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Love Over Gamble

Love Over Gamble



Karin Ruiz prepared herself for a day with her box of gift for the goal to confess her feeligs to Aspen Medina but sadly, she got rejected right away. She could not easily move on until an unexpected stranger approached her with an offer to play a bet. Karin decided to accept a bet collaboration with that stranger but she didn't know that in order to win, she must make someone fall for her. Who was this someone that must fall for Karin? Was he this good enough that Karin even accepted the game of betting? Will Karin win that guy?

Chapter 1 One

I was running on the floor's hallway to head outside the building in order to catch up a guy. That man was walking on the main pathway with his group of friends in their club when I saw him from our classroom's window.

While running, I have a box of gift with me. I was catching my breath when I finally made it to the pathway where lots of passersby could be seen. Yet, the only person my eyes were seeing was that guy who's walking away. I ran again and caught up with that person and his friends.

"W-Wait!" I shouted to stop them, my voice was obviously on a tired volume. Gladly, the group of male students stopped and the one on the middle part slowly turned around to face me.

Every single thing, every single movement of the people around became slow when his and my eyes met. He has brownish black eyes with long eyelashes, way longer to mine. His gaze has something in it that could bewitch anyone. Those sparkly, messy black hair that even a single lock of it values more than a piece of gold.

He's no other than the rich, ideal guy I admire that much.

"What can we do for you?" one of his comrades asked. I remained staring at him with my fast breaths. "Miss? What happened?"

All of the people looked curious about the box of gift I was holding so I hid it behind me. Even he was curious, this is getting embarrassing. But I have no chance to back out, I'm already here. In front of him. I prepared myself, I have my gift with me. I have the guy I like the most's attention now.

I collected a massive amount of air and stood up firmly. He raised his brows on me. "Is there something I can do for you?"

Yes! There is! Please, listen to me! Feel me, do not ignore me!

I parted my lips. "Aspen Medina! I-I like you! I like you very much!" I shouted with all the guts I earned. With all sincerity. I tried making my voice neat! Just to clarify my confession to him. To Aspen!

My lips trembled when Aspen's reaction was shocked. He couldn't take his eyes off of me. Whispers and gasps filled the whole place.

What did I just do?! This is getting embarrassing. It's getting awkward.

I remained calm, I towered myself up in front of him as firmly as I could. Aspen parted his lips as if he's about to say something to me.

Worse! I was starting to tremble, my heart has been beating that fast.

Aspen looked away and it seemed like he's blushing a bit, his ears were showing it to me. He then rubbed his nape and smiled. He's about to tell an answer!

"T-Thank you, I guess so?"

That response, that reaction. His answer, his words to me back then! It's been repeating in my head ever since that day I heard it to him himself! It's a nightmare---no, maybe what he had said as his reaction from that moment was even worse than any nightmares I ever had even when I'm awake and asleep.

My everyday life was almost considered as the days of misery. I've been locking myself in my room more frequently. I felt so ashamed to the other students due to how some of them witnessed the scene I made. I couldn't be able to show my face.

I haven't seen Aspen since then. What would I expect? Maybe he's avoiding me already. Right, I messed things up! I was so careless. I confessed in the wrong time, in the wrong place. And of course, I was rejected!

I sniffled and rubbed my nose while walking by the sideroad. The classes ended at last and I'm on my way home.

I halted from strolling on my way when a person suddenly stopped in front of me, blocking my path.

"Hello there," the person greeted. A guy's voice, it's a bit cold and plain. I slowly raised my head to look at his face. By judging, he's a tall guy and maybe his age's around mine as well.

"A-Are you referring to me?" I even looked at my left and right to assure. The guy planted a plain gaze on me, those eyes were so deadly it made me gulp.

"Yes, who else are here other than you?" he questioned and pointed at me. I simply twitched my lips. There are lots of passersby on our part, it wouldn't be obvious that it was me he's talking to.

"Who are you? Do I have anything to do for you or do you want something from me?" He nodded! He's so fast to answer!

I gulped and cleared my throat. It's my first time seeing this guy, I've never seen him from the Academy before. "Then what is it? If I have anything to offer for you right now, I have my depression."

The guy just knitted his brows to me. Right, my joke wasn't funny.

"So, you're depressed, huh?" He rubbed his chin. "Do you mind if I take a walk with you?"

What? Suddenly offering a walk with a stranger right now? This guy really has an interest to me or something. But he's not the type who'll do something bad against me.

I sighed. "It won't bother me at all," I answered and the guy suddenly walked to where I am heading. He's already leading the way!

I followed him. "D-Do you know me already?" I questioned him as I tried walking beside him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Not yet." Then why are you talking to me?!

"But, it was never against the law to talk to someone you don't know, am I correct? Miss?" I faked a smile on his confident words. But he has a point.

"W-Well, but you're a stranger so I'm curious," I said. "What can I do for you anyway?"

I raised a brow on him when he looked up the sky. "I want to do a proposal to you."


I froze myself in shockness, I even stopped walking due to his direct answer. A proposal? To a stranger like me?!

"H-Hey, did my words scare you?" the guy asked, waving his hand on my face. All parts of his words shocked me!

"W-What kind of p-proposal with me?! I-I don't even know you!" I exclaimed and walked faster to avoid him.

"Hey, already leaving me behind? We didn't start the main topic of the talk yet!" He tried his best to catch up with me.

"I didn't even agree for a talk with you!" I responded but I immediately walked slowly. Why did I react like that?

"But do we need to agree for a talk if we started it that way? Anyway, what scared you? I just wanted to offer something that might really help you," the guy stated with his smirk on me. Those eyes of him that could silence anyone!

I looked away and pouted. "What offer was that anyway? Just tell it to me directly rather than making me misinterpret it."

He stopped from walking so I looked at him with my curious facial expression. I watched how the guy slid his hands on his pockets and grinned. "You sure you won't be surprised?"

"Hah? It depends on what you'll say!"

He sighed. "Okay."

"If you mind, Miss? Do you want to play a bet? Where the two of us will collaborate in order to win?"

His words froze me and my eyes got stained on his face. A wager? A bet for what? Who's this man?!

He was surprised when I walked ahead as I didn't answer him.

"Don't you want it? Come on, the reward will be a huge amount of money!" He's following me!

"No! I don't need it! Thank you but I don't waste my time on bets or any stuffs like it!"

"Hm, you sure you won't try? You're depressed so I'm sure this offer will surely help you a lot!"

"Come on! We will conspire to win anyway!"

I heaved a sigh and collected a a huge amount of air again. "No! Leave me alone! No one will believe you!"

I dashed away just to make sure he won't tail around until I made it to my apartment. I was catching my breath when I made it to the door but I stopped when a woman was there, she looked really mad.

"M-Miss Acosta?" I mentioned. The landlady.

She marched towards me with her knitted thin eyebrows. "Kid! Are you sure about living here properly?! Pay your monthly bill!"

Eh?! The given date approached again?! I haven't paid the bills of the electricity and water as well! My allowance wasn't enough too. I won't receive any salaries for this week and my grocery stocks ran out!

What am I going to do?!

I bit my nails as I looked at the angry face of Miss Acosta. She'll surely kick me out from my place right now! I couldn't just find any money anywhere or anytime!

Wait. I can.

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