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Wife's Revenge

Wife's Revenge



My husband was having an affair with my sister. They are planning to kill me. What should I do?

Chapter 1 1


At the stately Wilsoney residence, the spring flower garden is a sight for sore eyes, a perfect moment to savor with a cup of tea and a dry snack.

As per my request to the servants to provide them in the garden, I was already sitting gracefully on a chair waiting for someone to fill the seat in front of me. The beautiful silhouette came into view. Her figure walked towards me with a mesmerizing aura of elegance.

I drew a pleased smile. She was wearing an all-white dress and her wavy hair was left loose. Her face was bright and beautiful, possessing a part of my face. When she finally sat down in front of me, I greeted her gently.

"How was your day?"

"Wonderful! I have to thank big brother for taking me out of that annoying dance practice!"

She was a cheerful girl who was younger than me. We were five years apart in age. Can you guess? She was my younger sister from a different mother.

I chuckled at her complaint. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Well, I stepped on her foot a few more times, and I had to apologize to her many times."

"Isn't it the duty of the dance teacher who taught you?" I said.

She shook her head. "The dance teacher can't come today because she's sick," she replied.

I was a little surprised. "Ah. Then who's teaching you to dance today?" I asked curiously.

"The one who taught me to dance was my sister-in-law."

Slowly the corners of my lips softened. The smile on my lips dropped slightly after hearing her answer. "It's very kind of my husband to teach my sister patiently. Ah, since you said her foot was stepped on several times, doesn't she need treatment right now? I'll be there for a while to check on her." I then got up.


And my sister's voice, which was slightly raised, managed to stop me. I looked at her. She said. "Sister-in-law has been given treatment from the servant. I've made sure she's fine now. Didn't brother call me here to enjoy tea? So I came, but you wanted to leave?" The final sentence sounded disappointed, accompanied by a downturned mouth and a sullen expression.

Thanks to her words, I melted and sat back down quietly. I just trusted him. Then we started the tea. First, I poured the tea into my sister's empty porcelain cup. Then I poured some for myself.

We both lifted the cup together, and drank it slowly in a graceful manner.

Suddenly a rough clinking sound was heard. I lowered the cup from my nose, and saw what was happening. My eyes rounded in shock. Red liquid seemed to be flowing out of my sister's mouth. The red color was so contracted that it stained her luxurious white dress.

I was shocked at the scene before my eyes. It was too sudden and unexpected. So that made me just stand still.

"Ka-kaak ...." She called me softly.

When her body staggered, I gasped out a panicked cry. "NUNALLY!"

It all happened in a flash as their hands accused me of plotting Nunally's murder. I tried to explain, but they wouldn't listen.

"I'm disappointed in you, Vivian!" snapped Alaric, glaring at me.

My fate became a spectacle for everyone in the house.

"It's no surprise that he did." The cynical voice sounded clear.

"Hasn't she always been jealous of her younger sister?" a servant said.

"She's really too much."

"Shh, don't talk about her out loud. She's the mistress of this house. What if she hears?"

"You too, shouldn't refer to her as 'she'. It's not polite to talk about an elite family."

"I never thought of her as a mistress. She is not worthy of lord Alaric."

"Poor Miss Nunally. She has a beautiful but rotten sister. Always spiteful, jealous to the point of wanting to kill her!"

Ever since the incident that afternoon, where Nunally vomited blood, everyone has been pointing at my face. Accusing me of attempting to murder the girl.

"I never thought of killing her, Alaric!"

I tried to defend myself, to the point of crying at the feet of my husband, Alaric. But all I got was a glare that pierced my heart. I was stunned by the look in those eyes.

Really, even though I've often gotten that cold attitude from him, it doesn't affect me. Except for the current gaze, it was very cold, looking at me with disgust. Then with one word, "Take him to jail!" they dragged me away.

I screamed his name and thrashed about in disgust. Seeing his cold face for the last time, I understood then. That his heart had turned away from me. Alaric had changed, not like he used to love me so much.

Now, I was locked up in a police prison.

From that day on, Alaric never saw me again. I was sentenced to life imprisonment. What did I do wrong? I kept asking the same question over and over until I got bored.

Everything that happened that day left me with no purpose in life. I had no appetite for food since a few days ago. Now I'm left with skin and bones. My hair is disheveled. I intend to commit suicide.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of shoe steps. It came closer and soon stopped in front of me.

"Gosh, I didn't know you looked miserable in this cell," Nunally's voice said.

I raised my bowed head. My gaze rose with her height, then stopped right at her face. The wide smile and glaring eyes on Nunally's face made me freeze.

The expression she showed was not a sympathetic one, but rather the happy face of an evil smile. Is it just me feeling that she .....

"Hahaha!" Nunally laughed loudly. I gaped in disbelief.

"This place is perfect for you, sis! From now on you'll rot in there until you're left with nothing but your bones! Meanwhile, I'll have a grand wedding party upstairs with my Alaric~"

I was very, very surprised. Was this really my precious sister in front of me? My sister who was my priority? My sister who I defended so fiercely when she was accused of stealing a diamond bracelet belonging to Mrs. Dian, my friend?

After I knew all her rottenness, I wanted nothing more than to die. My life was ruined. Alaric, my husband had betrayed me. Nunally, my only dear sister had pushed me to the brink.

For days, weeks, every meal - which consisted of bread and milk given once a day - I never touched again. My appetite was gone.

It seemed Nunally's words had come true. I was now just skin and bones. My body was so weak that I couldn't even lift my index finger.

I lay there waiting for the grim reaper to come, take my miserable soul and meet my late mother. Then slowly my eyes began to grow heavy, and I could no longer bear to sleep.

"Do you want to avenge them?"

Whose voice was that?

I couldn't see anything. I couldn't feel any surface. I thought my body was floating in the air.

"How can I get back at them, when I'm going to die?" I said helplessly.

The voice didn't answer.

"If you are the grim reaper, then take me with you. I'm sick of living!"

"You're lying."

I paused for a moment. My mouth said so, but deep down, I wanted to take revenge on them, make them beg at my feet.

"All right. From now on, Vivian will be drawn back into the world. Take advantage of that opportunity for your dreams."


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