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Cristian, being the beta of his pack, is sent to be the bodyguard of a woman whose life is in danger. He just never imagined that this woman would be his partner ... but what a partner. Alisha Meyer, an independent and entrepreneurial woman, the least she wants is to be tied to a man and less now that she is being harassed and her life is in danger. But when she is shot in the chest and almost dies she will realize that there is something strange inside her and she will be surrounded by tall men, a lot of testosterone, possessiveness and wolves? You will only have one alternative. Tame beasts

Chapter 1 1

Cristian clenched his fists, feeling the nails break the flesh under them, in order to avoid hitting the man in front of him. Serguei, the alpha of his pack, looked him up and down with a mischievous smile on his face, enjoying the scene, teasing the minors was always a great pleasure for him. He watched as his beta relaxed his muscles, giving up in the end, something totally alien to his nature, but it was the best solution to a war he couldn't win.

-And then, I have no opinion on this matter- Cristian wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand

-Well no, it's an order from your alpha-

-There are a few out there who spend the damn day doing nothing- he almost shouted indignantly referring to his other companions

-But I want it to be you, I have a good hunch- Sergei settled on the back of the immense Victorian style seat taking some pending documents on the table and going through them.

Cristian did not reply. Once he began to do his homework, the conversation ended and it was not advisable to resume it, despite being a fair and respectful person, his character was not known for being pleasant when he was disturbed.

-Then I will retire- he left the office.

Sergei waited for the sound of the door closing and dropped the papers he was falsely going over. He smiled again, satisfied, showing his long canines. The house would go crazy from now on. He was sure of it.


A black Mercedes pulled up in front of the large building with a huge sign in gold letters with the name of the Book Palace. Cristian got out of it, leaving the key for one of the doormen to park it. He went to the reception where a young woman who ate him from head to toe received it, he knew it caused that reaction in women, but he still did not get used to it, for that was Dylan, the most womanizing guy he knew, even He did not understand how he could wallow with three girls in the same night and be with his livid to the maximum the next minute. Paying attention to the girl again, she motioned for him to sit in a small glass-walled room to her left.

The wait lasted about 10 minutes, until a woman slightly older than the previous one came in and greeted him, taking him by the hand.

-Mr Steik, good morning, sorry for the delay, I'm Ania Loure, the President's secretary.

Ania handed him a brochure full of papers and another envelope with documents to sign.

-In the first one are the indications of your role as bodyguard and how you should behave and, thus, the reasons for your hiring. Our President is very demanding.

Cristian began to read about how he should dress, how to address her in public, as well as her availability and other responsibilities. Below all of them there were some points in blue that caught his attention

-And these are- he asked

-The real reason we hired you- The secretary crossed her hands nervously on the table. The man could smell her discomfort- The President is constantly harassed.

Crist put the papers aside and listened to her words, something told him that she knew more than what was printed on those sheets of paper.

-For four years there has been someone trying to assassinate her, first it started with letters but for a few months they have persecuted her and if it weren't for her previous bodyguards she would have been in the hospital longer or worse, you know what I mean-

-So you are telling me that your boss's life is hanging by a thread, and that it is my job not to break that thread- She nodded- Has it been reported to the police yet? - He knew it was a he asks with an obvious answer but still he asked.

- There was even an investigation but they didn't find anything. For a while they put protection on her but that did not solve things, so the President decided to hire her own security-

-And that's where I come in- Cristian pursed his lips, that was going to be a busy job.

It was not the first time he had played the role of bodyguard, in case he specialized in the subject, but the situation was not as simple as the dark woman in front of him described. Before him, 3 more men had occupied the position, who had asked to be discharged, almost always due to physical harm or because of the behavior of the employer. It was to be expected of a rich lady, with power and being in danger.

-Well, let's sign those papers and take me to meet my new boss- Ania gladly handed him the pen and minutes later they were exiting the elevator on the 5th floor.

Cristian was impressed with the totally different decoration from the rest of the building. The first floors were decorated in pastel colors and many posters. For its part, this floor was decorated practically everything in white, black and red. The floor, polished black marble. The pearly white walls, while the furniture had been strategically placed so that the red velvet blends in with the environment. One point for the interior decorator, he would have to get his number, as his alpha was already having enough trouble to realize that his huge mansion needed a makeover.

Ania led him down the hall to the door of the publishing house's most important office. The voice that came from the other side froze every muscle in his body. The air concentrated in his lungs and the blood went straight to his groin, to that specific point that brought him to full arousal in a moment and his canines stung on his lower lip as they involuntarily increased in length. For the first time in a long time, after years of searching, and having surrendered, Cristian felt his partner on the other side of the door.

The brunette invited him to come in but when she saw that he did not move a member, she patted him on the back. The nebula in his head pained him to reason. He took, with great effort, a few steps, letting the most delicious smell that had touched his nostrils intoxicating him. The wolf within him struggled to come out to claim what was his by right and Cristian had to use all his willpower to control it and not transform right there.

-President, your new bodyguard has arrived, he is ready to start work.

Cristian noticed the woman with her back to them next to a large shelf of books. He imagined her taller, but for her 1.76cm she was not bad. The silhouette of her body reflected by the deliciously fitted suit, was slim but with curves that made her run the tip of her tongue over her dry lips and swallow saliva along with tiny traces of blood. Her legs, well shaped and defined by the presence of exercises, but what most caught her attention was her copper-red hair with darker highlights, which fell down her back in a ponytail of unruly curls, which totally contrasted with the two orbs. greens who stared at him as he turned to them.

