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Where Love grows again

Where Love grows again



A couple who thought that there love is dead, but didn't know that love still leaves in them and in their marriage. Never knew they could fall in love again.

Chapter 1 Awkward moment

His Fingers were rapidly moving

on the keyboard while writing

with his all attention on laptop's

screen carefully looking at each

word he was writing. He put

the last full stop on his work

and slowly lifted up his gaze

to looked up at the wall watch

which was saying two in night,

but he needed to complete his

presentation which needed

to be presented tomorrow

otherwise his boss will kill him

who happened to be his wife

as well, well soon to be ex-wife.

Zahi thought then leaned back

and tiredly sighed. He married

her when he was working under

her father as a few young lawyer

and they fell deeply in love with

each other. They didn't have any

affair because they got marriage

who happened to be his wife

as well, well soon to be ex-wife. Zahi thought then leaned back and tiredly sighed. He married her when he was working under her father as a few young lawyer and they fell deeply in love with each other. They didn't have any affair because they got marriage as soon they realized their feeling for each other. They were dead serious about each other and they knew they wanted to spend their all life together with each other while standing next to each other as a back bone and support with each other. But now nothing was left between them except fights..... He was twenty Four and she

was Twenty One when they got married. Zahi opened back his eyes then stood up. He feel like having a coffee because he was really tried from continuously working from past three hours without a break. He sighed then

all life together with each other while standing next to each other as a back bone and support with each other. But now nothing was left between them except fights..... He was twenty Four and she

was Twenty One when they got married. Zahi opened back his eyes then stood up. He feel like having a coffee because he was really tried from continuously working from past three hours without a break. He sighed then moved away from his study table and came out from the room.

He climbed down the stairs and turned on the lights. After turning on the lights he entered inside the kitchen but she was already there while warming up the food in microwave. As soon he walked inside she turned over and looked back at him when their eyes

met. They looked at each other for a micro second then they broke away their gaze when he

walked passed her towards the fridge. He stopped next to fridge then opened it and took out the water bottle. Then he walked back towards counter, poured

the water inside the kettle then switched on the kettle to warm up the water for coffee while there was dead silence between them.

'IT have talked to lawyer and

he will be coming next week to finalised our divorce.' Zahi said while breaking off the silence and she looked up at him then just nodded her head in yes. They both were lawyers but still they hired another lawyer to finalized their divorce. They don't know why and they never asked why they hired different lawyer but deep they knew the answer. It was because they were scared from their feeling for each other.

'Okay, good let me know when he

will be here.' Falak said blankly while looking away from him and awkward silence took place in the atmosphere. Falak took out her food from microwave then tuned over to walk out when she suddenly stopped in the door frame.

'And make sure, case presentation

is ready for tomorrow.' Falak

ordered without looking back at

him while he rolled his eyes. 1 |

"Yes sure Madam, your business work will be done. Don't worry I never mix up my professional and personal life together.' Zahi said sarcastically when she turned over and looked at him.

'Well no need to be sarcastic with me. I know you very well.' Falak said defensively then turned over to walk out when she heard him. As if you actually know me.' Zahi said sarcastically and turned to looked at the kettle which was nearly done and she glared back at him.

'You are actually right I don't know this Zahi otherwise I would have never fell in love with you. You change after marriage.' Falak said while glaring at him and he looked at her then sarcastically laugh.

'Same here you was indeed a mistake of my life.' Zahi said carelessly while they were looking dead at each other.

'You are also biggest mistake of my life which I never wanted

to repeat.' Falak screamed back angrily and walked out whereas he stared at door for a while then sighed and got back to his coffee. He put the coffee in the cup then walked to his room to completed his work.

She entered into the building of her Law firm which was made by her father and now she was one who was managing it. She greeted everyone with smiled and started walking towards meeting room. She was wearing red shirt with skirt and red scarf with blank heels. She opened the door and everyone looked at her. She smiled and greeted her new client Mr Obaid and walked. she sat down on chair of CEO and looked around but he was there. She looked at her personal Secretary Faiza who shrugged her shoulder which means he was not still here.

'Shall we start the meeting?' Mr Obaid said and she looked at him while controlling her anger because he was still not here. Heights of irresponsibility. She thought then looked back at Mr Obaid.

'We will but actually the person who will present the case presentation is not here yet.' Falak said and Mr Obaid looked at him.

'Really, that so irresponsible.' Mr Obaid commented and she nodded her head in agreement.

'I agree but can we wait for some time as he must be on his way.' Falak said while looked at him with hopeful eyes and he nodded his head in yes while she smiled.

'Thank you very much.' She said and Mr Obaid smiled.

'No worries but can't someone else can do it.' Mr Obaid said

'But he is the hest.' Falak said

and Mr Obaid nodded his head in yes. He maybe was nota good husband but he was great employer. He work here with all his hard work and he is indeed best in this company. She sighed and leaned back her head on seat while they waited for him. She looked at his watch and it had been five teen minutes when Mr Obaid spoke up again.

'Mrs Falak, where is he? You are wasting my time.' Mr Obaid complained

"Mr Obaid I will just call him.' She said then angrily sighed, and took out her phone to called him when door opened and he entered. Everyone snapped their head toward him. He smiled while she was glaring at him.

