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The Reign of Mortal Magic

The Reign of Mortal Magic



The Reign of mortal magic emphasizes on a little girl who was banish from her kingdom due to the fact that she lacked magical skills, Unknowably to them that she was the chosen one and the princess everyone had been waiting for to help them bring peace into kingdoms.

Chapter 1 The Council.

''She doesn't even belong here''

''She is cursed''

''We'll surely be defeated at war if we let her in''

''banish her from our kingdom!''

''She can't even cast a spell properly'' *laugh*

''She's definitely nothing like her mom''

''You're cursed''


Lord Muraj yelled at the angry crowd as he pulled out his wand, threatening to punish anyone who dares make another sound

'Give her another chance my lord, I'm sure she'll get it right this time... please my lord, she's still young'

The man who bowed down before the council member pleading with his face facing the ground and eyes dead shot.

'sigh, it's five years now lutan..I'm sorry but the council has made their decision'

Lord Muraj walked elegantly down the stairs to kiara and her father

'Lutan, you have one more moon to put your daughter in place or ..., I'm afraid she will be banished out of our kingdom and you know what that means Lutan'

Moved closer to the helpless man on the floor and knelt and bent down enough to hear

his whispering voice

'You'll lose everything left'

Lutan struggled to raise his head up, coming face to face with lord Muraj

'You don't have to do this Muraj'

A devilish smile escaped his lips as he stood up

'You shouldn't have left the council Lutan, you brought these upon yourself (looked at kiara) and your daughter'

'One more moon! We won't like to be disappointed for the 100th time, Dismiss'

Trying around to walk away

Lutan stood up with anger and held him by the shoulder making everyone to gasped in surprise

'Whether she passes or fails the next trial, kiara still belong to the fresh blood of this kingdom and remains my daughter'

'Let's see how it goes'

Forcefully jerked Lutan sting grip from his shoulder as he was strolled off

with a frown

Lord muraj walked towards the door then looked at broken girl one more time without pity before disappearing into thin air

Some of the council member had already started teleporting while some stood from away starring and gossiping about Kiara and her father.

Kiara approached her father who was lost in deep thought and held his hand

'Father, you did your best and I'm sorry I let you down again, I'm just different from all of them and maybe it's true I don't belong he--

Lutan cuts in

'You're special Kiara'

He turned towards his daughter and bent to her height using his palms to smoothen her hair downward with a fake smile on his lips

'They see it but they won't just accept it,

'Let's go home'

Kiara stared at the other council members as they gazed back at her with full hatred and disguise before vanishing with her father .

******* (KIARA)******

My name is Kiara and I am human (I think).By moon count, I suppose I should be 15 years old now. I know right now you are probably thinking: what kind of people are these?, why will they want to varnish a little girl because of a mere trial? Why are the council members so cruel? But no, I am just way more different from the others which seems so strange to them.

I was informed that I was born in the middle of a war between my clan (Meidonies) and some other tribe called the (Beidonies).

These two clans were by both twin brothers of the dancing goddess, Zeinoven. They both lived together in peace, unity and harmony, until the rise of jealousy that developed in the heart of the two brothers who had always wanted to rule alone over the whole Dynasty after Zeinoven passed over to the spirit world. The issue of avarice went beyond control and led into a Great War which finally separated us.

I belong to the Medonies, sometimes called the realm of pure magic. It is usually bright and sunny here, with beautiful flowers and cool breeze. In Meidonies, Everyone is gifted and talented except me tho, which is highly forbidden. The Meidonians believe that anyone who doesn't discover his or her power source between the age of 9 to 10 is a threat to the kingdom and should be banished as it could bring bad luck to everyone.

My father (Lutan) was a former council member and a close friend to Lord Muraj. Yes, the man who wants me out by all means. He told me after the death of my mom, he was told to sell me off to the council as a slave, so he would be able to perform his duties effectively and he declined, I guess that was where it began because he never told me all the details I needed to know or finished his stories.

Now let's talk about me. I was trained like other Meidonies would coach their kids, But since I was quite different I was unable to use a wand properly or read magical spells appropriately making it difficult for me to pass most of my practical and tests. I used the majority of my time to spy on the guards' combat training and use of weapons like swords with bow and arrows, my favorite. At least I can't be useless at everything.

I once had friends too like a normal kid would, they're Moana and triof.Both of them were able to pass the exams and given an opportunity to study at Meidox (institution to become great witches and Wizards), While I was left alone under the custody of the council to decide if I was to practice in front of all council members every full moon or be banished. I know I was given this options because of my father's clash with them and the fact that I wasn't welcomed here in the first place is also another thing to think about.

Magic just seems so hard like gosh! Why Does it require so much concentration and a lot of strange words? I can't even turn a stone into an apple, something a five years old will do without being stressed out about it. I beginning to accept that I'm indeed curse.

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