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The Bright Side Of Fate

The Bright Side Of Fate

Moonlight Blue


Lydia was always getting abused by her foster parents Werewolves. However, the wolves in the pack are deceived by her hateful foster parents lies, and believing that Lydia is a bad shewolf who is rude and full of wickedness. Lydia was about to be given to the pack elders by her foster mother when they found out that her mate was the next Alpha of the pack. This caused commotion in the pack and it angered Lydia's foster parents. Her mate ended up disliking her and rejected her to be his mate. All this was because of the lies and rumours heard about Lydia. Depressed Lydia got tired of everything. She cried every night and finally decided to end her life. She sneaked out and went to a cliff where she hoped to end her story but was rescued by the Alpha of another Pack, and after spending some months in other Pack, they ended up loving her and wanted her to become the wolf Pack's next heir... Also with time, the truth was out and her mate who rejected her, heard about her new position and came looking for her in the Pack to ask for forgiveness because of what he might lose if she becomes an Alpha and come against his Pack. He also offered to marry her only if she would come with him.

Chapter 1 1

"How many times do I need to tell you, I don't like lazy people especially you piece of trash!" Amara yelled at Lydia as she stood there helplessly. It was another day for her to be yelled at for a simple task she accomplished, but Amara her fooster mum was never satisfied with anything she does.

"I am sorry ma, I promise it will not happen again" Lydia pleaded. She knew above all things, that a certain punishment would be given to her. It was always like that with Amara. Whenever she failed to accomplish a task, her fooster mother punishes her. While she continued to beg, her worst night mare entered the kitchen.

It was Kelly, her step sister and one of the very persons that detest Lydia so much that she had one day wished that Lydia died in the most horrific way possible.

"This trash bag here, failed to perform her duties; I want you to deal with her so she learn never to abscond from her responsibilities in this pack again" Amara instructed her daughter.

The smile on Kelly's face, was bold enough to portray to Lydia, what consequences awaits her. Once Amara was out of the kitchen, Kelly approached Lydia like a predator circling her prey, still with a menacing smile on her face, she grab hold of Lydia's hair and pulled it back, Lydia could feel her scalp tearing up.

"You weakling, I find it hard to believe that my father would even let you live because you are a disgrace to this family and every member of the pack." Aggressively, she slammed Lydia's head unto the wall and it forced blood rushing in to her brains due to the impact.

This was not the first time Lydia has been dealt with in this manner; she had bruises spread across her skin owing to the torture she had endured in the past in the hands of her family members.

There was a time Dylan, her fooster father whipped her so had for not serving the food in time, that she lost consciousness that day.

Kelly slapped her across the face so hard that Lydia saw stars. She further pounced on her, brutally assaulting her with both hands as though Lydia was a mere thief who had been caught in a cookie jar.

Lydia couldn't fight for herself as the torture continued. Aside being a weakling in the pack, her wolf Nina was literally the smallest in the pack and aptly, the reason why most pack members believed her to be what her fooster parents had lied about.

Amara and Dylan, had always appeared to ve highly manipulative. They allow every pack member see them for being good parents and make Lydia the bad child.

The only reason Lydia had been kept as part of the family, was to serve them and ensure all the house chores had been done properly.

Dylan thought it was better to have a slave who would do all the chores for him and the family. He considered this to be mercy for Lydia and it became a reason why he spared her life.

Another blow came straight to her jaw, forcing her to spit blood out. Kelly continued to beat up Lydia, who sat there defenseless.

Once Kelly was tired of the progressive assault, she stood up and noticed a jar of hot water that had been placed carefully on the sink and grabbed hold of the jar, which she emptied the water on Lydia's body.

Lydia yelled in pains as her entire skin peeled off, due to the impact of the water. She needed no soothsayer to let her know that she had been given another scar. From her peripheral vision, she watched Kelly stepped out of the kitchen.

After Kelly was gone, Lydia careful sat upright, avoiding her inflicted skin from making contact with the wall. She began to reflect on her life for the past few years.

Lydia had no memories of what her parents looked like. She had always been told by Amara and Dylan that she had been found beside their dead bodies and they believed she had caused their death.

All Lydia could imagine was a life without hardship, a life free from pain and continuous assualt. The only way to find such peace was if she could get to meet her mate one day who she had always believed would be her liberation from this torture.

She stood up from the corner, still in pains took out the mop and brooms and ensured she clean the Kitchen before Amara would return once more to find the place not clean and then another torture follows.

Once Lydia was done serving meals to the family members, she retired back to her space. It was a reserved area commonly meant for her only and it was relatively small and it had no window with only the sound of mice and rats keeping her company at night.

Cleaning up her room to sleep, she heard the sound of the old metal door that hung across her room open; Kelly stepped in once again, with the same evil smirk she always laced on her chin.

Lydia was well aware of the conceived hate Kelly naturally had for her and she believed there was no justification for the hate Kelly gave.

"Father will like to see you bitch." She spat out with utter irritation in her voice.

Lydia didn't hesitate, she stepped out of the bed and walked slowly behind Kelly till they got to the living room.

Dylan and Amara were seated in the couch, watching movies. When Lydia stepped inside, Amara glared at her, while Dylan paused the movie for a moment.

"Good thing the bitch hasn't exhausted my patience." Dylan directed his statement to Amara. "Go and get yourself ready, a man has placed good money on your head. Apparently, he wishes to taste your honey pot" Dylan stated with a smirk on his face.

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