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Legacy Of A Luna

Legacy Of A Luna

Rebel Kaye


If you're here for your typical werewolf story, mine isn't it. There is no mighty Alpha Knight that will come save me, take care of all my problems and love me unconditionally. No, for I am a savage. 'The Bloody Red Queen' is what they call me. I ascended my throne as Luna of the Nightingale pack after the death of my parents. I was a single child of two wolves of a very special ancestry, the last two descendants of the Gypsy Gail line. No, my parents weren't related, no incest here. However, both did carry blood from the first Lycan clan to ever exist. The Gypsy Gail pack. It is said it got its name and its power from the Gypsies who lived amongst it. They too praised the Moon Mother and in return, she soon paired them with her beloved creations as mates. This of course, changed the history of Lycans forever. Soon, werewolves with unique capabilities came to exist. Many used these gifts to better the world around them and others, well obviously didn't. Then there were those that were not gifted abilities. They grew scornful and jealous. When they broke away, they formed packs of their own and soon wars raged. Over the millennia, the Gypsy Gail pack fell, as did most of its descendants. Only a few lived on in secret, passing down their traditions and rituals in dark corners amongst those highly trusted. The world now believes that the Moon Mother has turned her back on the Lycans of today. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many no longer seek her guidance or offer her praise. Those that still do are looked down upon as weak. But as the heir to the last of the Gypsy Gail gifts, I am to right the wrongs. My purpose is to put the Moon Mother back in the forefront and unite the Lycan packs. To bring a permanent peace. I am Luna Amina Sage of the Nightingale pack. And this is my purpose. This, is my legacy.

Chapter 1 In the Beginning

Excitement rode the air this morning. I tried to bottle it in, but I was bursting at the seams. Mahala was coming today! As long as I could remember, Mahala was there! My mother's beloved and most trusted friend.

She and her entourage came under the guise of a traveling entertainment

group, but I knew who, or should I say what, she REALLY was.

Mahala was a seer. The pack thought the King and Queen were so kind to

invite the spectacle of their troop in every so often. She and the

others would spend the days doing magic shows or simple parlor tricks.

But come nightfall, after their mobile city of wooden caravans and

brightly colored flags closed, Mahala would come to the pack house and

consult with my parents.

She would reveal to them mysteries of upcoming happenings and offer her

counsel. And then she would visit me! We had such fun! She always asked

me the most intriguing questions and usually had a gift tucked away in

the layers of her skirts. She'd tell me all about her journeys, the

places and people. Different cultures. She made the world sound so

beautiful! I often laid down and dreamt of my own adventures after she


"Amina, come now, breakfast is waiting." My mother's voice reached my


"Coming!" I called back gleefully as I threw my blanket back and rushed

to start the day.

This time it was even better! Mahala had coincidentally timed her

latest visit on my birthday! And not just any birthday, but my 16th!

Nothing made me happier than to know she would be standing right there

with my parents when we meet my wolf tonight.

My mind instantly shifted. I was on autopilot as I made my way to the

dining hall. Thoughts of my wolf dancing in my head. What would she look

like?!? What's her name? What's it going to feel like to view and

experience the world through her eyes?

"Amina. Eat child. You need your strength." My father teased as he helped

me load my plate even higher with food.

I didn't hesitate. Maybe I DID need to load up on calories for my first

shift. Besides, being a lycan already came with a hefty appetite, who

was I to say no thank you? I scarfed my breakfast and went to training.

The day dragged on miserably until the most magical part finally


Trumpets announced Mahala and her caravans' arrival. I bum rushed the

balcony of my room and looked down just in time to see the first wooden

wagon breach the border. It was always a sight to see! Great flags of

purples, yellows and greens flew high. Several people walked alongside

them dressed in exotic fabrics. Some wore elegant turbines, others simple

lace shawls. The scent of spices and earth soon wafted in as the winds

brought them straight to me. It only fueled my delight ever more.

I squinted as more wagons soon joined the assembly and creaked closer to

the pack house. I could JUST make out the symbols on the sides of them.

Each had its own design, but I was specifically looking for the one

adorned with Roses that had an eye in the center. Mahala's wagon. I

loved that she decorated it in a way that was uniquely her. Nowhere in

the world had I heard of Roses with eyes in their center.

As soon as I spotted it, I beelined from the balcony, out of my room,

down the stairs and out the door. The pack was buzzing. They so loved

this band of merry misfits and the joy they seemed to carry with them as

they began to finally pull up to the pack house. I quickly took my place

at my parent's sides and awaited our guests. I composed my face,

ensuring it wasn't too enthusiastic or reflected any malice as I had

been taught.

I had to fight hard not to smile when the very wagon I had been awaiting

took front and center. A cute, circular door opened from the rear and a

set of wooden steps soon followed. Finally, Mahala herself exited and

approached us. She bowed low.

"Your Majesties, such an honor to be in your presence once again."

Mahala's voice filled the air. As she rose, she sent me a quick wink.

