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Promiscuity of the Innocent Girl

Promiscuity of the Innocent Girl



Adolescence is the most beautiful period for every girl. Including for Amanda. Although she is already 16 years old. However, she has not experienced menstruation. Until finally she got her period for the first time and she was so panicked that she thought she was pregnant. The quarrel between her parents made Amanda even more immersed in her sadness. Her parents were only busy arguing and busy with their respective affairs. So she felt not loved at all. Only Grandpa Hans was kind and cared about her. In fact, she had no friends at school because of her innocence. Until finally she met Kelvin, a popular senior at school who became a friend to Amanda. Without knowing if Kelvin was one of the factors that made her fall into the black valley called promiscuity. Because of her ignorance about sex education, Amanda gives up her virginity and becomes pregnant with Kelvin's child. Can she get out of this problem? How will her life continue when she finds out she is pregnant, while she is still a student. Let's read now!

Chapter 1 Amanda the Innocent girl

-Galaxy Senior High School-

The noise in the classroom suddenly turned into silence when a man with a thick mustache entered the classroom. With a puffy belly and height adding to the scary aura inside him.

"Collect your assignment from yesterday!" he said. He was Mr. Wilson, the notorious Physics teacher. He was even nicknamed the 'Killer'.

All students immediately collected their assignments collected by the class leader.

Of all the students in the class, one girl stood out. With brownish hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes.

Amanda Rawless.

She had been busy holding her aching stomach and her face was now deathly pale.

"What's wrong with you, Amanda?" asked Mr. Wilson.

"My stomach hurts, sir." Amanda replied.

"Have a bowel movement, maybe sir hehehe..." mocked Emelie.

"Go away! You know you want to poop, why are you holding it in!" said Mr. Wilson looking at Amanda with a shudder of horror.

"... What a slob!" said Mr. Wilson again.

Previously, Amanda had also done the same thing. Because she was so afraid of Mr. Wilson, she did not dare to ask permission to go to the bathroom. Until finally she had to defecate in her pants. Because of this, Amanda only had a few friends at school. Amanda is beautiful and friendly, but her innocence makes people not want to approach her.

-Women's Restroom

"Kyaaa!" screamed Amanda softly when she saw that her panties had so many blood stains.

"What is this blood?" Amanda asked herself.

"Hey, open the door!" a banging outside the door startled Amanda.

"Just a minute." Amanda replied wanting to open the door.

"Emelie?" Amanda was surprised to see Emelie there with her two friends Lucy and Clara.

"What are you sick of?" asked Emelie haughtily while folding her hands like a boss.

"I don't know. All of a sudden there's a lot of blood coming out of my crotch...," Amanda replied with a pale face.

"That's called menstru..." Lucy's words were cut off when Emelie interrupted her.

"Don't you have a disease?" said Emelie, who was starting to scare Amanda.

The girl blinked one eye at Lucy and Clara.

"What? A disease?" asked Amanda in surprise.

Emelie smiled meaningfully, suddenly she had an idea in her head.

"Yes, you have a disease." she retorted.

'What a stupid girl!" thought Emelie.

"What is it?" asked Amanda worried. She was so innocent that she could make Emelie and her friends play pranks on her. She didn't even know what a period was.

"I don't know. Just ask the doctor in the school health room!" Emelie ordered. Amanda immediately rushed out of the women's restroom.

"Apparently, stupid and innocent is a thin difference.

" Emelie mocked Amanda.


Amanda was currently in the school health room. "This is normal for a girl who...," the doctor's words were interrupted by an incoming call from her cell phone.

"Yes, hello..." said the female doctor talking to someone from the other side.

" ..... "

"Why is there so much blood. Is she pregnant?" said the doctor talking to her interlocutor seriously.

" .... "

'Their story on the phone is exactly the same as mine. Am I pregnant too?" Amanda's mind was starting to get scared.

Amanda immediately got off the bed, "Where are you going?" asked the doctor in surprise.

"I'm going to class, Doc. The lesson has started." Amanda said and was immediately agreed by the doctor.

On the way to class, Amanda held her stomach with both hands. "Am I pregnant too?" she muttered with a panicked face.

"How is this?" she asked.

Because she was too innocent. In fact, Amanda didn't even know why someone could get pregnant.

Once in class Amanda immediately sat in her seat.

"Look at that innocent coming!" grinned Emelie.

"It's not innocent, it's stupid," laughed Clara softly.

"There are still people as innocent as him in this modern era," said Lucy.

"Still, she's one of them hehe." Emelie taunted.

Amanda clearly heard the mockery thrown at her. However, she did not want to bother. After all, from the beginning of entering school Emelie and her friends did not like her at all.

Not long after, the teacher entered the classroom. "Amanda, try to come to the front of the class. And do assignment number 5!" ordered the male teacher named Mr. Jeff.

The handsome teacher is 25 years old but already a widower. Because, his wife has passed away.

"Mr. Jeff is getting more and more handsome," said Emelie, supporting her chin with one hand.

Amanda immediately got up from her chair and started to come forward.

"Hahahaha..." laughed some of the male students in the class when they saw that the white skirt worn by Amanda had many blood stains.

"Aishh, it's embarrassing hahaah..." laughed Emelie.

"Why are you laughing?" laughed the teacher in surprise.