She had to slyly wipe her palms on the edge of her pants, and was grateful that that day she put her shirt on outside the belt so that the state she was in would not be betrayed, even though the fact that she saw the effect What it caused in him was not something that bothered him, on the contrary, it excited him even more.

She was simply the most beautiful and palatable creature in the world. With her long reddish eyelashes, her thin lips in a straight line, her small and delicate nose and those practically invisible freckles on her white skin, which only her wolf eyes could define, made her perfect. The wolf inside him growled, and a slight dry sound came out of his throat but loud enough for the new boss to raise a questioning brow.

-So he's Mr. Steik- she stopped looking at him and turned her attention back to his book as she walked to her desk -I wonder how long it will last this time-

Cristian saw how his secretary smiled nervously, apparently Alisha Meyer was not known for her social life, her character left much to be desired, but the wolf did not care about that fact, although analyzing her dominant character it would be fun to see her with her legs spread , surrounded by the sheets of her room impregnated with his masculine scent and begging him for more. The very idea made him tremble slightly and let out a small groan, if he did not contain himself he was able to claim her right there. He licked the canines inside his mouth. Their wolf wanted to bury them in that smooth, creamy fur. But there was the problem and thinking about it with a colder mind he realized.

His lifemate was human, fully human. So all the urge and need he felt were totally alien to her. He didn't know anything about the relationship between the wolf and a human.

Normally his companions were female wolves that were born from a mating between two companions of the same species. For years the females of his species had been hunted by a research group that they were still pursuing, to create artificial wolves, all thanks to the help of an alpha who betrayed all the packs, resulting in that several individuals of his species had lost sanity or they had thrown themselves into the void seeking comfort in the arms of death. After the event the chances of finding their partners had decreased so much that some had already denied it, including him.

Today, there were few pure wolves left, only those born before the tragedy. The only way to keep the species alive was by associating with human women. Luckily, after a study, certain females gave puppies. But he had never heard before, that a human with no relation to his world, was the companion of a wolf.

He cursed to himself, the nebula in his mind did not allow him to analyze well and he had lost hope so long ago that he had not updated on the subject, he would have to ask his alpha once he was at home, he knew there was new data and it was time to review them.

-Ania, you can go, I'll take care of the rest- Her voice caressed him like soft velvet.

Their secretary attended and left them alone

For a moment it seemed to Cris that the office was suffocating him, the smell of her had him intoxicated and if he continued like this he would not respond for his actions, not so much his human side, but his wolf. Just the task of keeping him at bay had more of a sweat-damp spot on him. Her order brought him to earth.

He sat opposite in the chair that was pointed out to him and stopped to observe the large desk full of papers and envelopes organized until he stopped in his eyes, cold as a block of ice. She was amused by the situation, that small body was not a bit afraid of him, she even looked at him with superiority, if she knew that he was capable of squeezing her thin neck like paper, the story would be different.

Alisha turned her head slightly in outrage. She didn't want to get the idea, but the man didn't seem to take her seriously. She had put on her most aristocratic demeanor and had someone kneel in front of her for it, but this new bodyguard would need training, and from the strong. She took one of the papers in front of her and handed it to her. She watched as he scanned it with his eyes and a questioning grin appeared on his face.

-This is tomorrow's calendar, learn it by heart.

-So, I will only know what you will do the next day- he managed to articulate words after being able to calm his canines and his throat rough from the transformation attempt.

-Rather, I give you the schedule so you know how it works, normally I will give it to you in the morning of the same day-

Preventive measures never hurt.

-As you say-

-You can call me President or Meyer- she checked the screen of her cell phone for a moment in case there was something new- I hope Ania has explained the schedules to you, I am very demanding with that subject, I do not like to be late and less to wait.

Alisha took a moment to review her new guardian and apparently that made him react because she saw him tense the defined muscles that were marked above the fabric of the abdomen. The damn guy was huge, at over five foot five he was imposing. Sitting did not make him less, either, his broad shoulders covered by the thick black leather jacket obstructing all the view of everything behind. His relaxed position with his back back and his legs spread apart might give him an air of disinterest but she could feel the dominating atmosphere around him. His hands crossed over his thighs, thicker than even his waist, were scarred and ready to grab anyone and tear them into pieces.

A bead of sweat ran down the line of her spine, from the nape of the neck to the end of her back, she had to take a long, slow breath and close her eyes to calm herself, she couldn't remember the last time she had been so uncomfortable. She felt the temperature in the office rise several degrees and her palms became soaked. For some reason that she did not know herself, her body was unconsciously reacting to this man. Her blood began to boil but not with desire. She frowned and dug her nails into the soft skin of her hands, the pain made her react, straightening in the seat, crossed one leg and resumed the position of mandator as all the leading woman that she was. Relief washed over her when the cold air caressed her skin again.

It seemed to have spent minutes since his sudden change of state, but it was barely 10 seconds, time in which his new employee had not taken his eyes off her, and every time she saw him lick, with discretion, the edge of his lips, She felt nervous and she didn't like that. He hoped he wasn't flirting with her or that would be his first and last day at work.

He would have a few words with Ania later.

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