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langit malam


Beautiful face makes this high school girl often bullied by her friends. The transfer student from Jakarta did not expect that she would be bullied at a school in the village. Maybe that was Ariana's destiny. Because back in Jakarta he often bullied quiet girls. It turned out that the quiet girl's revenge was really cruel. Ariana's parents fell into poverty and caused her family to live in the village. It turned out that in the village he met a quiet girl who had been bullied when he was in Jakarta. Her name is Bulan, the girl moved from Jakarta to the village because she could no longer stand being bullied by her friends in Jakarta. When they meet at the same school again but with their different economic conditions. That actually makes the moon feel very lucky because time has turned. The moon is currently over and that makes it easy to get revenge on Ariana. At that time, Ariana was bullied every day by the Moon and her friends. Bulan has many friends in the village. So he can do anything to Ariana. Meanwhile, Ariana has no friends at all in the village. Ariana was still a brave girl when she was bullied by the Moon and her gang. Every day Ariana tries to fight the moon and her gang but unfortunately the Moon's camp is more. Even Ariana didn't have any friends at all at the school in the village. Ariana's life in the village was miserable. Poor and bullied. It was karma for Ariana and the bullying was revenge from the Moon. Bulan is not in the same school as her boyfriend, so her boyfriend doesn't know that he is bullying Ariana. But finally the King found out that Bulan was bullying Ariana. Even though Bulan tried to convince the King that Bulan did not bully Ariana. But Raja has evidence of Vidio when Bulan dragged Ariana and beat her and even flushed Ariana with sewer water. The video made Bulan afraid of being expelled from school. Bulan finally apologized and will not repeat her evil deeds. He promised his girlfriend. But that's all already. Because the King has fallen in love with Ariana. It made Raja want to be Ariana's lover. This made Bulan want to take revenge on Ariana even more cruelly. Because according to the Moon, Ariana had stolen the King from her. Once upon a time, the Moon wanted to kill Ariana by mixing poison into Ariana's drink. But the King knew about it. The king changed their drinks and the moon finally drank the poison he made himself. The moon died with a feeling of revenge still left. Meanwhile Ariana felt very sad because the Moon and revenge for her actions and Ariana now realized that bullying was not good. At the end of the story. Ariana's child was bullied by a childhood friend of Ariana's. Gladys was an elementary school friend who had been bullied by Ariana at the time. Gladys' arrival with her child was to bully Ariana's child. No matter how small the bad thing we do, it will definitely fall back on us. So we should do good from now on otherwise we will be in the valley of evil that will kill ourselves.

Chapter 1 One

"Mother will try to work in Jakarta. So you have to study hard in Jakarta, okay?" said the mother excitedly accompanying her only child in front of the school gate. The girl with brown skin looked very embarrassed. "Tomorrow, you don't have to accompany Bulan to school, Ma'am. Bulan will go alone. The Moon is embarrassed, Ma'am," said Bulan softly next to her mother's ear. His eyes looked shyly at the Jakarta girls who seemed to be looking at him with disgust. Get to the front of the class. The moon is very shy. Because her appearance is different from other students.

Yes of course because he is from the village. Thick bags and dull white high school uniforms even though they have been washed many times. "Why do I have to go to school in Jakarta anyway. I'm really embarrassed," said Bulan in her heart. He stepped into the classroom with slow steps while lowering his head. He sat with origin. Because they do not know where the seats are still empty. He was too shy to ask. "Eh, how come it smells like a goat huh. Anyone feel it or not, guys?" Ariana asked in a very loud chattering voice. "Uh, yeah, I think it smells from near the door," said Selfi, a friend of Ariana's gang. "Wow, let me go there in a moment," said Ariana then stood up and approached the door where the Moon sat near the class entrance. There was no one else near the door. There was only the Moon sitting there as still as a statue. "Wow, yes, how come it smells so bad," Ariana's eyes while her long nose stretched and fell closer to the Moon's seat. "Uh, how come you smell like a goat. Where are you from? I think we all just saw it," said Ariana in a very chatty voice. His face looked disgusted looking at the Moon. "Eh, why don't you just shut up," said Ariana indignantly while covering her nose making her voice small. This made his gangmates laugh out loud and then drew closer to Ariana. "Uh, yeah, I think he smells like a goat," said Selfi with a chuckle. Accompanied by a girl beside him named selfa. "I'm a new student in this class," said Bulan, who had started to dare to raise her voice even though it sounded so small. "Oh new students..." Ariana said while looking at her two gang mates. It seemed his eyes harbored an idea to bully the new kid in front of him. "How come new students are so brave to go to school early in the morning. Usually we introduce ourselves first in front of the class after all the students have entered the class. Isn't that right, guys?" "Yes, yes, that's true, it's usually like that in soap operas, hahaha," said the selfa of the girl with the pink ribbon over her ear. "Hahaha you can't!" Selfi exclaimed while patting Selfa's arm. "Ou sick!" Self whining while pouting. "It just hurts, heh," Selfi said annoyed. "You two are already, my twins, shut up, don't fight! It's better to have an interview first, this new kid in our class," said Ariana with her arms folded across her chest. "What's your name?" Ariana asked in a bitchy tone. "Moon," he answered softly while looking at the shoes of the three of them who were so good. His dream sneakers are right in front of his eyes. "What? What? It's not clear enough. If you say something loud, please," Ariana said angrily, pushing the Moon's arm with her index finger. The moon just kept silent even though he was a little surprised by the actions of the person in front of him. "If you say it's hard to eat," said Selfi angrily glaring at the Moon. "Y-yes sorry, my name is Bulan," said Bulan firmly and looked at the faces of the three of them. "Oh month guys name!" said the girl with the ponytail. "Oh, yes, I'm the most beautiful girl in this class and also the smartest! Because everyone knows that. I got good grades in every subject!" Ariana said arrogantly. When the moon stretched out her hand. The three of them laughed. "Why are you shaking hands? You just smell like a goat!" Selfi said, laughing out loud. "Eh, uh, that's it, now you have to remember my name, Selfa. I'm a volleyball player. I have won many volleyball awards. Anyway, I've really contributed to this school. Isn't that right?" Selfa said to his two friends. "Yes, yes, believe me!" Selfi exclaimed very stupidly. "For me, Selfi. The lowest value girl among all. Hahaha I don't care, the important thing is that my ATM is full of fat. Hahaha," said Selfi proudly. "Okay, now you can remember our names, right?" Ariana asked firmly. "Yes, you can," answered Bulan softly. "Watch out for all kinds of stuff at school. If you are all kinds of people, you will deal with us. Yes, no, guys!" Ariana exclaimed arrogantly. "Yep! That's really true!" Selfi said. "Okay, come on, guys, let's go to the cafeteria! I'm hungry, haven't had breakfast yet," Ariana said with a sullen face holding her stomach. Now the three of them turned around and the Moon made a sound. "Wait!" "Why else heh? Do you want to join our gang? Haahahh," said Ariana looking at Bulan's appearance. "No, I just want to ask. Do I really smell like a goat?" asked the moon softly while kissing her armpits. "Yes, yes, I smell like a goat! Hahaha," Ariana laughed so hard that her gangmates laughed too. Meanwhile, the moon just stared at the three of them blankly. The moon's heart hurt so much. The first time she entered school, she was bullied like that. Even though she was absolutely sure she didn't smell like a goat. Surely that was just an excuse so that Bulan could not be friends with them. Bulan now could only sit with tears in her eyes. She knew for sure that this was the start of how the three of them would bully her completely. Because Bulan knew that she was only a child from the village. "You have to be careful with the three of them. The problem is that two people have already left this school because they were bullied," said the woman who was sitting at the very back. "Uh, yeah, yeah, thanks for reminding me. My name is the moon," said the moon in a friendly manner while holding out his hand. "Sorry, I can't be friends with you. Because I'm also afraid of being bullied by them. Yes, especially Ariana," said the bespectacled woman and now she is back to sitting in the back.

