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Supernatural dairy

Supernatural dairy

mari chan


Supernatural creatures have lived with humans for centuries, creatures like vampire, welwoves, witches even shapeshifters have blended to the daily routines of humans as we all exist so as the hunters, many of my kind has being hunted and killed and just a few of em escaped and flee to different part of the world and those that remained had to fit in and stay quite. The next generation struggle to keep their identify a secret struggling with their powers, school, friendship and love life unknown to them their parent shadows comes to hunt them

Chapter 1 Secret

My name is Evinna, I'm in grade 11, my best friend name is inna. Let me tell you a secret I'm from a family of witches my grandpa was and my mom is so am I, I think grandpa was a very powerful wizard. mom would always tell me her bestfriend D-- Dilesa yeah Dilesa, I'm a 17 year old witch who can't cast a simple spell and she said I'm a powerful witch she gave me a pretty old book containing spell I think she called it grimoire sometimes I feel like mom made everything up.

I have a boyfriend names Danny, he's super cute, his eyes his blonde hair everything is just so...so hot. Today we're having a project in school and we'll be staying the night, inna and Danny is going to be there and oh I told inna that I'm a witch but she didn't flinch ion think she believe me, inna is the one I told my secret.

****Now I'm off to school ****

# Next day

~~~Evinna pov

Danny why were you not in school last night for the project I was really expecting you i need answers mister

umm I went to the hospital to met my aunt he answered

Aunt? what's wrong with aunt? I asked

~~~Danny pov

Aunt? what's wrong with aunt? those word echoed in my ear like judgement day was upon me or something

mm she h...h..has I was stammering why am I stammering?? she's going to suspect something put yourself together man I said to myself

She has troposide I said not even thinking shit it just came out

And what is troposide? she asked

oh I've got to go it's time for practice I said slowly moving away from her before she ask another question

oh sorry you might been wondering who am I well I'm Danny bonsaveun Evinna's boyfriend I'm 18 that's all you need to know now Byeee.

~~~ Evinna's pov

Danny is being very suspicious, I have heard of the word Troposide I said to myself heading to inna's locker she asked me to bring her history text book I was about taking it when a something suddenly fall out from her books "a magazine" the content are paranormal activities such as vampire witches and ghost, ghost I said laughing why does she have this ? something caught my eyes "Shapeshifters" mom said they were extinct I'm going to borrow this for a minute I said taking the magazine so I head to class

inna here's your book

thanks she repiled

I was about asking her about the magazine when a lady walked in

call me miss fidesa she says with her head up, I'll be your history teacher she continued

is she from from the 80s I said whispering to inna

what happened to Mr Henry a guy from our back asked

With the way things are going its either he quit or was sacked Inna answered

oh he says with a sad face

doesn't know how to dress I said which made inna laugh out

Hey you what's so funny would you mind telling the class Miss fidesa said with her hands crossed

umm sorry it was nothing inna repiled

oh would you get up while speaking to me Miss??

inna...inna volduma she answered while getting up

you may sit now

****few minutes later ****

Next class is French inna said

what's up with her??


miss fidesa of course I answered

it's okay

she's mean I don't like her

you know it was your fault Evinna

hehe my bad, sorry I apologised

nah it's nothing beside I hate French, I'm so bad at it

bonjour mi..si..si, I'm worst I said while both of us laugh

Danny...Danny incoming inna said tucking my hands

Babe for not being in school late-night I'll take you to the movies Danny said

I get to choose the movie? I asked him

yah wish is my command my lady he said prostrating with his hand on his chest like a prince charming

would you stop acting like my knight and shining armor

cause I am he answered

me and inna started laughing

uh ain't I charming enough?? he asked

oh you are I said touching his nose , inna you should come along

nah I have plans she repiled


Actually I don't have any plans I just don't wanna a third party to those two loves birds

OH I'm Inna volduma I did introduce myself to Miss fidesa earlier , I'm an orphan my parent died when i was just five I live with my granny now, Evinna's best friend we've know each other since we were 12 yeah 12 i should stop before I get carried away .

**** Bell rings school over ****

Don't forget your letter in French fellas!!!!

ayyy we all responded

I must say Evinna she's super cute

she's hot smart and speak French my definition of a powerful women she repiled, I know you were lying when you said you had plans she added

you know me too much, what ? what! I just don't want to be a third wheel I answered while she gearing at me

I need to get you a boyfriend asap


what!! it's true


Just a matter of time pa I'll bring you and everybody back they are all here my plan are falling through

*Evil laughter*

# ~~Evinna pov~~

Mom I'll be going to see a movie with Danny I'll be on my way now

Evinna darling please wait talk this necklace

wow for me?? it's look beautiful I said in amazement

it's for you dont take it off

really ??? I asked

yeah it's for protection she answered

okay I'll be on my way, good night mom

bye have fun darling

mm I said leaving

# Back in Los Vegas

~~Dielsa pov~~

Dan! Dan!!!!

Dean where's your brother

I don't his whereabouts he answered

I hope he didn't go to you know where I said to myself

Dean I called out

yes he answered

I want you to go bring back your brother and be sure to come back.

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