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Mated With My Sister's Boyfriend

Mated With My Sister's Boyfriend

That Romantic Guy


Werewolves long for the day they meet their mates. For Zane and Alessandra that's not the case. Zane is in love with Alessandra's sister and Alessandra isn't looking for love. Can these stubborn wolves resist the mate bond?They might deny the bond, but fate has other plans. After all, this story isn't just theirs, it goes back centuries.

Chapter 1 1

It was a chilly night and Alessandra was out for a run. Thump, thump, thump, her heart was racing as her paws hit the ground in quick motions. Her gray fur shone in the moonlight as she pushed herself to go faster. She had to beat Kacy Falls at the next wolf race and she refused to lose to her again. Alessandra enjoyed competing in races but not as much as she loved winning. Granted her sister could participate too, but she was too busy preparing herself to be the new Luna of Blood Moon. That's right. Her sister Isabel was the next Luna of the pack and it was a unique situation.

Isabel wasn't the mate of the Alpha but they're so madly in love it doesn't matter. The pack has learned to accept it because Isabel is of beta-blood, but the elders are still resistant. Alessia does feel bad for Zane's mate though, what a terrible situation it will make for them.


Ally get home now.

Coming mom.

I pushed myself to go faster as I made my home. Shifting behind a tree, I put on my gray sweatpants and white tank top before heading into my home.

The smell of my mother's cooking made its way to my nostrils as the door behind me closed with a loud thud.

"Are you trying to break my house!" my mother yelled from the kitchen.

"It was the wind!" I replied.

She's too dramatic.

"Go clean yourself up, your father is returning with the Alpha for dinner."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, you have to! And please wear a formal outfit for once."


After a nice long shower, I changed my clothes, put on a nice dress, and curled my hair before heading downstairs for dinner.


I ran to my dad and gave him a big hug. He had been away for pack business for nearly a week.

"There's mio tesoro."

Turning to the Alpha I bowed my head to show respect.


"No need for that Alessia, we're all family here."

"Yeah, Ally, we're all family here." said the pompous jerk who will soon be my brother-in-law.

Zane De Luca happens to be the love of my sister's life and my future Alpha. I've been dealing with him for as long as I can remember. He's my brother's best friend and my sister's boyfriend, but with me, it's a whole other story. We never get along and it makes no sense since he gets along perfectly with the other Romano siblings.

Personally, I don't like him. He's way too handsome and his ego is bigger than Mount Everest. Not going to lie, Zane and Isabel always had this romance kindling in between them since we were little and I know he would die if he had to for my sister. I'm glad she has someone like him looking out for her. The girl has endured enough pain to last a lifetime.

Don't call me that Zane," I say while rolling my eyes. Perhaps it's disrespectful to roll your eyes at the future alpha but he's also my future brother-in-law so I get a pass.

"What? Isn't Ally your name?"


Grabbing a pillow from the couch, I lean over and chuck it straight at his ugly face.

That's a lie, his face should be illegal because it's just that good-looking.

Shut up Leya!

What? It's true.

Shouldn't my wolf be on my side?

I was caught off-guard by the mind-link between my wolf and me that I didn't even realize the pillow that was being chucked at me.

Don't get me wrong I have a hell of an arm but compared to Zane's alpha genes it's nothing.


"Alessandra and Zane, cut it out !" my mother yells.

"She started it!"

"No, he did!"

"It's like they're still children," my papa says.

"You'd think he would be more mature considering his alpha title is only 2 years away," Alpha Gio says.

"Screw this I'm out," Zane says slamming the backyard door shut on his way out.

What a drama queen.

"I apologize for his behavior, it's just after Lucile's death he hasn't been himself."

Luna Lucile passed away three years ago, I was about 14 at the time, and Zane was 16. She was the light of the pack, her luminous glow spread to every corner and our park thrived. Luna Lucile was exactly what she needed to be, a luna, a protector, a mother, a lover, and a giver. Her fierce nature made her such an enjoyable person and she was the person who kept our Alpha in check.