"Look at Amanda, her skirt!" said one of the male students.

The teacher was shocked and so was Amanda. She didn't expect the blood to go up her skirt.

'It seems to be true that I'm pregnant,' Amanda said to herself.

"Amanda, you better go home today. And you better wear my jacket!" said Mr. Jeff and gave his Dongker blue jacket to Amanda.

Some of the female students were jealous that Mr. Jeff gave Amanda his jacket. "How lucky for that fool!" grumbled Emelie.

"If you want to be treated like that, make yourself as stupid as Amanda. " said Lucy.

"No way, I don't want to be stupid like her!" refused Emelie, glaring at Lucy.

- Rawless Family Home -

A middle-aged woman with brownish-black hair was seen sitting down while reading a fashion magazine.

"Where's my lunch, Cindy?" asked a man with a thick mustache, Mr. Alex Rawles.

"Mommy, Daddy!" cried a voice coming from Amanda who had just come home from school.

"Amanda?" said a husband and wife looking at each other.

"What's wrong, honey?" asked Mrs. Cindy to her only daughter.

"Mommy, look at this!" said Amanda, holding up the jacket wrapped around her uniform skirt.

Mrs. Cindy was shocked to see a lot of blood on it. She began to smile at her daughter.

"What's wrong Cindy?" asked Alex frantically.

"It's nothing, Lex. It's just a woman's monthly period." explained Cindy.

Alex was silent, "Well, that's for you to know." she replied and walked away.

"How is Mommy?" asked a panicked Amanda.

"It's fine, honey. Apparently, Mama's daughter has grown up." said Cindy while escorting her daughter into the room.

The woman did not know if Amanda did not understand the name menstruation at all.

Mrs. Cindy immediately handed Amanda a sanitary pad. "What is this for Mommy?" asked Amanda in surprise.

"This is to keep the blood from flowing everywhere." replied Mrs. Cindy practicing how to put on the pad.

"Am I pregnant..."

"After this you just rest right away, Mommy has important business outside." said Mrs. Cindy who immediately interrupted the daughter's speech.

"Mommy, can I borrow your cell phone?" Amanda asked carefully. Because, all this time Mrs. Cindy had never given her access to the internet.

"What for, dear? If you're still in school, it's better not to use a cell phone. " Mrs. Cindy gently refused.

Amanda only made a sad face. She could already guess that Madame Cindy would not give her permission.

"That's it, bye dear." said Mrs. Cindy as she left the room.

"Bye, Mom." Amanda replied quietly.

Amanda always wanted to have a cell phone like her friends. She wanted to surf the internet. She was always annoyed because she was always made fun of by her friends because Amanda was too stuttering on the internet.

On the other hand, Mrs. Cindy was looking for her cell phone under the pillow in her room. "I have to hide this cell phone. I don't want Amanda to get the negative effects of the internet. Look at how many teenagers who are still in school have gotten pregnant lately. " Mrs. Cindy muttered.

Mrs. Cindy, is one of those parents who does not want to let her daughter be engrossed in a cell phone. In fact, from childhood until now Amanda has not been allowed to use anything related to the Internet. Unless, if only doing an assignment. And that was monitored by Mrs. Cindy herself.

Inside the room Amanda continued to stare at the sky - the sky of her room which was patterned with clouds. Her heart was very anxious because her stomach still hurt and she felt blood still coming out of her crotch area.

"How is this, I'm so scared." Amanda muttered with tears already falling.

She remembered Emeli's words that she had a disease. And she also remembered what the doctor said when he called her friend.

Back and forth the girl with flying blue eyes wiped her tears. "I'm so scared, what if I'm really pregnant?" Amanda asked herself again.


The door opened to reveal Mrs. Cindy. "Why are you crying, honey?" she asked.

"It's okay, Mom. I just feel really sick to my stomach." Amanda replied.

"It's okay dear, the pain will eventually subside on its own" said Mrs. Cindy.

Mrs. Cindy then excused herself. She was sitting on the sofa looking at the clock on the wall which was already 9pm. However, her husband hadn't come home yet.

"Where are you going again, Lex?" asked a worried Mrs. Cindy.

Soon the door opened revealing Alex standing unbalanced. Anyone would also know that the man was currently drunk.

"Cindy, hurry up and make me dinner..." he ordered with a face that was red with a half normal level of consciousness.

"Oh God Alex, you're drinking again. What's wrong with you, Lex. Always drunk like this, our family's economy is going down and you're splurging on alcohol like this." fumed Mrs. Cindy who was annoyed that her husfew yearsband had been drinking so much in the past .

Mr. Alex pushed his wife's body lightly, "get out of my way!" he said.

"... It's my money, so whatever I want to buy." said Mr. Alex.

"Your money? It's my money that you stole!" fumed Mrs. Cindy.

"An unemployed man like you can't have money!" Mrs. Cindy retorted.

"You bastard!" said Mr. Alex as he slapped his wife hard on the cheek.

Instantly, blood came out of the corner of Mrs. Cindy's lips.

Amanda, who was in her room, could only cry listening to the exchange between her parents. Almost every day her parents argued. The teenage girl's mind, at the moment, was completely messed up.

'Almost every day they fight. Don't they love me?

To be continued...

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