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My mistress

My mistress



"You are so rude! Are you really flirting in the office? Are you going to fool me again?" I screamed. "You." I faced my sister again. "I'm your sister, i aren't ? Why did you do that to my husband? How did you do this, SISTER?" I stress the word 'sister'. "My sister! You should be my sympathizer in these times. But what did you do? But where are you? You hurt me. And you're still hurting me, you animal." And I tweaked her again, I even pushed her. She didn't fight back. Nate tried to stop me but once he tried to stop me, I punched him hard and slapped him. "Don't try to stop me Nate, because if I did nothing at first but run and cry now I won't do something that will make me look miserable!" I exclaimed angrily. And my sister was tweaked again. "Please Elle it's okay." sHe was crying. I slapped her so hard that she leaned over. It cries. "That's enough? Are you kidding me?" I said sarcastically, I even faked a laugh. "I would be the one to tell you that. I would be the one to tell you THAT'S RIGHT BECAUSE I CAN'T. IT'S RIGHT BECAUSE I'M SICK. IT'S RIGHT BECAUSE I'M BROKEN. HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO FOOL ME? ACCEPT YOU. YOU ARE ANIMALS!" I still scream. And i was slapped her again and then pushed, causing her bag to fall and its contents scattered. "Kelly." Nate shouted and helped Kelly to her feet. Attention turned to a small rectangular object on the floor. My knees went soft while looking at it. I approached it and looked closely, it had two lines, which means 'positive'. My lips are trembling, but I managed to ask anyway. "D-Don't tell me........ ......Y-You're...... .....p-pregnant.......?

Chapter 1 1

Where are you, little sister? Is there a sound over there? Over the other line, my big sister Kelly questioned me.

Hello, big sister; give me a call later. I replied, looking around the exclusive club's exterior. "I'm just going to check on something."


I'm assuming you're not at a bar or club right now. Again, she questioned

"No. Yeah, I guess. However, I only came here to see something; I had no other purpose.


Who are you gazing at, by the way? Is this the person you often mention to me? You'd better leave right away since that man doesn't deserve you, and you never know what can happen.

You remember how he always disregarded you? As a result, kindly ask Elle to refrain from being so stubborn this time.

As she spoke, her voice was filled with fervent cries.

My big sister's earlier statement made me squint and almost laugh.

Seriously, big sister?

My age is not that of a five-year-old. My actions are well-informed. I promise not to do anything that will hurt me, so please stop worrying about me.

I consider everything before I act. I'm an intelligent lady.


I give her my word of assurance.

"Yeah, you're smart, but sometimes... I interrupted her.

My older sister, Kelly Gibb Grosvenor, is pictured there. I'm Ellesa Peregrine, by the way. Despite not being related by our mother, we are siblings.


Even though we are only half sisters, we care deeply about each other. She is the only family member-with the exception of my mother-who genuinely loves and accepts me.

Because he claims that my mother is the reason why he and his wife split up, my dad doesn't accept me.

When he paused, our kiss got even hotter.

"Get in the car," he commanded.

then enter the vehicle that was right behind me.


I fail to comprehend his point.

He spoke angrily, "I said get inside my f*cking car."

I consequently immediately slide into the passenger seat.

He started the car as soon as I walked in.

The experiences we are having appear to be common.

And after a few minutes of driving, we arrived at my condo unit.

Confused question: "What are we doing here?"

He drove me home, or not? How come, though?

"Where the f*ck is your key?"

He was talking about the key to the door, so I looked in my backpack and handed it to him right away.

I don't know why, but it seems like he's rushing. What became of the person?

The moment he opened the door, he took me inside and kissed me hard before shutting it behind me. He secured me to the wall.

His kiss's pressure seemed to have erased my lips. When his lips touched my neck, I gasped in shock because I was tickled, especially while he was still chewing.

