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princess kali


Synopsis: In a small town where secrets thrive, Rosa's world shatters when her father, once an ordinary man, is brutally taken from her. Unbeknownst to her, he had a double life as the underboss of the ruthless Mexican Cartel. As she grapples with the shocking truth, fate throws her into a perilous journey she never imagined. Forced into the clutches of the powerful Italian Mafia, Rosa becomes a captive maid under the watchful eye of the Don's son, Silvio Romano. Trapped in a world she never asked for, Rosa struggles to survive amidst treacherous alliances and the looming threat of her father's dangerous past. As days turn into weeks, Silvio begins to see beyond Rosa's coerced role. Drawn to her strength and vulnerability, he realizes her innocence in her father's betrayal. Together, they embark on a treacherous path, fighting against rival cartels and a web of deceit. As their connection deepens, they discover a shocking truth-Rosa's father was not just a cartel underboss, but a spy who had traded secrets between the cartels. The information he left behind holds the key to dismantling the Mexican Cartel once and for all. With their lives at stake, Rosa and Silvio must navigate the perilous underworld while unraveling the secrets hidden within Rosa's father's legacy. But time is running out as the Mexican Cartel closes in, seeking the truth that could secure their dominance. In a heart-pounding tale of loyalty, forbidden love, and redemption, Rosa and Silvio must defy their circumstances to protect each other and reclaim their futures. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, they must find a way to survive and forge a new path together, forever changed by the unexpected forces that brought them together.

Chapter 1 1,

Chapter 1

"We will kill them where they stand. I will not stop until we have every last one of them crushed under our thumb. They will regret this. That I swear." Carlos swore as he raised his voice causing the veins on the side of his head to pulse. Roberto gulped as he stared at him.

He didn't know what had come over him but this was not like him. He was thinking with his heart rather than thinking rationally and he knew that no matter what he said would not be enough to convince him.

"And how do you suppose we do that? They have more manpower, more weapons and frankly they have more of everything ." Roberto said to them as he let out a grumble of annoyance.

"Well i have a trick up my sleeve." Carlos said to them with a smirk on his face as his face twinkled at the very thought of it.

"What is it that you have to offer me." He asked him. "Well I have reason to believe that I know the location of his daughter. I will bring her here". He said and Roberto felt his body tense as he looked towards him with a look of sheer shock on his face.

"You can't be serious. The girl is sixteen and when you bring her here what do you plan to do with her? ''. He said to him with a raised eyebrow. He watched as he raised a brow at him and turned to look at him with his good eye.

"I do not know yet but whatever it is or not it won't be half the amount of pain and suffering that they caused me. I will torture her and i will make her pay and once i grow bored i will send her back to him with just a body. I plan to keep the head as a souvenir". He said and he watched as he as well as the others laughed.

He was silent for the rest of the meeting. His own daughter Rosa was around the same age and hw couldn't imagine that happening to her. He hadn't said it out loud yet but ever since she was born she had changed his perspective on everything and it had him rethinking his position in the mafia. He was still powerful but he didn't want to risk her safety.

He waited until the rest of the men had left the room before he approached the don. "You can't be serious about taking the girl. Can you? she is just a child." He said to him with angst.

He watched as he scoffed. "It seemed as though you have grown soft on me Roberto. You have forgotten what the Italians did to me. They stole her from me and then he got her killed. I have never loved anyone after her and he is the reason that I am now old and without a child". He hissed and Roberto knew that wasn't true.

Maria had never loved him but rather he had been obsessed with her and had tried to force her to marry him and she had seen the way he behaved and she had decided to run. She fell in love with the Italian and everything that Happened after had been Carlos' fault.

"But the girl is not to blame for This. We should

Think this over". He said to him and he watched as he hummed. He watched as he pulled open one of his drawers and pulled out his gun. Before he could react he watched as he raised it into the air and fired it at his shoulder.

He stumbled backwards as he clutched his injury and looked towards him with a pain-filled gaze. "I see that you are becoming soft. If you question me again. The next bullet will not be going through your shoulder but your head. Friend or not there is a certain level of loyalty I expect. And you are just as disposable as the rest."


Roberto sat at the table as he held the drink in his hand nervously. Every few seconds he would turn expecting to find Carlos' coming after him ready To leave a bullet in his head. But he knew that it was only making him look more guilty.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a chair scraping against the floor. He looked up to find a man in a well tailored suit and gelled back hair as he looked towards him with a small smile on his face.

"I have heard that you have been looking for me". He said and he watched as two of his men seemed to appear from behind him. He knew better than to show his fear but he couldn't help but admit to the fact that he was slightly intimidated by him.

"It isn't every day that the underdog of those Mexican mutts asks for me. I have to say that you have surprised me and some how you have managed to get my attention." He said and he watched as he pulled out a cigar pack and offered one to him.

He declined easily. "You have to listen. Keep your daughter safe because he is coming to get her and if you don't put a stop to him, he will take her away. Don't say that I didn't warn you." He said to him.

He watched as he stared at him with a raised eyebrow taking in a long drag of his cigar before blowing it in his face. "And what makes you think I would believe a word that leaves your mouth?"

"He knows that you have kept her in New York and he plans on attacking and capturing her by the end of the week". He said and he watched with both shock and fear as he suddenly slammed his fist against the table.

He pulled out his gun and aimed it at his chest and he winced when he squeezed it further. "Don't you dare say those words again or I won't hesitate to finish the job." He hissed.

"If you do, you will soon see the consequences ." He said to him And he watched as he looked toward him with a raised brow and a look of challenge.

He watched as he slowly pulled away from him. "Now that you have my attention, make the most of it and tell me what it is that you want."

"I want your protection in exchange for my breaking of Omerta." He said and his words echoed through the room. He offered him his hand and he watched as he stared at it for a long moment and he noticed something almost strange pass through his eyes. He wasn't sure what it was but he knew that he would agree.

A father would do anything for his child. And with that he grabbed his hand and gave it a firm squeeze in return.

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