"The honor is all ours Mahala. We look forward to your visits." My

mother greeted her with a broad smile. They began to talk as I

scrutinized Mahala's outfit. She wore fine boots that had gold coins

sewn onto them. A layered skirt of rich purples and mustard yellows. Her

top was simply a piece of fabric tied behind her back. Her long, raven

colored hair was a mass of spiral curls that framed her high cheekbones

and beautiful face. The only thing attempting to tame it was the fabric

tied around the top of her head. This too had gold coins hanging and

jiggling from it. Her lips were plump. Her dazzling emerald eyes

sparkled. As she moved, a beaded belt that had small bells hanging from

it clinked and danced. It reminded me of the wooden wind chimes that

decorated the gardens. I absolutely loved the sound.

"Feel free to set up where you wish. You know the grounds. You are our

guests here and will be shown nothing less than respect." My father's

burly voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Mahala again bowed low before she spun and

began to direct her troop. I found myself dying of curiosity and counting

the seconds until she and I would get to visit.

Time seemed to pass even more slowly. But soon, I found myself in the

dining hall blushing furiously as the pack members doted over me. A

massive three layer cake loaded with candles illuminated the space and I

smiled happily at all those I held so dearly. My pack. My family. My eyes

slightly widened as I saw Mahala and a few of her guests amongst the mix.

This filled my chest with happiness.

Dinner came and went. I soon found myself perched on the edge of the

oversized lounge in the waiting room outside of my father's office. My

Mother, Father and Mahala had adjourned there shortly after dinner. My mind raced thinking of all the wonders they must be discussing. I

couldn't wait to be Queen Luna and be privy to the works and wonders of

our pack.

The door finally opened and I rushed forward, unable to hold myself

back. I got a glimpse of the somber faces my parents wore. They quickly

smoothed their features and smiled brightly at me. But I saw the tears

in my Mother's eyes...

Mahala soon distracted me though. She engulfed me in a warm embrace.

"My dearest Amina, you need to stop growing! Soon you'll be bigger than

even me! Prettier too!" She chuckled as she drew me back by the

shoulders. "Oh, and how beautiful you are becoming! I barely recognize


I smiled brightly back at her. She always said these things, but unlike

others, I believed her when she did. She gently tugged my hand and led

me back over to the lounge. We soon fell into deep conversation and I

was utterly lost in her world of freedom and travel.

"It's time." My mother's voice slid gently across my mind. I paused mid

sentence as her words sunk in. Mahala smiled at me knowingly. She stood

and began to make her way through the pack house with me on her heels.

She soon led me through the back doors and out into the waiting night.

She paused next to my parents and all three stood to witness my


I hesitated a moment. I knew what was about to happen, and I'd prepared

for it as all other Lycan pups had. But the fact I knew this was going to

hurt didn't make it hurt any less. I cast a wary glance their way and all

had soft smiles and knowing looks in their eyes. "It's okay baby girl.

It's over before you know it." My father offered. My mother's nod of

assurance was all it took for me to have faith and my feet began to carry

me forward.

The moon was full and spilled silver shadows over the world. The grass

looked like spiky mirror shards and I couldn't help but smile at their

beauty. I slipped my shoes off to feel their tickle against my bare

feet. Before me was a simple circle of smooth stones. Each had

engravings that shone brightly under the moonlight. This was the very

spot all descendants of the Gypsy Gail pack received their wolves for

generations. There was some kind of magic in those stones. I never

believed it before tonight because gazing at them now with their ancient

script and symbols meant they just had to be some magic to all this.

They looked like ordinary stones any other time...

I reached the edge of the ring and began to strip down to my bra and

panties. I had worn a set I didn't mind losing as my body would morph to

accommodate the other half of my soul and they'd be ruined. I finally

stepped in the ring and instantly felt different. There was now a static

in the air around me. I felt invisible tendrils lacing along my skin. It

caused goosebumps to rise high on my shoulders. I smiled in welcome. Mom

had told me about this. It's the moon goddess preparing me for my wolf.

She is peering into my soul so she could match me perfectly.

I held my arms wide, welcoming her scrutiny. My head fell back slightly

as I felt my face become bathed in her magnificent light. I held no

fear in my heart any longer. I was raised to offer her nothing short of

absolute praise and so I opened myself to her wholly. My heart beat

wildly as I let my eyes close and I awaited her decision.

"My sweetest Amina, I have waited so very long for you..." A musical

whisper slithered across my mind. I smiled. The Moon Goddess! Selene

herself just spoke to me! How did I know it was her? I didn't know how, I

just knew. "You my darling child, you have an extraordinary destiny.

You've prepared well. You will change the world Amina. And to help you

reach your goals and fulfill all you must do, I am giving you a very

special wolf. One dearest to my own heart. Tonight my child, I am

giving you Artemis." The honor that flooded me was profound. To not

only have her speak to me, but to receive a wolf so clearly dear to her

was a true blessing!

I felt gentle fingers grip my face, causing me to open my eyes. There,

inches from my face was Selene. She gently gripped my face as she peered

into my eyes, a gentle smile tugging at her lips. I was mesmerized. The

stories of her beauty did her no justice. Her skin was like porcelain.