'Tam sorry, its all because of traffic.' He said while she rolled

her eyes. She knew he was ly1ng because in actual he was unable to got up early in morning. He never got up it was always her who woke him up but since from last three months they started living in different room and like

a strangers under one roof he was mostly came late. Mr Obaid smiled and signed him to started the presentation. Zahi nodded his head and started the presentation while she was whole time glaring at him and he clearly understood that they will be having a fight

as soon meeting will be finished. After half an hour, he finished his presentation and Mr Obaid looked impressed.

'Wow, that was indeed great

and I would love to deal with

you Mrs Falak.' Mr Obaid said

and Falak smiled whereas they started discussing their deal. After finalising the deal Mr Obaid

got up and walked out. Everyone followed him out. Zahi was also about to walked out when she called him out.

"Mr Zahi Afghan, You stay.' Falak said and Zahi annoyed sighed and stopped on his place. He slowly turned over and looked at her who was glaring.

'Why you was late?' She asked

'I told you because of Traffic.' Zahi lied while she was angrily glaring at her. She walked towards him and looked at him.

'Don't lie to me Zahi, I know you didn't wake up on time.' Falak said

'Okay, you are right, I worked late till night so I was unable to woke up in morning.' Zahi said and Falak was looking at him. That is heights of irresponsibility. you know how importance this meeting was and still you was late.' Falak said angrily and

he start feeling angry over her behaviour.

"You know very well that I have problem with waking up in morning, you could have wake me up before coming here.' Zahi

said angrily. | 3 |

'Why? Its not my duty.' Falak screamed back.

'More like it was your ego who don't let you wake me up and by the way you are still my wife and it was your duty.' Zahi said

angrily. 4 |

'Only in papers but in actual we are so far away from each other, when was last time Zahi you spend time with me or love

ma' Falak screamed hard and said

OKay we are back at Same argument again. I am so done with you.' Zahi said while calming him down.

'Yeah all matter to you is your work, nothing else.' Falak said angrily while they were glaring at each other.

'I am not talking over this again, I am tired of telling you that work is not which matter to me most but you just don't understand me. Zahi screamed

'Liar.' Falak said while folding her arms over her cheat and looked away angrily.

'I don't care what you think? Its anyway for only one more week.' Zahi said when his phoned start ringing. He looked at his ID and it was his father. He looked at her who was looking other way then turned on the phone and put in

Assalamualaikum Dad.' Zahi greeted

'Wasalam my son.' Mr Afghan said happily on other line.

'How are you dad?' Zahi said whereas Falak looked at him but stayed quite.

'Iam fine? How is life going and How is my daughter-in-law.' Mr Afghan asked and Zahi looked at her. He still hadn't told about their divorce to his family because divorce was something not allowed in his family.

'Yeah, you daughter-in-law is perfectly fine as well.' Zahi said and Falak looked at him on her name being mentioned.

'Can I talk to her?' Mr Afghan said and Zahi looked at her.

Zahi lied while she

was looking at him but he was looking other way. She knew that he hadn't told about divorce to his family yet.

'Well I want to tell you something, its a good new.' Mr Afghan said and Zahi smiled.

'What is it dad?' Zahi asked

"Me and your mother are coming to meet you for six month.' Mr Afghan said excitingly and Zahi freeze on his place.

'What?' Zahi screamed shocked and Falak confused looked at him.

'Okay why so shocked, you are not happy we are coming?' Mr Afghan asked and Zahi quickly got hold of himself. No dad I am happy. By the way when you are coming?' Zahi asked nervously

'Within two days.' Mr Afghan said and Zahi nodded his head. i

'Okay I will talk to you later, Allah Hafiz.' Mr Afghan said and cut off the phoned while he tuned over and looked at her who was looking at him.

'Mum and Dad are coming to meet us for six months.' Zahi said and looked at her. She stared at him for a while then shrugged her shoulder.

'So?' Falak said carelessly.

"What do you mean So? They still don't know about our divorce.' Zahi said while looking at her as if she had lost her mind. Yeah so it is good opportunity for you to tell your parents about us.' Falak said and looked at him. 2 |

'No I can't tell them at a moment, firstly they are coming to visit and I can't ruined their happiness and secondly Mum recently have heart transplant and I can't risk to tell her any bad new.' Zahi

said and start pacing around the room while she was looking at him. She only had met his family once after marriage and they were so nice. He had one sister Yasmeen other than him. She was happily married while living with her husband and Children. Zahi moved here in Italy for work while leaving his parents alone in Canada when they met and got married. She was thinking when he suddenly stopped and looked at her. Can we pretend to be together for next six months and then I will give you divorce.' Zahi said and she come back in her senses

'What? No way.' Falak said quickly.

'Come on Falak, they are your parents as well do it for them not for me.' Zahi tries to convinced her.

'Zahi, don't even dare to emotional blackmailed me.' Falak said and he sighed. iB

'Come on stop being harsh and heartless, If you can tolerant me for four years then why not more six months for someone else happiness.' Zahi said and Falak looked at him.

'That is so wrong.' Falak complained while he was looking at her

'Okay fine just for your parents as their health matter to me alot as well.' Falak said while looking at him."....But nothing is going to change between us.' Falak added while looking at him and he nodded his head in agreement.

'Nothing going to change between us because nothing have left between us.' Zahi said and they looked at each other in eyes then they quickly looked away and walked out while going into their own Offices to do their work.

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