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Mated To A Hybrid King

Mated To A Hybrid King

Alice Myra 8


Synopsis "What do you think would happen if a wolf was mated to a hybrid?'' "They would be banished. A wolf being mated to a hybrid is unheard of. Those creatures are rampant, they are destructive and ruthless. Being a witch, a wolf, and a vampire at the same time does no justice to us. Whatever happens Isabella, we have to stay away from the border, from the territories where the hybrids lurk, this is the only way to protect our people." ................................ From an extremely young age, Isabella's father, the alpha of Moonlight Pack has shed a light on the dangers of hybrids. It was forbidden for any wolf in any Pack to interact with the hybrids. They were called the curse, believed to bring destruction upon the werewolf community, especially because witches and vampires had gone extinct. What happens when her father suddenly passes away and she is to assume full leadership of her Pack. In a quest to attain peace, Isabella accepts to set up a meeting with the king of the hybrids to negotiate boundaries and make a peace treaty. She wants an antidote to the poison that is spreading over the pack. Destiny however has different plans when she discovers that she was mated to the hybrid King, Adonis Cacius Kade! In the face of an intense and all-consuming heat, will they be able to resist their desires and avoid their own ruin? In the face of mounting tension and hostility between the two species, will they be able to find a way to coexist or will their hatred lead to their own demise?

Chapter 1 one

"ISABELLA!!'' There it was, a voice filled with panic.

"IT'S YOUR FATHER!" I'm pretty sure everyone in the pack heard that, I wasn't hallucinating. That rampant screeching voice that ran through the link connected to every member in the park. Everyone heard the message. Everyone knew it was directed to be.

"Father.." I whispered in a broken voice, my knees weakening as I looked around me. All eyes were fixated on me, as though reading my reaction and waiting for my next move. The field went quiet, and the sounds of warriors training and others transforming died down. It was as silent as a graveyard. I could hear the fast beating of my heart, the anxiety rising, breathing conscripting in my lungs as I looked around for my best friend. She was nowhere to be seen.

My heart is suddenly aching, there is an unfamiliar feeling inside me and it turns on negative emotions. It's like deja vu, something extremely bad is about to happen and I can't stop it. The last time a message was announced through the mind link of every pack member, was when someone noble was....dead.

Mere seconds later, there is the sounding of the first trumpet, I jolted up, running as fast as my feeble legs could carry me. It can't be, it couldn't be. That is what happens when alpha is dying, three trumpets are blown in their respect and honor.

But father was ok, there was nothing wrong with him. We had just trained with him an hour ago, he was rejuvenated and enthusiastic. How? How could he be dying?

Immediately I caught sight of the houses, I took a direct corner, diving towards the palace, my home. I followed the scent, the scent of my dad. It was weak, frail, as though he was...passing away.

A second trumpet was blown, making my legs weaken as I caught sight of the pack doctor leaving the palace. When our eyes met, they were filled with sadness, pure horror, and uncertainty. Tears pricked my eyes, stripping off my jacket immediately and throwing it over the floor, I entered the palace and ran towards the stairs. The living room was full, packed with members I had not even seen before.

"Isabella!'' my best friend called out, standing at my father's door, a look of disappointment on her face.

"I'm sorry!''Milly said, tears cascading down her rosy cheeks as she brought her hand towards my shoulder.

I avoided the affection, kicking the door open and moving past her. My heart was racing, tears blinding me as I stepped into my father's bedroom and caught sight of something I was not sure I could comprehend.

"Father" I whispered shakily, eyes raking over his body, resting on his comfy mattresses and sheets.

His body, his skin, he was turning pale....white.

Confusion struck me again, looking around expecting an explanation that would make sense.

"Bella..'' father said, lifting his hand weakly to capture mine.

He was dying, I could feel. I could feel our souls detaching like he was going into another realm.

"Dad...wh..what happened?'' I asked, tears finally falling down my cheeks. The sight broke my heart, he was the only one I had, the only family I had left.

"What happened is not what's important here Bella, you have to guard this kingdom. Rule it with wisdom and diligence. Use knowledge when it comes to solving cases. You need to be strong, it won't be easy, but you are now Alpha.'' His words are heavy, he tries to smile, but I read the sadness behind that expression. He can not die, not right now when I have not even found a mate. How would I rule the pack alone? Without him by my side.

"NO! You can't die, I won't have anyone else, please father. Fight it, fight whatever this is. The ..d. Doctor. The pack doctor, where is he?" my voice is shaky, it's breaking.

No one around is moving, no one is saying a thing.

"Don't just stand there, find the doctor,'' I scream at the warrior standing at the door. I feel like I'm losing it, like I have nothing to do other than scream.

My father squeezes my hand causing me to look back at him.

"There is nothing he can do, I have already accepted fate, you do the same Bella..'' he says again, looking me in the eye.

I always love his nickname for me, when he calls me Bella. It was my mother's name and dad named me after her, in her memory.

"I can't do this without you,'' I say in a defeated tone, sitting beside him on the bed as I take his hand more firmly in mine. His skin is running cold, freezing.

"You can and you will!! You are Isabella Montez, nothing can defeat you. You are strong. You are fearless. You are just like your mother.''

"You have a warrior's spirit in you, You are An Alpha's daughter. You can do this,'' he says.

"What about the hybrids lurking in the border?'' I take the initiative to ask, feeling my world slip into nothingness.

"I fear they are planning an attack, you must fight back Isabella, fight with everything you have. HYBRIDS AND WEREWOLVES CAN NEVER BE ONE!''

"Maybe they do not want war, maybe they want peace. Perhaps it's not about fighting. They want to come to an understanding father if we only we became rational..''

There it was again, the cold shiver running over his skin. Next, he is coughing, coughing...blood!


Those were the last words he said before he fell back on the bed. Movement seized, silence took over.

"Isabella MaryAnn Montez, you are hereby the Alpha of MoonLight pack.''

My heart broke in half, hearing the last trumpet be blown, I knew it was my undoing. He was dead, father was dead.

The last words he left were orders to fight the hybrids.

But why? Why did I feel connected to them instead?

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