Perfect. Her face was haloed in long, silver hair. Her eyes held entire

galaxies. Millions of stars danced in them. Her petite nose and plump

lips that perched above a small cleft on her chin gave her an

otherworldly beauty that was both haunting and endearing. A crescent

moon lay between her eyes. Instead of wearing a halo of flowers in her

hair, there was instead a pair of translucent blue bull horns adorning

her head. A thin, translucent blue line ran across her nose, spanning

cheek to cheek. I'd never seen anything that compared to her.

"Never forget that I am always with you, Amina. Have faith in me and

know I favor you. You are my greatest gift in this world of darkness.

You Amina, will be the greatest light. Shine upon the lost and wary.

Trust your heart. And trust in Artimus." She whispered so softly.

She then leaned forward and pressed her lips to my forehead. I blinked

slowly and she was gone. I glanced over to see the amazement on Mahala

and my parent's faces. They all were on their knees in utter shock. The

moon goddess herself had just been in our presence! This was not common

at all. The smile that tore across my face hurt my cheeks; it was so

swift and wide. I had never felt like I did right now.

My glory was short-lived. It started as a heavy, sinking feeling in my

chest. My breath soon became labored as I felt my insides begin to stir.

I gritted my teeth and tried to bare it, but the pain was escalating and

I soon fell to my knees. My hands dug into the soft earth as my spine

lurched under my skin. "I'm here Amina. I'm sorry, this isn't going to

be pleasant..." A new voice whispered in my head. "Try and relax. I'll

do the rest." Artimus! My wolf! She is with me now!

I did as she said and fought against my own instincts and forced myself

to relax as best I could. It felt like something was clawing against my

skull. Pain coursed through my veins and I screamed to release some of

the pressure. My metamorphosis then moved to my hands. I watched in morbid fascination as my nails elongated and stretched. My lips dripped

saliva as my mouth flooded with it. My face began to stretch and my spine

again railed against the restraints of my body. I shot to my feet and

sought the comforting sight of the moon. I craved it as if my very

existence depended on it filling my sight.

My eyes locked onto it just as a rapturous howl tore from my throat. It

was so intense I shook at its might. I became moon drunk. Obsessed with

staring at The Mother's holy land. It comforted me as the pain began to

subside. "We're halfway there." Artimus said.

I took the opportunity to inspect myself. I was amazed to see my Lycan

form. It was corded muscle stacked on corded muscle. Silver fur had

sprouted all over me and my claws...they were the stuff nightmares were

made of. Few of us were able to secure this form. All who could were of

royal descent. I wasn't surprised I could. My pedigree WAS impressive....

"Hold on!" Artimus yipped.

I lurched forward. My clawed hands again clutching the earth. The pain

reached an unbearable plateau before it again began to subside. I felt

my body again stretching and rolling. I bore down and rode out the

transition. My eyes slammed shut and I squeezed them tightly. As quickly

as it all started, it was over. Air rushed into my lungs and brought

with it an onslaught of intense scents.

I blinked my eyes open once more and was met with depth and perception

that would absolutely take some getting used too. I strained to focus and

when I did, the world was reborn in HD. It was at exactly this moment I

noticed the massive paws that replaced my hands. I felt my head jerk

slightly back in surprise. My fur was luscious and thick. It sparkled in

the moonlight as if I was bedazzled.

The sounds of the forest echoed in my ears. I could hear mice scurrying

through the undergrowth and immediately could calculate how far away they

were. I heard the whisper of an owl's wings as it swooped down and caught

its meal. I witnessed the last beats of the poor mouse's heart. It was

incredible! Exhilarating even!

I was lost in the newness of it all. I was about to welcome Artimus but

my attention was soon on my Parents and Mahala who had made their way

down and sat just out of reach on the glowing grass.

"My goddess, your wolf!" My mother cooed as she stared at me in wonder.

"I've never seen anything like her...". She breathed out softly.

"She's truly majestic. I'd expect nothing less of a Gypsy Girl

descendant." My father proudly praised me.

I swung my head to gauge Mahala's reaction. She studied me with a tight

smile on her face. "Amazing!" She finally whispered. "And POWERFUL!" She

added with enthusiasm.

"Well, tonight you are whole Amina. Go, run. Feel the earth beneath your

paws and the wind whipping through your fur. Embrace all that you are.

And all that you will become. We'll see you in the morning." My father

said as he stood and offered my mother his hand to assist her up. Her

eyes still moved over me in amazement. "Extraordinary..." She murmured

as she stood.

I bowed to them before I released the reins and let Artimus take control.

She spun us and began to walk silently towards the edge of the woods. I

was just about to bolt when I heard Mahala addressing my parents.

"My King, My Queen. We have much to discuss. It is as I have seen." Her

tone was low and it sent a shiver down my spine. I almost turned back to

hear more but Artimus was already dialed in on something moving amongst

the trees.

I could always talk to them tomorrow. They've never been anything short

of open with me. I saw no harm in indulging in my instincts right now.

And with all hesitation evaporating from me, Artimus leapt and soon,

trees were but blurs as the night was now ours.

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