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Unfortunate Revenge

Unfortunate Revenge

Philip Obasi


The story is about a boy that wants to revenge the death of his father

Chapter 1 Unfortunate Revenge

Once upon a time in the quaint village of Willowbrook, there lived a young woman named Evelyn. She was kind-hearted and beloved by all, except for one person – a jealous and bitter woman named Isabella. Isabella resented Evelyn's popularity and beauty and was consumed by a desire for revenge.

One fateful day, Isabella concocted a devious plan to ruin Evelyn's life. She spread malicious rumors about her, tarnishing her reputation and causing the villagers to turn against her. Evelyn, unaware of the source of the gossip, felt betrayed and isolated.

As the rumors intensified, Evelyn's friends started distancing themselves from her. She lost her job at the village bakery, and her family was scorned for association. With her life in shambles, Evelyn decided to confront Isabella and demand an explanation for the torment she endured. But Isabella only sneered and reveled in Evelyn's misery, admitting her sinister actions.

Determined to reclaim her life and seek justice, Evelyn refused to be a victim. She began a journey to expose Isabella's true nature and clear her name. But Isabella was cunning, covering her tracks and using every opportunity to sabotage Evelyn's efforts.

Despite the odds stacked against her, Evelyn found an ally in a mysterious old woman who lived deep in the woods. The woman, rumored to possess magical abilities, taught Evelyn the ancient art of self-defense and imbued her with resilience and strength.

As Evelyn's training progressed, she discovered a secret about Isabella that could destroy her reputation in return. However, instead of taking revenge, Evelyn wrestled with her inner demons, questioning whether seeking retribution was the right path.

The turning point came when Isabella orchestrated an elaborate scheme to frame Evelyn for theft. The villagers, already biased against Evelyn, were quick to believe the falsehood. Evelyn was heartbroken and desperate, but her newfound courage and wisdom urged her to stand tall and fight for her innocence.

In a daring act of bravery, Evelyn decided not to retaliate with a lie, but to face her accusers truthfully. She gathered the villagers and recounted her journey, exposing Isabella's wicked intentions. With the truth laid bare, the villagers began to realize their mistake in believing the lies.

Witnessing Evelyn's unwavering integrity, the villagers rallied behind her. They confronted Isabella, shaming her for her deceit and cruelty. Overwhelmed with guilt and shame, Isabella fled the village, never to be seen again.

The cloud of suspicion lifted from Evelyn, and she was finally free to rebuild her life. She forgave those who had turned against her and started afresh, this time surrounded by genuine friends who admired her courage and resilience.

The village of Willowbrook learned a valuable lesson that day – that revenge only perpetuates pain and destruction. Evelyn's story became a timeless tale of redemption and the triumph of goodness over malevolence. And in her journey of unfortunate revenge, Evelyn found the strength to rise above darkness and emerge as a beacon of hope for all who faced adversity.

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