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A Veiled Deception: Sisters In Disguise

A Veiled Deception: Sisters In Disguise



In a small, impoverished town, twin sisters Vivian and Vanessa devise an extraordinary plan to escape their dire circumstances. Switching places at school each day, they go unnoticed as they seek a better life. But when fate steps in and both sisters fall for the same irresistible guy, their secret begins to unravel. Tensions rise, sisterhood is tested, and a desperate struggle for love and independence ensues. Will their bond survive the ultimate betrayal, or will their torn loyalties tear them apart forever?

Chapter 1 The Exam


"Vanessa wake up," Vivian said, tapping her sister's body. Vanessa groaned in her sleep and didn't wake up. Vivian tapped her again.

"Sis, I know you're tired, but do you remember today is the scholarship exam?" Vivian asked urgently. Vanessa sprang up and quickly rushed into the bathroom.

Vivian walked to the dressing table and started getting ready. She applied a little makeup and put her hair up in a bun.

Vanessa came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, already dressed. Unlike Vivian, she didn't use makeup. They both went out of their room to the living room, which was combined with the dining area.

"Appa, good morning," they both greeted their father, Joel.

"How was your night, daughter?" Joel asked.

"Great, right Vivian?" Vanessa said, and Vivian nodded with a smile. Their mother walked out of the mini kitchen and set the food on their table. They both greeted her, and she answered. She urged them to eat quickly so they wouldn't be late for their exam.


"Bye, Appa, Omma!" they both yelled and rushed out of their small apartment. They hailed a cab to take them to the school and alighted in front of the magnificent building. A gasp escaped their lips as they admired it.

"Vanessa, do you think I can do this?" Vivian asked nervously.

"C'mon, Vivi, believe in yourself," Vanessa encouraged.

"Okay," Vivian said, determined. They walked to the examination hall, arriving early because there were only a few students like them.



Ryan sat in the dining room, picking at his food. His mom looked at him and sighed, asking if he wasn't hungry and touching his forehead.

"Mom, I'm okay. I'm not hungry," Ryan whined, then asked about his dad. His mom chuckled.

"He received an urgent call, so he had an early meeting," Jemima replied.

"What about you? You're not going to work?" he asked.

"I will," she replied.

"Okay, Mom, I'll be late if I continue like this," Ryan said, pecking her cheek before rushing out of the house. Jemima shook her head and chuckled.

Ryan stepped outside to find Lillian waiting for him, and he frowned. He strolled over to her and asked what her business was at his house. She smiled, and Ryan scoffed.

"Ryan, are you not happy to see me here? Let's go to school together," Lillian said.

"We are going nowhere together. The fact that our parents are friends doesn't make us friends," Ryan stated firmly.

"Okay, just give me a ride. My driver is gone," Lillian pleaded.

"Do I look like I care? I don't want trouble. Stay away from me," Ryan said, mounting his bike and zooming off.

"Shit," Lillian cursed, waving down a cab to take her to school.



Ryan parked his bike in the parking lot and got down. He spotted silver at a distance and called out to her.

"Oh, wow, Bess, you look hot this morning," she said, blushing.

"I know, right? You're not bad either," he replied, and she blushed even more. Meanwhile, someone bumped into Ryan, causing him and Silver to fall. Ryan looked ahead and saw Damien walking quickly.

"Childish," he scoffed, helping Silver up. She fumed, and Ryan looked at her, brushing off her shirt.

"Don't mind him. Let's go to class," Ryan said.

"Ryan, Silver!" Dylan called out, and they both turned to wait for him.

"Wow, dude, you look hot... Kiss me, please," Dylan said as soon as he reached them. Ryan pushed him and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not gay. Your girlfriend is right beside you," he said, and Dylan pouted cutely. Then he turned his attention to Silver.

"Hey, babe," he said, and Silver scoffed. "I thought I'm invisible," Silver said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, sorry," Dylan said, kissing her on the lips.

"Pity the singles," Ryan remarked.

"Get a girlfriend," Silver said.

"I don't do love," Ryan replied. "We will see about that," Dylan said. Suddenly, someone bumped into Ryan again, causing them to both fall. The girl stood up immediately.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking. I'm late for the exam," the girl said, looking at her finger. Ryan found it cute and couldn't bring himself to yell at her.

"It's okay," Ryan said, and the girl quickly ran off. Ryan watched as she ran away and stood up with Dylan's help. He looked in her direction again and smiled.

"Wait! Am I dreaming now? Ryan just smiled because of a girl? Shoot me, please," Dylan said dramatically.

"Dylan!" Ryan snapped, and Silver chuckled. Ryan looked in the girl's direction again.

"What exam, though?" he wondered aloud.

"Don't tell me you don't know there's a scholarship exam today," Silver said.

"Oh, is that it? I forgot," he said, and they all went to class.


After the exam, Vanessa and Vivian sat on a bench near the examination hall, waiting for their results. They would have to wait for about an hour to know their fate.

"Vessa, do you think I will be chosen?" Vivian asked nervously.

"Vivi, can you be positive for once, please?" Vanessa said, trying to encourage her.

"Let's get something to drink," Vivian suggested, and they both went to the cafeteria. They bought a bottle of soju and returned to the bench.



"Ryan! Ryan! Come back to earth, Ryan!" Dylan screamed, jolting Ryan out of his thoughts. Ryan touched his chest and glared at Dylan, but Dylan didn't mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Dylan asked.

"Nothing," Ryan said, looking away.

"Nothing? And you space out like that?" Dylan said.

"Dylan, seriously, it's nothing," Ryan groaned.

"Okay, I'll believe you... That girl who bumped into you this morning, she's really beautiful, curvy, I swear," Dylan said, and immediately felt a knock on his head.

"Who the hell is that?" he yelled, turning to see Silver.

"So you're admiring another girl?" Silver said, smirking.

"Babe, it's not what you think. I'm just trying to make Ryan see that the girl is beautiful, you know? And she's curvy, and..." Dylan rambled on.

"Dylan!" Silver yelled.

"Okay, sorry, baby. You know I love only you. Please forgive me, your highness. I won't do it again," Dylan said, bowing slightly. Ryan was already laughing hard.

"You two are a whole lot of drama," Ryan said, laughing again.

"Babe, I'm sincerely sorry," Dylan repeated.

"Ryan, let's go to the cafeteria. It's lunch break already," Silver said, storming off.

"Wow! Bro, you messed up big this time," Ryan said, patting Dylan's shoulder before going out too.

"Shit," Dylan cursed.

"She jilted you for Ryan?" Damien said from behind, and Dylan turned.

"It is none of your business, freak," Dylan said, storming off as well.

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