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I Knew I Loved You

I Knew I Loved You

Mar Mojica


She was a captivating and popular young woman named Matilda "Ada" Rhyce. Blessed with breathtaking beauty and an air of mystery, she seemed to possess an irresistible allure. Yet beneath her enchanting facade lay a rebellious spirit that clashed with her parents' expectations, leading her to be expelled from one prestigious school after another. He was Thorn Reid Weston, a man of imposing presence and an aura of intensity. His eyes, a mesmerizing blend of fiery passion and deep mystery, had the power to stir the depths of Ada's soul. On that fateful day they met, their connection ignited like a wildfire, and Ada found herself surrendering her precious innocence to this magnetic stranger. In the blink of an eye, Ada found herself falling madly and irrevocably in love. Thorn had become the sun that illuminated her world, the missing piece that completed her existence. But love stories are often complicated, and Ada soon stumbled upon a heart-wrenching truth. The image of Thorn she held dear was shattered like fragile glass. She learned that Thorn already had a significant other, and Ada's heart shattered into countless pieces. The revelation struck her with a force she had never experienced before.

Chapter 1 The Concealed Identity

~ The Concealed Identity ~

The green hues of the surroundings greeted the students as they stepped onto the school premises that day. The freshly cut grass and vibrant flowers painted a picturesque scene, enhanced by the glistening raindrops that sparkled in the light. A gentle breeze whispered through the air, carrying with it the coolness of the morning, while the sun played coy, reluctant to fully emerge from the horizon.

I closed my weary eyes, taking a moment to gather myself. Inhaling deeply, I counted silently, willing a sense of calm to wash over me. Opening my eyes, I scanned the vast expanse of the park, searching for any sign of the car that had brought me here.

Disappointment flooded my being as I realized that, once again, Rich had abandoned me. Although his absence had become a familiar pattern, a profound sense of loss enveloped me, refusing to be dismissed. The nagging question of my purpose in being here gnawed at my thoughts, relentless and insistent.

My footsteps felt heavy as I made my way toward the colossal garage, its white and gray exterior looming before me. Raising my gaze, I beheld the grand sign that marked my destination: Springtide University. Its name, boldly written in oversized letters, was accompanied by the emblematic crest, instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with the prestigious institution.

Hunger gnawed at my stomach once more, a reminder of the missed breakfast courtesy of Rich's scolding. It was hard to summon an appetite when faced with his constant lectures. This was nothing new; it had always been this way.

Fortunately, an Information Map stood at the entrance of the building, guiding me to the cafeteria. Upon entering, I surveyed the area, finding only a handful of students scattered about, enjoying their morning repast. Glancing at my wristwatch, I confirmed that it was already past seven, leaving me with ample time to satiate my hunger before my first class at eight.

The line at the food counter was relatively short, allowing me to quickly select a wrapped chicken sandwich and a can of soda. I scanned the room, seeking out a table with just two vacant seats. Directly in front of me sat an unoccupied table, spacious enough for three.

The tranquillity was shattered by the sound of my cell phone ringing. Glancing at the screen, I saw Rich's name flashing, and with an eye roll and a heavy sigh, I chose to ignore the call. His lectures and reminders were all too familiar, especially in the context of starting anew at a different school. I knew he meant well, but I refused to be controlled like a puppet. He often lamented that I was a pain in his a*s.

Psh! I'm a pain in anyone's a*s. No one can hinder my path. After all, I am Matilda Rhyce, and I march to the beat of my own drum!

While I savoured my sandwich, a group of students caught my attention. Their matching attire indicated that they belonged to the same course or college department.

"Did you hear? They own various restaurants in the Western Provinces. My Auntie mentioned that the new transfer student will be joining the HRM program too. Who knows, we might even end up being classmates with that person, whoever that is!"

"Oh, right! Your Auntie used to be the Assistant Dean of the College of Business, didn't she? Did she mention if the transfer student is male or female?"

"Why does gender matter? This school upholds gender equality, so it shouldn't be an issue. But just so you know, it's a girl. My Auntie told me she's had a history of dropping out and getting expelled from other schools. There were even instances where she vanished without a trace. She was notorious for causing trouble, which is why most schools didn't want to accept her. Rumour has it that she's quite the player, and there have even been fights among college guys over her..."

