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Second Lead

Silas Quinton Famous chef that lives in Dubai living his dream by owning 25 luxury restaurants all over the world. He loves his job so much and he swore he'll live in Dubai for the rest of his life. He went back to New York to attend his father's birthday and have an encounter with fate that he never expected in his life. Evangeline Mayford She has the second lead curse. Wherever she goes, she'll always be the second lead. She never get her happy ending. She owns the Mayford jewelry and fashion company which makes her so rich. She was taught to be selfish most of the time by her parents and that's what made her the villain in people's eyes.

Chapter 1 Back

Evangeline Mayford

Beautiful. Blonde. Young. Rich.

Usually this 4 words screams 'The Perfect Main Character'. Usually with this 4 words, people will have their eyes on you, will worship you, will have men lining up and just living the best life with all attention on you.

But not for me.

I was born with the Second Lead curse. Wherever I go, I never get the spotlight. I'm always the villain.


I was living the Cinderella's Step Sister's life. Anastasia and Drizella. I think that's the perfect image to describe me.

People always think that I'm the mean girl. They always see me as a threat. I don't blame them at all but I blame my parents for it.

I was born with a silver spoon. I was born rich and never even struggle with money. My parents wanted me to be the perfect daughter.

They wanted me to excel at school, excel at piano, excel at multiple language and they want me to be the perfect heiress to their jewelry and fashion company. They sent me to fashion school and made me learn design so I can design my own jewelry once I take over the company.

That's not all..

They taught me to be selfish. They taught me how to get everything that I want without thinking about others. They even praise me for winning my art competition by me 'accidentally' push my classmate's vase.

I was raised to be competetitive and be number one in everything that I do.

And I did.. except when it comes to love.

When it comes to love, I never win. I was always the second lead or the villain in someone else's love story. Even though I excel academicly, people don't really pay attention to me. They already expected me to have that in my blood since I come from a rich family.

I'm lonely, I want attention.. but no ones giving me that. Even my parents, their busy working and just mingle with people not caring about their daughter needing their attention.

I blew the candles and looked at my favorite cheese cake in front of me. My parents sent it to me or should I say.. their secretary sent it to me because today is my 25th birthday. I always spent my birthday alone, in my room, since I have no friends and family to share my birthday with.

I grabbed a fork and started to dig my birthday cake. I looked at it without any emotion and I don't even bother to make a wish. My wish will never come true anyway and I know.. I'll die as an old virgin anyway.

My phone rang and it's my mom.

I picked up the call lazily and put it on loud speaker.

"Yes, mom?" I said as I ate a big bite of cheese cake.

"Logan will come to the garden party this evening, I'm expecting you to come, Eva." My mom said in a not so nice tone.

"Thank you for the birthday wishes, mother." I said sarcasticly knowing that she forgot that today is my birthday.

"Oh.. right. Happy birthday, Eva. You'll come to the party right?" She asked and I sighed.

"I'll think about it." I said knowing that she'll be disappointed at me if I don't come.

"Good, I'll see you there." She ended the call and I threw my phone to my bed. I turned on the TV and started watching Mission Impossible. I kept eating my cake when I heard a knock on the door. I told whoever behind it to come in.

"Ms. Mayford, do you want to eat your lunch here or downstairs?" My maid asked and I shook my head.

"I'll skip." I said without looking at her. She immediately walked out leaving me alone. I continued to eat my cake and decided to sleep. It's raining outside so it's the perfect timing to sleep.

Silas Quinton

"I'm glad that you made it." My brother, Sean, hugged me tightly.

"It's good to be home." I said as I pulled back. Sean helped me with my luggage and we walked from the airport to the parking lot. He put my luggage in his trunk and I got into the passenger seat.

"Dad will be happy to see you." Sean said as he got into the car.

"Nice idea, Sean." He was the one who arranged this surprise. Tomorrow is my dad's 60th birthday and he always told Sean that he misses me. Sean told me about his plan to surprise our dad by me coming home after almost 4 years not coming home.

That's why I decided to take 2 months break from working in Dubai and decided to work in the New York restaurant instead. I can control everything from New York since communication is not a problem with technologies these days.

Besides I promised my bestfriends, Logan and Timmy, to spend time with them since it's been a long time since I come back to New York. I've been running to reach my dream without rest for more than 8 years and it's time to have a small break.

I deserve it.

"You really don't have a girlfriend huh? You should find a girlfriend while you're here." Sean said and I laughed at his statement.

"You know how much I love Dubai, I rather find a girlfriend there." I said and Sean chuckled.

"There's nothing can change your mind huh? You love Dubai so much that you'll live there for the rest of your life?"

"Yeah." I said confidently. "Nothing will change my mind about Dubai."

"You should find an airstewardess to be your girlfriend. I heard Emirates' airstewardess are stunning.." I chuckled at his statement.

"They are but.. I don't really want my girlfriend to be away most of the time. I'll stick to an ordinary girl." I said as I took out my phone to text Logan and Timmy that I'm already in New York.

"Can't wait to see mom and dad's reaction that you're here."

"Me too. I miss them so much."

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