scanning the place. Dressed in a beautiful white, glamorous wedding dress that had diamonds attached to every inch of the hem of the floating gown. She realizes a white veil is dangling from her hair. Bone-crushing pain shot through her spine as memories from her past came rushing to her head at once. A shrieking yelp escapes her lips as she clutches tightly to her head, trying to stop seeing those images. Their betrayals. Her lover and her older sister had teamed up to send her to the afterlife. Images of how she'd wholeheartedly loved them flashed past, slapping her on the face as her core twisted in misery. Her eyes were wedged with tears, and her heart was bleeding from regret. Even her best friend joined in on her demise. Oh! If only she'd realized earlier that it was all a facade. If only she were given a chance to return to Earth. But she knew deep down that it was all wishful thinking. However, "Your wish has been fulfilled, Lady Margarita, to redeem your lost glory or to return as a villainess for revenge." She hears a voice deep in her subconscious.

Chapter 1 01. Shopping for the gown

Margarita's pov

"I think this gown suits you the most," Lucinda proposed, beaming as she picked up the gigantic wedding gown from the clothes rack.

My expression stiffened as I stared at it. It was a pretty long, extravagant dress that had gems and flowers on it for beautification.

The off-shoulder gown has a slit from the knee area, and below it are different-shaped diamonds. A long length of lace drifted behind.

It looked utterly gorgeous and breathtaking. Yet, I wasn't enticed to buy this gown. What use will it have if I'm only going to wear the gown once in my lifetime? Am I just going to lock such a glamorous wedding dress in my closet for life? No, I'd rather go for a simpler one.

I turned towards Lucinda, quirking my brows as I noticed her gaze was focused on her phone. I strode to her position, lifting my watchful eyes at her phone, and I noticed she was having a conversation with Murphy.

Smiling as I thought Murphy couldn't even stay a moment without seeking out my whereabouts from Lucinda, I tapped on her shoulder, and she shivered, jolting in shock and almost dropping her phone in the process.

"Hey, watch out, haha, you don't wanna ruin the screen of your phone," I teased, sending knowing smirks at her as she heaved a sigh.

"Why did you sneak out on me? That's invading my privacy," she taunted, looking rather annoyed and irritated.

"Oh my! I have no idea we now have privacy. I thought neither of us kept secrets from each other," I said while squinting my eyes at her.

Lucinda chuckled wordlessly, looking around the place before bringing her attention back to me.

"You know very well that...That's not what I meant. I meant." She reacted almost stutteringly, and I just laughed it off with a bright grin.

Of course, I knew; Lucy and I never keep secrets from each other. She's the absolute definition of the perfect big sister anyone can dream of having. Although Dad always favors me more as I'm the little princess of the house.

Well, aside from being the last daughter, Dad thinks I'm his lucky charm. Countless times he had told the story of how difficult life was with him, his mom, and Lucinda until I was born. I had brought an indescribable positive change to this life, and for that, he had sworn to spoil me rotten.

And I often make sure his undying favor for me never comes between Lucinda and our relationship. Each time she needs something and Dad refuses, I make sure to help her speak to him, and of course, Dad never rejects any proposal from me.

"That was Murphy you were chatting with. Hehe, what are you two planning?" I asked, giggling as I pulled her towards another wedding dress, making sure she didn't get a view of the overly fancy gown she had earlier picked out for me.

I felt her stiffen a bit, and then she cleared her throat. "He was asking how things are going over here. Murphy just can't stay a moment without you by his side. And he doesn't want to disturb you. So he chose to contact me. Sigh... you both just make me feel like I should go find a guy to spoil me."

Lucinda replied. Her expression was like that of an annoyed, spoilt kid. I couldn't stop the proud smile that featured on my lips.

For a moment, I zoomed off thinking about Murphy, my fiance, whom I'll be getting married to in two days. It was at a casual office meeting that I met Murphy Brown three years ago.

Murphy is the guy in every lady's dream. He is charming, kind-hearted, intelligent, rich, and has every good trait. It might be because I'm so in love with him, but I find no flaws in him.

He treats me just like a baby. Cater to my needs and is always by my side to support me at all times. Aside from Dad and Lucinda, Murphy is the next to shower me with unconditional love and attention.

"Well, it won't do you any harm if you settle for one guy instead of sleeping around," I retorted, walking forward without paying attention to her twisted looks.

Lucinda turned behind her, her eyes loitering around the previous gown she had picked out.

"Why aren't you buying that dress? Didn't you say you'd go for any dress I picked out for you? Is the price so high that your cards can't be paid? Well, don't worry, I've got a lot in my cards."

I chuckled, seeming stunned by her words. Wasn't that supposed to be my line of words?

"You don't have to bring out your cards, sis; I've got enough cash in my cards and wallet. Besides, don't forget it's my wedding; I can't lack money. And for that gown, it doesn't suit my taste."

Lucinda stared at me for some time, and somehow I felt something weird flicker in her eyes before she glowed, hugging my arm rather tightly.

"I'm sorry, I got too caught up in my conversation with Murphy to realize the dress wasn't up to your standard. I also didn't mean to downgrade your cards.

How can the soon-to-be wife of the CEO of the Brown empire and a shareholder of Remington Corporation be low on cash? Forgive this careless sister of yours."

Lucinda whispered, gazing at me with pleading puppy eyes, and I turned to face her, saying,

"Oh, c'mon, sis. You don't have to apologize for anything. Hehe. Don't you think it's high time you started calling Murphy's brother-in-law? You can't call him by his name forever, right?'

I propose. Lucinda looked somewhat displeased, but then she nodded in understanding, and I smiled in relief. We kept checking out different wedding dresses, and my eyes finally settled on one.

It was a simple-designed flay gown. There was no slit, and the heart-shaped laces that were sown on it were utterly beautiful. Shining gems were glued to the gown. The cut skirt part until the hem was filled with diamonds. Attached to it were a white veil and a pair of white gloves.

This simple-looking but luxurious gown caught my breath, and I didn't even bother to look away from it. Noticing my gaze fixated on the gown, the sales attendant that had been following from behind went forward and brought down the dress from the show glass racks.

"Would you like to try this on?" She inquired, and I nodded without hesitation. "Of course," I replied with a smile.

I turned to Lucinda, and weirdly, her eyes were still on the glamorous wedding dress. Does she still want to buy that? Well, I'm not going to.

"Hey, sis, I'll try this on," I called out to her, and she jolted out of her trance. Her eyes lingered around the gown I was holding, and she asked in disdain.

"I still think that will suit you better." She said this, pointing at the same gown. "But this doesn't look bad either. You go ahead to the dressing room; I'll wait here," Lucinda added, looking straight into my eyes, and I smiled.

I strode into the dressing room with the sales attendant. I stared at my reflection in the full-length mirror before taking off my clothes and putting on the gown. It looked perfect. It was as if the gown was tailored to my size.

"Wow, ma'am, you've got eyes of gold; this looks awesome on you. Accentuating all your curves as if you were the model for the dress. I'll implore you to buy this one," the sales attendant commended, and I blushed.

I felt eccentric; will Murphy also feel the same when he sees me in this dress? I held the hem of the dress and giggled.

"Thank you," I mumbled, and she shyly bowed as she helped me push open the door, leading me to the mall where Lucinda was waiting.

However, on getting there, my jaw dropped and my throat went dry at the scene in front of me.

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