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Blood and roses

Blood and roses



Waking up in another universe after a terrible accident, Sylvia Stones faced challenges that changed her life completely. read the novel to see how she scaled through her new world, battled her fears, found love at its best


'Like a black canvas waiting to be painted, their story began with hesitant smiles and stolen glances each chapter filled with anticipation of what could be"

Grandpa!!!! I screamed , it has been an awfully long while since I've seen grandpa and boy did I miss him so much.

I ran and engulfed him in a big hug and he hugged back producing just about the biggest smile he could offer, I noticed the wrinkles underneath his eyes had deepened and his hair completely white, no one can beat time I thought.

You're finally old enough to come and see your granddaddy aye Isabelle! How's mom? is she doing okay? its been a long while since I saw her He said, "She's good but she still drinks and wallows in self pity from time-time apart from that she's doing very well" I replied, I saw the sadness evident in his eyes ; "she doesn't deserve this life 'my little girl", when he noticed the gloomy atmosphere he tried to lighten the mood, well lets get your bags in pardon my manners," No! no! no! grandpa we don't want you breaking any bone" he burst out laughing "my bones are still strong" he said flexing off his wrinkled arm muscles and I smiled and eventually gave in since he won't allow me carry the bag in myself.

When I came in everywhere was looking like it never aged, its funny to remember its been 7 years since I last touched these walls. It felt like home. I went around feeling the surface and touching the things that swept memories in my mind and when I reached a portrait of me sleeping with a doll I laughed to myself, I could remember grandpa laughing at me that I couldn't do without the doll cause I was a scaredy cat and I told him I can do without it only to end up hugging it so tight to sleep, it was indeed a fun memory then in another portrait we were all there: grandpa, mom, dad and little Beatrice; my sister and ME, we were all smiling not knowing all would come to an end, I heard a sound and turned to look; grandpa had been staring at me for a while smiling "You're a strong child ya know?, any child who suffered what you went through would have given up but you didn't and I'm so proud of you" I gave him a hug.

When I walked into my room everything looked so small considering I grew taller, I stared at the bed and memories of how I laid there while grandpa told the best stories known to human kind and I would sit up engrossed in each stories till mom comes to say "papa you've got to let that child rest and continue that story tomorrow" if only she knew how good each story were.

My mind suddenly shifted to how I was in boarding school and during a lecture I got news that my family was involved in an accident but my mom managed to survive and was rushed to the hospital, I broke, I remember being in so much tears and becoming stone cold using smiles to cover up my pain. I was brought back from my land of thoughts and I walked over and stared into the mirror and saw a 19 year old dark haired beautiful lady staring right back at me ,I was becoming a becoming a woman, I ruffled my hair and smiled into the mirror.

After settling down I called mom but she wasn't answering I sighed, I guess she has her way of dealing with pain that is not covering it all up with smile

I heard a knock, it was grandpa's, "ya better come down for dinner before it gets cold" followed by retreating footsteps. I went downstairs sat on the dinning and ate while having a long laugh and thrilling conversations with grandpa, suddenly he started coughing for a long times so I offered him water and he thanked me. When dinner was over he stood up and took some pills, I asked what it was for and he said it was just for some mild headache and told me to wave it off as it wasn't serious so I set off to my room .While in bed I heard a knock, "come in" I said

"Ya care for some stories tonight? I've been saving one personally for you, I'm sure you'll no longer be the same after you hear it! He exclaimed, Even though I was excited for it he needed to rest and so did I.

I explained to him and he said "okay champ we'll begin tomorrow" and I nodded in agreement, He gave me a goodnight kiss and even if I wasn't a kid anymore I really needed that.


I woke up to the aroma emanating from the kitchen, oh boy! I had badly missed grandpa's cooking, the smell spelled out my name. I went downstairs and grandpa was already sitting down "good morning kiddo! I knew the aroma had some magic in it to snap you up your feet ,dya sleep well?". You know me so well grandpa I laughed my night was good. After taking my first bite I fell in love all over again "grandpa this is so good "I know, I know you say this every time sweetie he chuckled. When breakfast was over I washed the dishes and grandpa told me there was a new store in town and I can always go and check it out whenever I want .

I wandered around greeting everyone and they returned it with very warm and friendly gestures ,suddenly I heard a baby crying from a distance and her mum tried patting her to stop but she was reluctant so I headed over and cooed the baby and immediately the baby started giggling and clinging unto my arm, "oh my she never giggles that much to someone she just met and she has been crying for a while now what magic did you use she jokingly asked" she is such an adorable baby ma,am she took after you" I shared a warm genuine smile and gave the baby a lollipop I brought with me.

I finally found the new store ,took in the view it was so big, tall and red in color on top of it wrote "Harmony Square" I went in looking around a bit lost cause it was built in a complicated structure. Aye! someone yelled , oh! hello, I turned and my eyes met with a pair graceful eyes and in front of me stood the most handsome man to ever exist, "you seem a bit lost mind if I help you around", I was dumbfounded um.. su.. sure I looked at his name tag "sure thing Ryan" ,oops! I forgot to introduce my self, my name is Ryan Goldfield ,I work here and I would be your guide while you're here, well.. my name is Sylvia..Sylvia Stones I said with a smile and for a moment I saw something flash in his eyes but he covered it up with a smile "nice name"

(Have you ever met someone and in that moment you knew you guys have a connection that would last a life time, wellll that's how I felt with him)

He guided me all through the place and we stopped to get drinks and I told him how I came here to stay with my grandad and how I spent most of my childhood here.

The day ran really fast and finally it was time to leave I lingered for a while then I said my goodbye. When

I arrived it was already evening. I saw grandpa fixing his car, "hello grandpa", "my child how was your day?", it was okay, I really enjoyed the view and made a new friend I smiled, his name is RYAN. "why the smiles? In love with the dude already" he teased "No grandpa I don't, NOT YET" I said to myself while I went in .

After dinner, grandad told his bed time story and every drop of the story took me to another universe and I drifted off to slumber land

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