Interjecting with a sarcastic tone, one of the girls chimed in, "Wow, is she really that drop-dead gorgeous?"

"Well, looks aside, her parents are highly influential and well-known in society. That's probably why schools can't afford to turn her away. But eventually, they all give up on her because they can't handle her antics for long."

As the group engaged in their conversation, the clinking of cutlery and the hum of voices filled the air, contrasting with the peacefulness of the rainy day. Meanwhile, I sipped my drink, relishing its sweetness as I listened intently to their words.

"She sounds like nothing but trouble! Let's just hope we don't end up in the same class as her."

"I doubt that. My Auntie warned me that there are only a few classes in the fourth year. She might already be here," one girl reasoned.

"Did your Auntie mention any names?" the other girl asked eagerly.

With anticipation bubbling inside me, I finished my drink, waiting for their response. But the group fell into an uneasy silence, leaving me hanging on the edge of curiosity. What had transpired? Had they realized I was the subject of their conversation?

Suddenly, a string of feminine curses erupted from their table and the surrounding area, making me furrow my brow in confusion. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Could they have discovered that I was the one they were talking about?

"Damn it! He's here!" one girl nearly exclaimed.

A voice behind me erupted with excitement, barely containing the bubbling emotions. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe he actually showed up today! This day couldn't get any better. I feel like I'm going to faint! I hope he comes closer."

A wave of silence washed over the room, as if an angel had passed through. I continued eating, pretending not to notice the commotion, but my curiosity surged as I heard approaching footsteps.

"He's coming this way," whispered the girl behind me.

"Yes!" another voice exclaimed, attempting to suppress her excitement. "We're in the same class. He'll definitely sit with us."

Furrowing my brow, I couldn't help but be intrigued by the anticipation behind me. Their behavior mirrored the adoration I was accustomed to in the entertainment industry. The constant attention and thrill-seeking were nothing new to me. Perhaps there were actors, famous athletes, or even models like myself enrolled in this school. Rich must have had his reasons for bringing me here, whether out of necessity or desperation.

Shaking off these thoughts, I returned my focus to my meal, feeling a presence at the empty table in front of me. Slowly lifting my head, I caught a glimpse of the boy who had caused such a commotion. My eyes first landed on the food on his table-an identical sandwich and soda, along with his cell phone and keys, mirroring my own.

As I continued to observe him, his tousled hair caught my attention, somehow adding to his appeal. His lips possessed an unusual shade of pale red for a man, and his perfectly shaped nose complemented his features. Even his long eyelashes rivaled my own. If it weren't for his slightly muscular build, I might have mistaken him for someone who didn't adhere to conventional norms. With captivating lips and lashes that could have been coated in mascara, he seemed camera-ready.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Perhaps the rumors were true-this school embraced all forms of love. Would the girls even realize that the man they were so infatuated with wouldn't reciprocate their affections? Society had come a long way, and it was perfectly natural for people to explore their preferences and identities. Although I was often seen as a rebellious playgirl, I held steadfast to my own principles. Let them be angry with me, but I wouldn't settle for someone like him.

What was I even thinking?

I forced a laugh, its echoes filling the room a bit too loudly. The man in front of me turned his gaze in my direction, his thick eyebrows furrowing slightly. His intense, dark brown eyes seemed to peer deep into my soul, as if he could see right through me. I quickly averted my gaze, taking a sip of my soda and savoring its sweetness on my lips. When I looked back, he was still staring at me, an enigmatic expression on his face. There was something about his gaze that was both unsettling and captivating at the same time.

Feeling a mixture of discomfort and intrigue, I stood up and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I scanned the silent cafeteria, my eyes searching for any sign of familiarity. Who was this guy? I was used to being fawned over and adored, but his gaze made me feel superficial and uneasy. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was time for me to show them who I truly was-a narcissistic, egotistical brat who wouldn't be outdone. I am Matilda, The Ada Rhyce. If he had silenced the women around him, who were practically swooning in their seats or frozen like statues, then I would let him salivate over me like the rest of them.

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