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A Million Little Lies

A Million Little Lies



"Why did you come here dressed like this? I thought I bought a dress for you!!" Ethan's voice rang out, filled with irritation and frustration. Ashley looked around nervously before quickly covering Ethan's mouth with her palm, trying to shush him. "I am sorry, I misplaced the cloth..." she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Grandpa Ben sat in the back, watching the exchange with a stern expression on his face. He had expected Ethan to arrive with his fiancé, and instead he was greeted with this madwoman. Ashley had known that borrowing money from Ethan's company was a risk, but desperate times call for desperate measures. She had two options: either marry the CEO to pay back her debt, or come up with the money by the next day. As she stood in front of Ethan, she couldn't help but feel like a fraud, knowing that the person he believed her to be was just a figment of her imagination. Now, with everything on the line, Ashley must decide whether to reveal the truth about her fake persona to Ethan and risk losing everything, or continue on living this lie.

Chapter 1 Get married Ethan

Ethan pov

I arrived at the penthouse pretty much earlier than I had anticipated. Not the least bothered about parking my car in the right way even though I knew it was against the rule, I quickly alighted from my bugatti veyron and made my way inside the penthouse.

I was too angry to do anything right, way too angry! I can not believe that my grandfather would have made such a hasty decision regarding the company without me at that!

I arrived at the secretary's desk and asked for my grandfather but she said to make an appointment and come back later. I understood her statement because she couldn't recognize me.

Early this morning, I woke up with two pimples on my face. One at my forehead and the other one close to my lips. Because of that, I had to wear a nose mask and a baseball cap.

Flustered enough, I swiftly removed the nose mask from my face and she froze immediately. Although she was trying to act strong, I could see the fear in her eyes.

"Mr chairman..." she stuttered as her body trembled slightly and I drastically rolled my eyes at her.

"Is my grandfather inside?" I asked while she looked at me like a zombie. I know she must be worried that I might get her fired for not doing her job properly.

Truth be told, I'm not in the mood to get anyone fired and I never planned on coming to my grandpa's penthouse. I was surprised when I got the text about the company being handed over to the last person on my mind, the one and only person I despised with everything in me.

"Are you going to answer me or accept a resignation letter?!" I banged my balled fist on the desk and she suddenly snapped out of her daze.

"Your grandfather is inside but he seems to be having a meeting with a few elders at the moment." she scratched the nape of her neck nervously and added in a voice lower than before, "He instructed not to allow anyone inside. Perhaps, you could wait until he is done with his meeting."

I smirked at the nonsensical statement she just made before making my way inside. He is my grandfather and I know him better than anyone. Although he hates it whenever someone interrupts his meeting, I know better than anyone to interrupt it.

I entered the elevator and in no time, I was just three feet away from his office. As I got nearer to the door, I didn't bother to knock but opened the door ajar and walked through it.

My sudden appearance seemed to have affected his ongoing meeting because he suddenly stood up and stretched forth his hands for a shake.

"I'm sorry to say this but we will have to continue with the meeting some other time." Mr. Greyson, my grandfather uttered in a sophisticated manner which got me scoffing inside my head.

Everyone who knew Greyson would know how strict and arrogant he is towards everyone. And that is where the quote "Blood is thicker than water" comes in because Jonathan is also the same way.

"What are you doing here Ethan?" My grandfather asked immediately as the elders left. Judging from his voice, I could tell how relaxed and non-concerned he was.

A small smirk displayed on his lips as he looked at me. I knew that my grandfather knew the exact reason I came to his penthouse but he just wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth himself.

"I received a text regarding the company position and I don't really..."

"What you received wasn't sent by mistake Ethan. I meant every word I said about handing the company over to your uncle, Jonathan!" My grandfather rushed his words, cutting them off completely.

Jonathan? He was damn serious about handing the company over to Jonathan? I have worked hard for 5 years as the chairman of my grandfather's loan company. I cannot lose my position and hard work all these years.

"Jonathan? You are really good to hand over the company to my uncle?" As soon as I spit these sentences, my grandfather burst into fits of laughter.

"If you don't want me to hand the company over to your uncle, then get married. If you get married and give birth to just a child, the company will be permanently yours but if you don't... I'm afraid your uncle will take care of it." he explained further and leaned into his chair looking at me, expecting an answer and I obliged.

"Fine then, I will get married, grandfather," I answered after a few seconds of silence. Giving no room for him to say anything, I quickly stood up from my chair and exited his office.

If getting married is the only thing that will keep my hard work as a Ceo all these years then, I will gladly and willingly do it.


I suddenly halted on my track as my brain wandered thinking about how to get married. I can't even bring myself to communicate with others, so how the hell am I going to get married on short notice?

"I will think of a way, no matter what!" I assured myself before entering my car and starting the engine.

I arrived at the company in just an hour and without wasting much time, I made my way inside. My brain was still occupied with how I was supposed to find a girl who was willing to get married to me, and the greetings of my staff were mute to me.

"Mr. Chairman?" Andrew, my secretary, had a rough voice and immediately our eyes met.

"You have a meeting by 3 pm..." he continued as he glanced at his wristwatch before facing me completely again. "That is in two hours," he concluded and began trailing behind me.

I simply hummed at his information and took the route to my office. However, I unwillingly halted on my track when I heard a few lewd noises about paying something back.

I took a closer look and saw the "Manager" sign on the door. Although I wasn't the type to meddle in people's business as long as it is about the company, then I guess it's also my business.

I kicked the door open and saw the Manager shouting at a young lady, who clasped her hands pleading to pay back the money she borrowed.

Although her back was turned against me, I was curious to see her face. What was this? Why did I feel attracted to her, even though I had just met her?

"What is going on here?" I ask as I take a step forward.

She finally turned around after hearing my voice. As soon as our eyes met, I felt something similar to a string-pulling taunt. What exactly was I feeling? And why do I feel like I've found the one?

"This is something you don't need to worry about sir, I can..." the Manager was saying when I interrupted.

"Get out!" I turned to him but he still stood there staring at me, until I attempted to take a step forward and he scurried out.

As soon as he left, I took five more steps close to the young lady who was standing in front of me. Now we were just a few inches away from each other.

"Marry me!" I said while looking deep into her eyes.

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