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Billionaire's Mad Love

Billionaire's Mad Love

Ankita Ghosh


Think you love someone from your heart. You can do anything to for the person you love. But she or he is not ready to accept u and your love.. What will happen then? Meet Aadhya sengupta... A girl not beautiful at all by looks but has heart of gold, she is introvert, has no sense of make up or dressing. She is 19 years old but she is different from the girls in her age.. She has a passion for writing... She write stories or I say write her dreams.. Yes you hear it right.. But what will happen when this not so beautiful girl slapped a Millionaire who will not let her go in any cost for taking his revenge by marry her? Meet... Veer Roy who is a millionaire. He can get any girl he want but what happens when he marry the girl who slapped him for taking his revenge? Is this the only reason behind his marriage with Aadhya or here is something he is hiding? So join the journey of love, hate, misunderstanding and secrets. Let's join the journey of Aadhya and her husband veer to know more read the story.....

Chapter 1 Prologue

"Stay away from me" I panicked "Don't you dare come near me" I stuttered while taking steps away from him.

I tried to sound brave but my voice broke at end giving away my fear. No matter how much I try to deny and look unaffected but I am extremely terrified of this beast of a man in front of me. I am shaking like a leaf by just thinking what he is going to do to me.

"And why would I do that?" he chuckled lazily, pleased from the fear in my eyes for him.

"I'm your husband and darling..." he paused and grabbed by waist. I squealed by sudden contact with my heart thumping loudly in my ears. He lowered his head and nibbled my earlobe lightly "husbands can do anything they want to, to their wife." I gulped and panicked being in his arms afraid he might sense my uneasiness. He then looked up and locked his thrilled black orbs to my terrified brown ones. Licking his lower lips a smirk played on his handsome face as my husband commanded in his usual cold tone "so be a perfect wife and warm my bed."

Trying not to burst into tears, I gathered some courage and stammered trying to maintain distance between us "Y... you can't fo... force me. Nei.. neither I love you nor y.. you love me, you forced me in marrying you."

Frustrated by his control over me I momentarily forgot my fear as my voice raised "than why the hell did you marry me despite knowing that I love your friend Akshar"

His grip on my waist tightened "Well well... Isn't someone curious for answers? You really want to know why I married a girl like you"

His voice lowered dangerously as previous naughty smirk faded and his demeanour turned devilish "because darling, you dared to slap me and now I will make sure that you pay for it..." He suddenly threw me on bed.

Before I could recover from sudden action, he pinned me on the bed with his weight. "Please leave me. I have apologized to you many times before.... I love Akshar not you. Please understand, I don't want to be your wife" I begged him feeling helpless.

"Akshar doesn't love you WIFEY. You're mine and I will make sure to ingrain this in your mind and soul tonight" his voice lacing with determination.

He lowered his face to trap my lips with his, muffling my further protests. Tears started flowing from my eyes uncontrollably as I tried to push him. He didn't budge rather his kiss became rough. He pinned my hands above my head with one hand and with other he fondled my curves. I closed my teary eyes knowing fully well that I will not be able to escape his clutches tonight.

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