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What It Means to be His

What It Means to be His



Lia lives a quiet life in a small two-bedroom home on the outskirts of a major city. Between playing piano at a piano gallery, waitressing at a high-end restaurant, and her never ending love for books, she never thought there would be anything more to life. She was content. At least she thought so. It wasn't until she went out with her best friend and had a hot encounter with a large and sexy stranger. One moment they are flirting in a booth, the next she's rushing out of an expensive hotel room after waking up naked beside the handsome stranger. After living through her first one-night stand, she decided to leave it at that. But what she wasn't expecting was to be hunted down by the most dangerous man in the country. Turns out, the man from her one-night stand held more mystery than she thought. Now she must determine whether to find some way to be comfortable with his lifestyle and embrace the kind of love she only seen in her romance novels or to stick with her morals and let this relationship go. That is, if he lets her...

Chapter 1 The Start of Regrettable Decisions

I groaned as I stood in line outside a brick building with loud music pouring out of its entrance. I pulled out my phone to check the time. It was so late.

Oh, what I would give to be at home with a book right now...

"This is so not a good idea," I said to my friend standing beside me.

"What," she exclaimed. She spun on me, and I jumped out of the way afraid she would hit me for saying something she deemed stupid. "Are you kidding me? I have been trying to get you out of your house for months! You are stuck with me now. You are not getting out of this."

Sighing, I pushed my hands deeper into my pants pockets. This is a nightmare.

My friend, Melissa, has been trying to get me to go clubbing with her for a while now. It is not really my scene, but she swears it would be better with me there. I am only here because I worry. It is better that we are in pairs than alone. There has been a streak of kidnappings lately. I agreed because it is less likely they will take two at once.

At least, that is what I am hoping.

With that in mind, she made it a thing to doll me up, if you would. The makeup and hair, she was able to do as she pleased with. The outfit she could not do much with. Not because I put my foot down or anything. Oh no! There is no fighting Mel when she is overly determined. It was more like; I did not have much clothing she classified as clubbing material.

Whereas tonight she was wearing a tight black leather dress with some nice pumps to match, I was wearing an old shirt from a Halloween costume a few years back. It was when I decided to dress like a sexy pirate. Of course, Mel had a say in that too. It was a burgundy off the shoulder blouse with puffy sleeves and a corset like torso that really expressed how heavily blessed I am in the bosom department. It paired well with my dark high waist flare leg jeans and sneakers. I refused to wear heels.

I would kill us both.

It was the closest thing to "sexy" she could find in my wardrobe. If it were not for her, I would not have it at all.

When the line began to move forward, I tilted my head up to send a thanks to which ever God that decided to make my life a tad bit easier.

Now, please – I beg of you – cut the power of the club!

"IDs," the bouncer demanded.

Okay, so maybe I got greedy.

We both reached for our wallets and provided proof that not only were we over the age of 18 but that we were also the legal drinking age. He held my ID up and eyed my face. I smiled uncomfortably as he took in the comparison that was not there. He then looked down at my ever so prominent breasts.

I slowly looked over to Mel and she proudly waggled her brows at me and bit her lip. So, this is normal. Got it.

"Get the wrist bands," he said.

"Oh," I said digging in my wallet. "How much will that cost?"

"Don't worry about it," he said handing us our IDs.

"Seriously," I said. "I thought it was only free before 11. It is past midnight. Isn't there a –

Mel elbowed me in the ribs, and I took a huge gasp of air and the pain reverberated through my being.

"What she means is, thank you so much for your generosity!"

She glared at me and grabbed my wrist and presented it to the bouncer. He strapped the bands around our arms and allowed us into the club.

"What was that for," I grunted as we walked to the doors.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Lia? When your boobs score us the VIP drink package bands and free entry, do not ever question it! Just give a pretty smile and say thank you!"

"Sorry, I don't know the rules!"

"Well now you do! Shit, you are my lucky charm! The bands are extremely expensive. We do not have to pay for a single drink tonight. At this rate, all we will have to pay for is a ride home." She hooked her arm into mine and pulled me close. "I say we get black out drunk!"

"Or not..."

"No, don't you dare. The deal was not for you just to come out but also to participate. You are drinking tonight, and you will find someone to dry hump."

"That's disgusting," I yelled.

"You won't care if you're drunk," Mel sang out. "C'mon! Let's go loosen you up a bit!"

The music was blasting, lights were flashing, and bodies were gyrating and jumping. As she dragged me to the bar, I decided to take in my surroundings. It was cleaner and up kept than I thought it would be. They had some cocktail tables for you to stand at. There were some VIP booths for you to relax in and an upper level that was for the super elite.

"Here," Melissa said, handing me a tiny glass. "Drink this."

I held it up to my nose and gagged. It burned my sinuses just from the proximity. What would it do to my stomach?

"It smells horrible!"

"That's what you get," Mel said, giving me a disappointed look. "It is not meant for you to smell. Drink it!"

"This is peer pressure."

"And you're not fifteen."

She motioned for me to hurry up and I groaned. I began to take a sip. Impatient, Mel tilted the glass upward forcing me to gulp the entire thing in a single go. The liquid ran hot down my throat, scorching its ways down to my stomach. I coughed like hell as she took the glass from me and turned around with another.

"More," I piped in an unflattering pitch.

"Of course! We are putting the bands to effective use. Who knows when we will get this lucky again."

I eyed the glass, my face twisted in repulsion. My intestines were boiling enough as it was.

"Lia," she sighed. "You need to have some fun. All you do is work, play piano, and stay holed up in your tiny ass house. When were you last able to let loose?"

"I don't... let loose."

"Exactly," she yelled. "So, imagine all that pent up tension you have. Release it! Drink and let go of all your worries. Tonight, it is just you, me, and a bunch of alcohol. No stress, no judgement, no tomorrow."

"I am not that tense. Piano is a great outlet for me. It does wonders! When I play a song after a stressful day, my muscles relax as if I had a 90-minute session with a massage therapist."

"You're so full of shit, it's pouring from your mouth."

Okay, she was right. The piano is never that great of an outlet. I am just being chicken.

What is wrong in letting go with a friend? We will never get this opportunity again! This is a once in a lifetime chance to do something I secretly always wanted to do. The best part is I do not have to pay a dime for it. Now, all I must do is stop being so chicken-hearted.

Live a little, Lia.

I took the glass and gave a small smile to Mel. "To no tomorrow."

Her eyes widened as if she expected her peer pressure to have no affect. She jumped up and down – somehow not spilling a single drop of alcohol – and cheered.

"Hell yes! To no tomorrow, bitches!"

We both hit the shot and winced at the burn. She turned back with two more glasses each. I huffed out, already regretting my decisions.

This is going to be a huge mistake.

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