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Amelia had always dreamed of finding true love, but her life had taken a different turn. After a string of bad relationships and heartbreaks, she had given up on love. But fate had other plans for her when she met the handsome billionaire, Karan. Their chance encounter at a charity event sparked a flame that neither of them could ignore. But Karan had a secret, one that could destroy their budding romance. Would Amelia be able to handle the truth and still love him, or would their love story come to an end before it even began?

Chapter 1 It was my first.

Amelia's POV:

I have an event to attend soon, and I need to get a new dress. I booked an appointment with my designer for the day, but she hasn't called me to come. I decided to go because I couldn't keep waiting for her call. I went there and met a lot of people there. As soon as I got in, I was ushered into her office by one of her , Amelia, I had a lot of clients trooping in," she said. I understand I need a pink flowery dress for a ball happening tomorrow. I said, A model like you needs something breath-taking. "Is it time to welcome the new prince back to Kansas City?" She asked, Yes, that is the ball, and I was invited by a friend who is also a model like me. A short pink dress was brought into her office, but I didn't like the design and slit at the end, so I requested another one. A long pink dress embedded with white designs was brought in. I entered the changing room to put it on when my phone beeped. It was a text from Kiara, my friend. I replied as fast as I could and wore the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe how it fitted me perfectly. I came out and she adjusted the edges, and I bought that one. I drove straight to the hair salon and fixed my hair, after which I went home.

Karan's POV:

"Karan, hurry up; people are waiting down already," a voice yelled behind the door. It's my ball's day finally! I never wanted all this, but mom insisted. I freshened up, picked a white suit from my closet, and came out. I saw Thiana, the girl who claims to have loved me right from my childhood, but I don't. She must have been waiting here for a long time; she is one of the reasons I didn't want to come back here; she must be here to disturb me again. I walked as fast as I could, but she still caught up with me. "Hi Karan, you look nice," she said. You don't look bad yourself. I shot back at her without looking at her. "You haven't even studied my looks," she said. I don't care, I said, walking away into the crowd. I went straight to sit where my mom sat; it was time for the models to parade, and Thalia was the first. I turned my face away from her, and after a few seconds I heard a loud scream. I turned to look at what was happening on stage, and behold, a lady in a pretty pink dress was on stage. She looks so beautiful with her long, wavy brown hair, and she wore a dress different from the other models on stage. She looks so decent. "Can the prince come on stage?" the MC asked. I stood up to make my speech, admiring it. I saw Charlie and my other friends walking in, and immediately after I ended my speech, I went to where they were seated. "Welcome home, Karan," Tiago said. We shook hands and talked about all we had been through. "Do you have a girl now?" Charlie asked me. I don't. "You haven't changed one Karan, and I know you haven't dated anyone since you left. Just give Thalia a chance. We all know how she has been yearning for your love since our school days," he added. I looked in her direction and found out she was even staring at me, so I removed my eyes. "I dare you to get a girl to dance with Karan," Charlie said, and the others agreed. I just smiled and stared at them. The music started, and Tiago tapped my back and whispered "Good luck" as they left. I saw Thalia walking in my direction; I bet she wanted to ask me to dance with her. I stood up to go meet the other models. But I found only the lady in pink seated; can you do me the honor of dancing with me? I asked, stretching my hands out to her. "Yes, I would," she said, placing her hand on mine. We walked to the center of the hall and danced in a bridal style, following the rhythm of the slow music. "We were asked to give you one, sir," a guy said, holding two glasses of wine. He must be from the bar stand. I collected them and gave the girl one. Then we walked to our seats. I started feeling dizzy, and that was all I remembered as I lay back panting.

Amelia's POV: I woke up beside a stranger in a strange room. I looked at his face and recognized him immediately; it was the prince. What could I be doing with the prince on the bed? , I tried getting up, but I couldn't. I removed the duvet and found out I was stained all over. We had sexxx, and the thought of it brought me back to my senses. The last thing I could remember was sitting down after the dance. How could this be happening to me? I pulled all my strength together and got up. I ran into the bathroom to freshen up. I came out and found my dress torn on the floor. I went into the closet and found only male wear in there. I picked out baggy trousers and a top and came out, but I found him sitting on the bed speaking to someone over the phone. "Why did you do this, Charlie?" He asked, I tried opening the door but found out it was locked from outside. Who could have done all this?. "Where did you think you were going to?" he said. I couldn't even find a word to say, I'm heading home, I said. "Don't you need an explanation for all that happened?" he asked. I couldn't even look at him. "We were drugged last night by one of my friends, and I am sorry about that," he said. "I would pay you for all that happened," he added. Don't bother paying me; it wasn't your fault, he said. I sat down on a chair close to the bathroom, knowing I couldn't leave without the door being opened from outside. "I am Karan, and I loved your parade on stage yesterday," he said. Was he trying to start a conversation or what? I asked inwardly. I felt an ache on my head; that was all I remembered before fainting.

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