She was like Isabel.

They truly were a match made in heaven. What Alpha Gio lacked she had, and what she lacked he had. They were perfect and it was every wolf's dream to have a love like that.

Then on the unfortunate day of November 23rd, we lost her. She died a heroine. When the rogues attacked she gave up her life to save hundreds, and for that, she'll always be with us. Sadly, her passing left a void in the pack and though we have all moved on, a sadness still lingers. It is present in the Alpha's eyes as he talks to pack members, it is present in Zane's eyes when he is reminded of what he lost, it is present in all of us.

"This is the problem I'm talking about Antonio, he needs his mate," the Alpha remarks.

"What? Are you saying my daughter isn't good enough?" My papa defends Isabel but I know he is not the biggest fan of the union either. He and my mom have always pushed the importance of finding your mate onto all of us.

"Of course not, Isabel will be a fabulous Luna, but he needs his mate. Someone to keep him in check to tame his wolf, and I don't know if you've noticed but Isabel isn't what he needs."

A growl erupted from my father's throat.

Growling at the Alpha? Big no-no.


My father bows his head, showing his submission. They might be best friends but the only person equal to the alpha is the luna.

"So Alessandra, how do you feel about turning 18 soon?" Alpha Gio asks in an effort to change the topic of conversation.

I cannot tell you how many times this question has been asked by people in my pack. I for one don't care that my mate will be able to sense me now that my true scent will be "coming out."

My goals in life are simple, I want to go to school to be a doctor and open my own practice near the pack while continuing my training and I believe it's pretty simple. A mate would only complicate things and I do not have time for that.

"Not much."

"Not much? You could find your mate!"

"I don't want a mate."

"But you're a female Alessandra, you need a male to survive."

This time the growl came from my throat


"Stay in your place she-wolf."

The words came out of his mouth like venom as if I was below him. In rankings, yes, an alpha tops a beta but my wolf was not backing down. Leya was a stubborn wolf as well as a strong one. She would not tolerate disrespect from anyone. Don't get me wrong, I loved her for this trait but I knew it would cause problems in the future or right now.

"My daughter does not need a male to survive, she is perfectly capable on her own. After all, she is a Romano," my dad said, clenching the fork tightly in his hands.

"I didn't mean to offend you it's just-"

"Let's end this conversation right here Gio."

Alessandra sat by her windowsill looking at the night sky as she imagined how her birthday party would go down. A big party was being thrown for her and Isabel since they were to be adult wolves soon. Her mother had always been one for grand things and had begun planning a month ago. Big parties, expensive ball gowns, luxury dinners, and lavish decor all scream Valentina Romano.

However, these materialistic values were not passed down to the youngest Romano. Alessandra enjoyed dressing up and primping out, but she did not enjoy having all the attention on her.

She could already imagine the grueling pain of having to fake a smile and talk about what a joy it is to turn 18.

Though she wanted to focus on the idea of the party, questions started swirling in her mind like a tornado.

Would she find her mate? What would happen to Zane and Isabel?

Alessia wasn't ready for a mate. Most males want a pup at the female's very first heat and Alessia did not want a pup anytime soon. Then her Alpha's questions came to her mind. Could she survive without a mate? A female's heat could be deadly without the presence of her mate. She's even heard that sometimes a wolf will stop interacting with their human if rejection occurs.

Could she live without Leya?

She couldn't bear the thought. Leya was her other half, the better part of her. A life without her would be like a life alone.

"Oh, Goddess I beg you! Please do not curse me with a mate." Alessandra prayed, hoping Selene would listen.

She just wanted to enjoy her last month as a 17-year-old. A girl with no worries, a girl with no problems, a girl with no mate. She just wanted to be Alessandra Romano, the beta she-wolf who could take down some of the toughest in her pack.

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