I didn't realize I was teasing her as I grabbed for her hair with one hand. Want to

It appears that he can no longer restrain himself. Finally, he removed my garments. He then skillfully unhooked my bra. Before kissing them, he grabbed my breasts one more time.

I tightened my hold on his hair.

Why does he do this so well? His mouth and his hand on my chest switched off.

We were in my room, but I was unaware of it.

He assisted me in settling onto the edge of the bed. In front of him, I was exposed. He undressed while standing in front of me.

His well-developed muscles astounded me. Likewise, his six-pack abs show that he is a man of drop-dead beauty.

And we act accordingly. It hurt at first, especially since it was my first time, but the agony eventually subsided.


What the hell was happening, Ellesa?

That grumbling voice roused me from sleep. As soon as I stood up, I turned to face the visitor at my door. The blanket immediately enveloped my body after that.


I responded tensely. The individual sitting next to me got up, and I could tell he was similarly startled.

"YOU'RE A DISGUSTING WOMAN. THIS MAN YOU CERTAINLY BRINGED HERE! You're just like your mother!" You're just bringing shame on this family!"

Added he!

Dad insulted me, and I want to cry. I wanted to defend myself, but I was speechless. My father cannot respond to me.

Mr. Craig?"

Your residence isn't here, as far as I know, so how did you get here?

Dad joked ironically. We were both silent.

I still find it hard to believe you're married, Ellesa, and I find it puzzling that up until now you haven't given me a chance to meet your husband.

Have you been able to keep it from me?

Is the person you usually tell me about, your husband, still around?

the one who constantly avoided you?

What if he hurts you like every other person in an arranged marriage does?

My laptop screen was making my sister mad.

Dad gave us this house, which I am currently living in.

We've been married for a month, but up until this point, I've kept my sister in the dark about my spouse. He is now irate because of this.

"I love him so much, big sis; please be pleased for me."


People who refuse to acknowledge

Their own sins are that old-hag sonsuva bitch. How is it that my mother is the only one at fault?

They had fun together and performed a miracle.

But as long as my older sister is there, even though our father doesn't accept me,

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Other books by Renshy

Louisiana: Agent X (A Psycho's Gameplay)

Louisiana: Agent X (A Psycho's Gameplay)



A strong wind lifted the white curtain covering the large window in the room where Louisiana, or Siana, was situated. Following that, the sunlight streamed in, fully awakening her. Silence greeted Siana as she opened her eyes, only to be met by the white ceiling. She tried to survey the room, but all she saw was a small table next to her bed and a couch. There were no displays or decorations to make the room visually pleasing. She furrowed her brow slightly, and tears began to trickle down her cheeks. "Siana!" a voice suddenly emerged from the emptiness, and she shifted her gaze to the woman who had just entered. "Am I alive?" she asked herself more than anyone else. She had wished for death, and she had come very close to it, so how had she ended up living? "Lia..." she called out to the woman. She wanted to speak and say so many things, but her tears silenced her, and they caught in her throat. She attempted to move, but the pain became excruciating. Her entire body felt as if it were being crushed. Looking at herself, she noticed various machines and devices attached to her. She couldn't move her legs or hands; they seemed paralyzed. "I'll call the Doctor for you," Lia said before leaving to summon the doctor. Minutes later, a doctor and a nurse arrived, examining her condition. The doctor let out a sigh. "You need to rest for now. We'll conduct more tests tomorrow." "I've been resting for..." "A year," the doctor added, leaving Siana stunned. "You still need to rest. We'll run some tests again tomorrow." The doctor and nurse exited the room, leaving Siana with Lia, who was speechless. "Siana..." "A year? A whole year has passed, and I'm still alive?" she angrily asked herself. "Siana, about..." Siana abruptly stopped crying and realized several things. "Where is he?" she asked, her gaze fixed on Lia. Lia shifted her gaze and walked to the open window, unable to answer the question. "Rest and gain some strength. We'll wait for you in Sierra," Lia said seriously before leaving the room. Siana wanted to stop her friend from leaving but lacked the strength. She was now an invalid, unable to do much, including thinking clearly. "Ryou..." she whispered into the wind. She closed her eyes and reminisced about a time when everything had been normal.