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Young Adult







High school students who are smart and achievers are highly praised by all teachers. But for other students no one dared to approach him. Because of its closed and quiet nature. He will only speak when necessary. The thing he likes the most is taking pictures. No matter how small it is in the eyes of a Devano, it will look beautiful if it is photographed by him. Unfortunately both parents did not support their own child's talent. His father was only obsessed with making Devano an international math champion like himself. Meanwhile, the mother really wants to make Devano a celebrity. His parents often quarreled over this problem. Devano continues to be forced to take various lessons. Language lessons, math lessons and even model lessons. Everything Devano does. He absolutely could not refuse the wishes of his parents. Until in the end he met a woman who was different from the others. Transfer student named Bea Miller. Her arrival stunned a school because of her mixed-German and Indonesian beauty. It's a thousand pity, even though she's beautiful, Bea is really very naughty. He even moved to school because of his bad behavior at the previous school. It turned out that Bea had just realized that Devono was her neighbour. Even just past one house. They both have met. At that time, Bea left her house secretly to attend a concert. When he settles down and manages to get out of his house. He walked past Devano's house. Suddenly his ears heard the noise in the house. Beapun's feet stopped out of curiosity and he saw beside the house that Devano was seen leaving quietly. It's possible to avoid his parents who are fighting. Finally from there they started to be friends. Even though previously Devano was very uncomfortable with Bea's behavior. But Devano is very happy to have found a friend like Bea. They are very different. Bea looks extroverted while Devano is completely introverted. That difference actually makes them feel like they have found the friend they have been looking for. They often meet in the garden of his house complex. Their meetings are also always over twelve o'clock at night. Because they don't want their parents to know. They discuss whatever they like. Devano also became talkative when he was with Bea. Reveals everything he feels to Bea. Because Bea can be a good listener. Sometimes they also study together. Bea will only study if there is an exam. Bea was very happy to get a high test score because Devano taught it. This made Bea really want to give a gift to Devano because she was happy to get good grades. Finally Devano wants to ask for a gift that is a request. Devano's request was very easy for bea. Devano really wants to just go to the beach one day. For a full day. From morning to night. Because all this time Devano's days were full of busy learning. Bea agreed and promised to grant the request. Bea tries to lie to Devano's parents. Bea lies that there will be a special camp event at her school and Bea manages to lie to Mama and Papa Devano. The two of them finally enjoyed the beautiful beach atmosphere until the evening. That evening Devano came home and his parents did not suspect anything. Until the next day Devano was sick. His parents became very angry. Because Devano is sick. That caused Devano to be unable to take part in the national level math competition. Mama papa Devano got angry until they found out that the cause of it all was because of Bea. Bad boy who is in the same class as Devano. Devano finally moved to a new school at the behest of his parents. Meanwhile, Bea was devastated to part with a friend like Devano. But the breakup actually made both of them better. Devano, who at first could not refuse his parents' wishes. Now Devano manages to be himself. It was all because of Bea's motivation when she was in high school. Now Devano is an international photographer whose services are very expensive. Meanwhile, Bea is now very smart. He became foreign minister.

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