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A pureblooded vampire and a pure blooded werewolve fall in love against family wishes and bear a child which they would not live to see, the child however is a sociopath who is void of any emotion and is as they say a failure ,but she proves them wrong

Chapter 1 Family heirloom

Once upon a time there lived a pure blooded vampire and a pure blooded werewolf who fell in love, and it was custom in the vampire family that a family power passed down from many generation be passed down to the first child and the werewolves custom was that in her family a special kind of wolf form in which there fur was a white as snow and stronger than normal werewolves in the passing generation. The families were at war and did not approve of the marriage so the two lover ran away from the family, they lived a peaceful life until the werewolf was pregnant and gave birth to the child in which case the child was hunted for people taught about the great powers of such a child. After the birth of the child the mother died giving her last power to the child while the father was in grief he took the child to hid brother who lived in the human world and went back because the hunters sent to kill the child were following him. After defeating all the hunters he was stabbed with a wooden sword and a painful death longing to meet his wife he died. After the brother hearing of his brother death, he swore to train the child to live up to the standard of the family, the child grew up and started her first training at seven which she had her mother green eyes and her father white and silky hair with pale white skin. She was very brilliant and good in her studies and had a good relationship with her uncle and aunt but there was only one problem. She was coldhearted, calm ,gentle and a never showed any emotion. People called her 'doll' because of her pretty face and her lack of emotion.

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