My Unexpected wife

My Unexpected wife



Prologue "Mom, Dad, are you sending me away? Why are they packing my things? I thought that the reason why you want me to come back here? Because you want me to spend some time with you guys? then now what? Are you kicking me out?" They didn't pay attention to me, they just looked at our helpers who were putting my things in the car. Seriously? I hope I don't just go home here, I enjoyed New York as a model. I just went home yesterday because they sent me home and now this is going to happen? I looked at my brother as he was busy on his phone so I picked it up. "Brother, do you know what Mom and Dad are doing?" It looked at me bored." I don't know maybe they rejected you." he didn't want to answer. It's really ugly, as if it was conceived out of spite. "You never change! You are still so rude and mean!" I walked out. It's annoying that my sister and I don't really get along, which I think was conceived out of spite. I leave what happened to him why did he change? He wasn't like that to me before. "Where do you think you're goin'?" It calls to me. "In hell brother, in your kingdom. Want to come with me?" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes at him. "Tsk!" I heard He said and continued with what he was doing on his cell phone. "Brute!" I said annoyed and walked away from him. "Cassandra, Diego get inside the car now!" Our good father shouted before I could get away. I went in and my brother son of satan also followed. I would like to ask where we are going or should I say where they will take me? But I just didn't do it because they wouldn't answer me either. We were silent the whole trip, I could feel the tension that something bad was going to happen that day. After a few hours of driving, our car stopped at a big house. It's beautiful, it's obviously brand new, are they going to let me live here? But why are there cars parked here? We went downstairs and I immediately looked around the house. After a while some helpers came out, they took my things and put them inside, I really don't know what was going through my parents' mind? Dad and Mom went in first, then me and my brother. I was amazed at how beautiful it was when we finally got inside the house. This is my dream house, this is the house I want when I have my own family. we were greeted by a couple about the same age as our parents, they said hello and Mom introduced us here. "This is Diego and Cassandra our children." Mom while smiling. We did the same. I was surprised when Mrs. Braganza suddenly touched my face. "You are really perfect for him." This surprised me. Perfect for him? Wait, I don't get it? I was about to ask when someone suddenly spoke behind us. "Sorry I'm late." Said the baritone voice. I turned around, I saw a very handsome man wearing an expensive tux. his like a Greek God with a very expressive silver eyes. When our gazes meet, it's like hypnotism, it's like his eyes have a spell that you can't look away from? and when he smiled, my heart suddenly beat faster. Shit what's wrong with you heart? just freaking calm down! "Oh my son is here, let's start this ceremony?" Mr. Braganza said. That brought me back to my senses and I just averted my eyes from him even though my cells in my body didn't want it. we all went to the dining area I was surprised that there were many different dishes of food served. While I was busy looking at the food served on the long table. My brother's son of satan smirked so I turned to him and gave him a questioning look. he raised an eyebrow and slapped his forehead when I didn't understand what he meant to convey to me. "Take your seat, hija." Mrs. kindly said. Braganza and that's when I noticed that I was still standing. I didn't even realize that they were all sitting down. I was about to sit down when I saw that there was no other seat except next to him. I smiled and sat next to the man with the beautiful eyes. I inhaled his fragrant masculine scent. His manly expensive cologne gives shivers down my spine. it doesn't hurt the nose, it's just good to smell it.... it's addictive. We ate in silence when Daddy spoke. I leave why I was nervous? "So as from now Cassandra? your staying here with Lyde Kenjun Braganza, its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife..."blah...blah..blah... I can't understand anything other than what Dad is saying, the only thing registered in my brain is Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife Its time to fulfill your responsibility as his wife "Its time to fulfill my responsibility his what-wife?

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