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Cassandra Manchester fell in love with a handsome young man who was brutally murdered by her toxic and obsessed ex-boyfriend. And due to the crime committed by her ex-boyfriend, she ended up being framed for murdering the man she fell in love with, Justin. She was sent to prison but was released five years after when she was found innocent. After her release from prison, she coincidentally met with a billionaire who helped her when she fell unconscious after she sighted someone who looked like her ex-boyfriend, Gabby. Her encounter with Kelvin, the billionaire turned sour which led to some unpleasant circumstances when some secrets began to unfold. However, there was a twist in fate as it is discovered that Kevin was actually Justin. He changed his name and pretended to be someone so he could have his revenge. This was a secret he hid from Cassandra Manchester. Will the secrets between them, stop them from igniting the sparks that starts to erupt within them? Or will Cassandra follow her heart and hold on to feelings that make her heart flutter?

Chapter 1 BED-RIDDEN

As the rays of sunlight from the window shone brightly into the room, my eyes tried to adjust to the light. I've been asleep all morning and didn't realise it was afternoon already. I struggled to get up from the bed but I couldn't move my left leg, groaning in pains and wishing in my heart that a miracle could happen to make it all go away.

It was past 2:00pm, I was in the hospital ward, luckily for me I didn't have to share the room with anyone. I've been in the hospital for three days now and I'm still trying to adjust to laying down doing nothing all day.

As I laid on the bed, I looked at the room, it wasn't much of a sight to behold. My Mum couldn't afford a luxurious room as those were for VIP but she managed to pay for the one I'm in. There is a table next to my bedside, on the table are books written by my favourite author "Annie Micho", the constant ticking of the wall clock that was hung above the door post reminded me that time is crucial.

The rays of light kept penetrating through the flimsy material of the sky blue curtain covering the window. I tried sitting up again, this time it was a successful attempt, the ache in my left leg was a reminder of the unfortunate incident. I limped to the window to draw the curtain, that was when I saw HIM , we kept staring at each other then he moved his gaze towards another direction, so I sneered.

Afterwards, mom came in and asked if I was hungry. I replied without hesitating "I'm soooo famished!".

She laughed and brought out a take out she bought from a restaurant downtown. Few minutes later, a nurse entered and informed me about my upcoming surgery.

Immediately, I felt cold and frightened then I said a silent prayer for the success of the surgery. The Doctor gave me some instructions I needed to follow and I did as I was told to avoid complications during the course of the surgery.

It was five in the morning of the D-day, yes, you guessed right, it's the day of my surgery.

I had my bath and as I was being rolled into the Operating room, my mom came around and said to me "Cassie baby, it's gonna be alright, okay? Just close your eyes and by the time you wake up, It'll all be over. Nothing bad is gonna happen to you" she said as tears welled up her eyes. I took her hands and gave her a weak smile. I felt relieved and frightened at the same moment.

I was given an anaesthetic injection, suddenly I felt drowsy and the last thing I heard was the voice of the Doctor mumbling some words. I could hear voices which were inaudible as I regained my consciousness and my vision was still blurry. Few minutes later, I could see more clearly.

"Baby, Can you see me? It's mommy". She held my hand so tight that I thought it'd break.

I looked at her and smiled.

Uh oh! I was feeling drowsy...again and poof! I became unconscious.

I woke up and tried to sit up but I couldn't. What the heck?! My left leg was stiff.

I checked my hand and saw that I was put on drip. I wanted to know why my leg was stiff. I touched my leg and felt a rough surface. Before I could check what it was, I already knew what it was. My leg was wrapped with P.O.P(PLASTER OF PARIS) .

Oh great!

I'm sure you're curious to know why I had to undergo surgery. Well, here's the story.

I was in high school, when it happened, 11th grade, precisely.

In school, the kids made fun of me all the time. I'd get bullied by the older kids in school but there was nothing I could do about that 'cause I wasn't as strong as they were.

It was during lunch time, I decided to visit the school library to lend some books. As I walked down the stairs I felt like I was being stalked.

Stalked? Well, yeah, when you're seen as a prey by bullies, such could happen.

As I took a step, someone pushed me and I fell of the stairs tumbling over and over till I passed out.

When I woke up, I found myself laying on a hospital bed with weird faces staring down at me.

I was confused and scared. The doctor broke the news to me that as a result of what happened at school, my left leg was broken and as they tried to operate on it, some complications occurred.

So, yeah....I was deformed. I cried my eyes out. I felt like my whole world was crumbling. My mom and my siblings, (Johanna who's the oldest, Mason's the second child, and Anita the last child, my little sister) came around and tried their best to console me. After crying my eyes out till I could cry no more, I dozed off.

Weeks went by and I got discharged after I'd healed up. I resumed school and I became the center of attraction. Everyone stared at me as I limped my way into the classroom.

God....what are these morons looking at?


You know what hurts? Not being able to fish out the culprit behind the incident that occurred but I knew that I'd find out who did it sooner or later.

Months went by and my parents decided that it would be best I did another surgery after the incident.

I wasn't against this actually. I felt good and gave my consent.

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